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Y&R: Episodes discussion., Week of July 6

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I am in the minority but I loved Paul's glasses. The hot geek look totally works for me. And as I mentioned yesterday, Deacon had me at his chair swivel. I found his little wink at Amber so hot that I watched it about four times. This art story went from totally dull to remotely interesting in the turn of a chair. I still hate the story but the show now has my attention.

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The glasses probably look good on him IRL, but on camera, they just shine too much. Plus after seeing Paul for decades on this show to just have glasses while all this chaos is going on is funny. Is this the "creative" way they're going to write Paul and Nikki off? To go to europe to go look for Patty clues? Blech.

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And before today, that would have suited me just fine. But he was soooo oozingly perfect today. And that flashback was beyond perfection.

But if he leaves soon, with Ric Hearst coming to B&B...well I hope this just paves the way for him to go there and mess with Brooke/Whip and Bridget/Nick. Hearst and Kanan had more chemistry on on B&B than any bromance I have ever seen. It was cut far too short.

I had forgotten how much I missed Deacon until today...and I knew I missed him.

With Mary Jane on the ranch, it now seems totally clear to me that Zapato is obviously going to find her in the potting shed. And she is going to kill him. I wonder if she'll have him stuffed? While that makes me :mad: , and I somehow find it addictively demented too.

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Ummmm, Mark, just last week you were complaining about the prospect of her killing Zapato. Have your feelings changed, especially on a show that's becoming increasingly vile and disgusting?

What's next, will Katherine be burnt alive? This show has lost a lot of humanity, if I might say so.

Does that excuse that spoiler that's turning many off in relation to his relationship with Amber? Will you look at him that same way after that?

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With regard to Zapato, I was trying to say I am ambivalent. I don't want harm to come to him, but I find Mary Jane absolutely riveting. And that bloody cat in the carrier just cracks me up to no end.

I'm going to reserve judgement with Deacon and Amber. There was something there all those years ago. I'm going to see what really happens on the screen. Indecent Proposal was a much-buzzed-about movie.

And maybe Deacon won't get what he wants?

This is a test

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No one said that, but when every character that drives a storyline is going in an increasingly vile direction, one has to question if they can find other ways to drive story without going down a path that's irredeemable and disgusting. Y&R has had its share of nasty characters, but over-saturation of characters like this isn't a good thing, at least from my view.

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And, back in the day, I was probably one of the few to like the squeaky clean Danny and Cricket.

But in the case of Deacon, he was always soooo bad (well, until the writers gelded him late in his run...after Brooke Logan got his balls). Dirty, greasy, malevolent, and taking utter joy in doing bad. Marrying Bridget for money, but also to mindf*ck her father.

Let us not forget that Deacon gave a woman an AUDIBLE orgasm...a first for daytime. And a definite aspect of his charm :lol: .

I actually agree with you.

Which is why I kind of hate myself for really digging Deacon today. All sincerely choirboy with Victoria...a little sophisticated...but you get the sense he'd take her to the mmon under the sheets! Dude is raw, dirty sex.

I can't wait to see this play out.

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Kitty is fine, but we don't need Zapato to become another tack to for her.

Increasingly, I'm finding Patty Jane one-note and irredeemable. I'm awaiting the brain tumor that will cure her psychosis. If they brought a Williams back to make her nuts, where is the long-term value in that? Since storylines go at a warp speed these days on this show, will they even give this character the rehabilitation and redemption arc that she needs in the end? What will be the long-term value in bringing back Patty Williams and giving her this many despicable acts to commit in such a short length of time?

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It really is about taste, I guess. David Kimble was a horrible man, who did horrible things. We knew we were supposed to hate him and that he was going to be killed and disposed of after all his maddness. Cricket, though, would never do bad things. she was always good.

I like Y&R cause it's not black and white. It's not even gray - it's chameleon. People are being very human in a soap opera way. There's no gloss or 80's/ early 90's - this character is bad, this character is good. The harsh language of "vile" just shows me that you want cookie0cutter characters that make good decisions, always have upstanding morals and are a beacon of virtue.

Deacon doing "that thing" to amber, doesn't make me hate him cause i know they're characters on a serialzed drama. it makes me want to see what's gonna happen, how it's going to affect Daniel and their relationship and see what Amber will do. I am very open to the characters going to dark places, being exposed to gripping and somewhat ugly circumstances as long as it is interesting to watch, the performances are good and the it's plausible and based in reality.

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