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Y&R: Potpourri Thread

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Her B&B was dreadful--save for a few minor things. However, in my plan, Alden gets her 6 fantastic months, after which she is replaced by x fabulous writer who inherits a much more balanced show, with two or three good stories to start with, while developing a bunch of amazingly powerful and psychologically affecting stories that spawn a variety of other great stories and so on and so forth.


I think the plan is to indeed start an August thread, but personally this one is also just fine :lol:

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I do agree with YRBB... Kay Alden can be there for a few months until they find someone else to handle the soap.

However, there isn't such a thing as "please be there for a few months and then leave"... if that were true, MAB would have left after trying to fix LML's mess.

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Let's hope that everyone over there comes to their senses and does what's best for the show.

Maria seems like she's power hungry, that's the only reason with her lack of experience she's both Co-EP and HW. If she wanted to oversee the show, she would hire a real and more experienced writer to take it over, while she and her husband oversee it from the business point of view, like the Bell's did for years with Alden, Smith, and yes, Latham.

But no, Maria has to have her cake and eat it too, damn the best interests of the show and its audience.

Come on Sony, stage that coup, and fire these hacks that are clearly no match for this show!

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UGH, I'm not gonna wrap this in spoiler tags, so don't reed this post if you don't want to know...

According to SOD, Patty Jane will basically rape Jack. She'll drug him and blindfold him and have sex with him. At the end of it all, Jack will be unconscious.

More "shock" and "awe" from this already disturbing show. And how are we supposed to like or feel anything for Patty Jane when she continues to hurt and almost kill people? This character had so much potential, now she's a one-note cartoon psycho. I am not entertained by this story. It worries me, as does the entire creative direction of this show.

You just know Maria and Sheffer think this sh!t is so cool, but ugh, after all the other over the top stuff and shock and awe stuff, the show has lost steam.

Get it a new Head Writer and Executive Producer, please!

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lol Yes it's a pretty utopian dream! At this point, I would be happy with a partnership between Alden and the new, fabulous writer even. :lol:

Reserving judgment until I see how it happe--oh, who am I kidding! Pool of vomit, swimming in it. That's what this is.

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Sheffer is repeating bad ATWT stories again! On ATWT, he had another Jack, who was in his mind a weak man, like Y&R's Jack, kidnapped and raped by a woman who was psycho over him. And he had his big hero on the show, Craig, find Jack later on, rescue him from death, and then laugh about how weak Jack was.

This story was played for chuckles. I doubt Y&R will do this as comedy but with Sheffer you never know.

This is the sickest, laziest writer in all of daytime. I'm just amazed that a show which is supposed to be the crown jewel of soapdom is letting him happily recycle all of his worst filth.

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Maybe Jack like it very dirty?

But whatever, this storyline is lame, and again, how are we supposed to care about this character when she's so cartoon-like and doing all these things at once? Meh, ruined character.

This writing regime doesn't do character writing, so you know her "redeeming" phase will be rushed and poorly handled. Hell, I think she needs to be sent to psych hospital for a few years off-screen after the way she's been acting.

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