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Y&R: Potpourri Thread

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It highlights what Sylph and I have been saying all along, Y&R is no different from any other soap out there. Regardless of what people like Nelson or some highly optimistic fans say. Y&R is just as guilty of the wrong-doings of the other soaps, but somehow, it seems it tends to get less of the backlash. It may not be as bad when compared to some other shows, but there's a lot of really bad and illogical storytelling on this show.

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I don't know Y&R I see your point, but at this point after watching Y&R as an adult. I just can't really watch any other soap in daytime if I tried, but that is just one person's opinion. Sure there are lots wrong and it can only go so much further before I get turned off completly but I still think tht's saying alot personally....

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Thanks for bringing this discussion here, Julia.

I never understood the need to mess with this show's core identity, especially when it was #1 in the ratings and did so well in the demos. It's like they saw Y&R had a unique identity and they did everything they could to make it be like other soaps that were LOWER rated.

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No problem. I'm really going to try to stop going o/t in the episode thread. It's so hard though because sometimes the larger issues just flow organically from what is happening in the eppy.

I think they are just afraid that they couldn't bring in the young demo with the trademark Bell pacing. I miss those days so much. If I had to name one single issue with Y&R, it's the pacing.

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Excuse moi, Mr., but why don't I get some much deserved praise for bitching about Y&R as well? :lol:

God I miss the slow pace. One the best things about the soap. But, in order to have a slow pace, you also need to have great stories.

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I figured the time of bitching would > loudness of bitching!

Especially the pace, I've been bitching about that as far back as November LMAO!

You can say that again! At this point, I think I would love a new writer (if none of the remaining greats are attainable). Someone who loves soaps, and who has a gift for writing. Inexperience can be hurtful, but a good writer/manager of a writing team can surround themselves with people who know the genre, and who can assist in the technicalities of daytime writing. Even a fan of the show would do, even though that's not a necessary requirement. Just a fresh writer, with lots of exciting ideas about stories, with love and respect of the genre.

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the biggest thing wrong with Y&R is they are ripping away at what made Y&R the number one soap for so many years. The approach may be different than when LML did it, but its still being done. Gone are smart characters, strong families, love romance and passion, and interaction among the canvas. People are isolated, acting stupid, and there is NO romance love or passion. Not to mention business! Where the hell is that? Jabot, Chancellor, Newman, and the long forgotten Fenmore's, among others, are an after thought now. The company story lines are what i always think about when i think about Y&R. the drama of a couple whom one half works at one company and the other half works at another. The takeovers, etc...

with LML she came in to change Y&R. She met to strip it of what it was, she tried to change it. With the current PTB i dont think that is the mission at all, i think they have a plan and know what they are doing and where they are going. I just dont feel the plan is a good one or right for Y&R. I feel that in trying to undo the mistakes made in the past decade they have made a bigger mess. A bigger reton to undo a retcon is NEVER a good idea. They also have brought in all the worst plot points and used them.

Characters suck, Couples suck, Triangles & Quads suck, story lines suck. The actors are great, but i honestly see some of them starting to phone it in.

Now that ive put all that negativity out there i feel the need to prise something... I think Eileen Davidson is fantastic and its great to see this woman get to do her thing. She honestly does the best she can at all times. She take [!@#$%^&*] and runs with it like its gold. She did it on DAYS, she did it on B&B, and now shes doing it on Y&R.

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They would have to look very hard, and I would hope they would have the patience in the process to do so. I think they also need to seperate the EP and HW positions and give them to two different people. I think one person having that much power that ISN'T William J. Bell is a bad thing.

I think they need a strong visionary EP that can come in there, bring the best out of their HW, fight the network for the storylines they want to tell, and take some damn creative risks. Something like what Linda Gottlieb did at OLTL, hell she would be great at this show, even her production values at OLTL were Y&R-esque in the early 90's. Someone like her would also give this show the retooling it so desperately needs. Pairing someone like that would a strong HW would be so ideal for this show.

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