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AMC: Monday 6/15/09

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Chrishell Stause was LEADING lady in LEADING story today! She was amazing - her first real Emmy-winning performance. She's been great before with Kate Collins and David Canary, but today trumped that all IMO.

I actually really enjoyed Ryan with Emma today - if he can learn to stay cute like that...ugh.

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Im watching right now and she is on fire. Loving Amanda and its a shame that its taken them this long to give her a story with some real substance

I was all for the dead baby plan, but Tad actually made me realize how wrong it was of them to do to David no matter how much of a bastard he is. How ironic coming from him.

Can Aidan go away? He is such a sleaze

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Yeah, Chrishell was off the HOOK today. VERY impressed. :) I really enjoy the storyline. Now if only David weren't in the mix...

LMAO at Tad and Liza today. That stuff was kinda funny.

Yeah, I LOVE Annie no matter what she does or says. I just can't help it. Yeah, I'm not feeling Aidan too much right now.

And as cute as Emma is, I still don't like Ryan.

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I think Alexa who plays Kathy is a better actress than Lucy who plays Emma.

I was also surprised with Tad. I didn't expect that from him.

Ugh! I love how people on this show determine who has a right to be a parent and who doesn't. And if they say that this person doesn't have the right to be a parent, they're justified in stealing, kidnapping or saying their child is dead. I've said it before and I'll say it again. RPG is not hot. He looks weasely and just watching him as Jake tell such an atrocious, bold face lie and then blaming David for the death of his baby... Jake's engraved on my sh!tlist.

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Chrishell was amazing today and I loved the way she and Ricky play the Amanda and Jake dynamic! And regardless of whether or not Amanda's decision was the right thing to do or not, I loved the way that Jake was totally willing to support any decision she made: keep the baby and start a whole new life together far away, keep the baby and go home and fight David head on, face to face in the court system, keep the baby and work out a visitation schedule with David...or the hardest thing of all...give her baby up to protect it from David.

I am trying to work up an once or two of sympathy for David but it isn't working...mainly because drove Amanda to this point that...and because he's done the same thing to more than a few people: Bianca, JR, Mary and Jackson just to name a few...

I wonder how long Tad will maintain his current views and opinions that he shared with Liza today...

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Chrishell is phenomenal! I think she is one of the best actresses on AMC. I've really started liking the show a lot in the past few months. Now don't get me wrong, I'm no Pratt fan and there are several characters I can do with out. I am looking forward to more Adam/Annie (I love that crazy Annie) and Ryan and Erica. I wish someone would just crush Hayward.

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So they told David the baby is dead? I hate David but that is doubly cruel after what happened to Leora. Not that he deserves anything less than cruel but come on...enough with the damn un-dead children on soaps already! Is this what they think we tune in for? Fake dead babies?

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No. The idiots think we tune in to watch the "good guys" do despicable, atrocious things to other people they deem "bad" and expect us to cheer them on.

For the love of God, I wish someone would let David or Adam actually RAISE a child before they start going around town screaming about what a horrible parent they might make if they were to get their hands on their children.

Marissa McGrimace: David only wants the children he can't have! :D

Well, bitch, that's pretty much all of them!

Oh, and KWAK's little: This whole void probably goes way back before Leora.

Yeah, you think? Being raised by a stone cold, money hungry, emotionless bitch of a woman who goaded his father to commit suicide in front of him at the age of 12? Yeah! VOID!

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Tad and Liza had a chemistry I didn't expect. Luner seemed more animated with MEK than I've seen and I think the humor brought her out of seductress mode. I enjoyed their scenes, a suprise as I rarely ever enjoy Tad anymore.

Still kind of squicked by the dart in the "pregnant" belly. I am anxious for Liza to the fake baby like yesterday.

Marissa...breathy, sighing, gentle exhalations, her visage bathed in the reddish-orange glowing light of Babe 1.0's annointment. Spare Me.

Jake was unnecessarily awful to David. Damn. First choking moment I've appreciated on this show lately and I hate the violence on AMC.

Chrishell did move me in this eppy but one of a few times in this story that should be chocked full of moving moments. I just don't get the same kick from her that others do.

I can't believe I am having to bring up Her twice in one post and in reference to two different stories, but I get Babe 1.0 flashbacks with Amanda's daily whimperings and "guilty" cryings over her keeping her best friend's child. That's not a good comparison, imo if they want Amanda to be the heroine of this story. This story doesn't work like THE Baby Switch because Amanda is no horrifically wronged innoncent like Bianca. Amanda had responsibility and made choices, about sleeping with David, risking pregnancy, a perfectly human error. Keeping David's baby away from him? Telling him that kid is dead? Who's to root for? They all suck.

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Some random comments...

Amanda is basically everything they wanted Babe to become, IMO, and it's working very well for her.

Say what you will about Ryan, but the guy loves his kids. Most of his better moments are when he's one-on-one with the kids.

Tad's line about "no child should be separated from their parent" or whatever annoyed me to NO END!!! That should be the TAGLINE for the last five years of this show. Babies. Parents. Separation between the two. That's what the entire show has been about ever since the baby switch and it's gotten OOOOOOLLLLLLDDDDD.

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I pretty much agree with this, especially you questioning who really is there to root for in the Amanda/David baby story..... I feel more for David than I do Amanda...... I mean David is a bad man, he has admitted as such, he so does not deserve to "lose" a third child to death. Its so cruel.

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That's why I continue to be on David's side. He OWNS who he is and accepts who he is. The other village idiots don't. I mean, seriously. You claim to be good and claim to do the right thing, but then tell another human being that their FOURTH child has died -- the THIRD one in 8 months and blame him for it...?

At least Tad was able to FINALLY show some self-awareness, if only indirectly, by saying that no matter how much he loathes David no parent should be separated from their child. You'd think Jake would realize that after he queened out, abandoned his marriage to Gillian and took off to that damn war zone after finding out Colby wasn't his.

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