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ATWT: June Discussion Thread

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So, they brough Daniel Hugh Kelly back for this?! :rolleyes: What a waste! He obviously thought so too, and gave a perfect example of the art of scenery chewing.

And Jake Silbermann really showed his shortcomings today. He's just not capable of pulling off these highly emotional scenes. It all seems so forced.

Contrast him with Ellen Dolan, and the difference becomes painfully obvious. I may not approve of Margo's actions all the time, but Ellen always delivers solid performances.

And tomorrow we get more of the Meg saga. Oh joy! <_<

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Ruxton, I am watching todays ATWT now. You are absolutely correct. Silbermann was horrible today. It's kind of amazing that after 2 years, he has not improved one bit. He is not natural and he always acts like he's acting. No wonder he's never been offered a contract.

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Actually it was JellieCat who said it. I was going to agree with her but I didnt quote her correctly.

I hope we dont see DHK again. Silbermann can't act. He doesn't know how to show emotion at all. Van was just as bad today. He must be going to the acting school of Silbermann. Van's scenes with PS at WorldWide were bad. I am so tired of seeing his weird facial exp​ressions as he tries to act. The way he delivers his lines has gotten bad too. He comes off so holier than thou attitude. All this time with Silbermann hasnt helped Van's acting at all. It has actually made his acting worse. He needs to be paired with the heavy weights again. Both Jake and Van need to see Ellen Dolan's scenes. That is acting and showing emotion. Ellen Dolan was great today. I enjoyed all the Hughes drama. I also liked the chat between Adam and Casey.

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Yeah...boy, Silbermann sucked today. It's bad enough he just can't act, it's a PITA TIIC keep trying to make the Winston/Noah non-relationship into this huge "thing" that tries to echoes the James/Paul relationship.

Or maybe it's just a pita that I remember the James/Paul saga and how it was a thousand times better than this crap.

I felt really let down by the quick Margo/Casey/Riley reveal. Yeah, it was kind of obvious that Riley was Adam, but once again, TIIC have failed to use the situation to generate any suspense. What would be the harm in letting Margo and Adam keep that secret from Casey for a while?

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Amen to Silbermann sucking today. The difference between James/Paul and Winston/Noah is that Anthony Herrera and Andrew Kavovit COULD ACT!! You could feel Paul's pain for having a father like James. Kavovit was one great actor. The Paul/James story had so much more history than Mayer/Noah and Silbermann sucks as an actor. Silbermann is just saying the lines without any emotion. He sucks.

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Well, the writing has done Silbermann no favors, but every time he tries to convey an emotion, he just screws up his face. It looks more like constipation than anything else. And frankly, I don't get the angst Noah's supposed to be feeling here. When we first met him, I could swear they were already estranged, and Noah was rejecting everything his father stood for. And TIIC expect me to believe that two years later, Noah's still "torn" about the "truth" about his father, which includes, killing his mother, nearly killing Luke, whatever the point of the Ameera kidnapping was, and kidnapping him TWICE??

Do they want us to think Noah's an idiot or what???

And let me add a thumbs down to the mind-numbingly boring Luke/Damian scenes. Yes, by all means, let's spend endless amounts of time watching Luke and Damian bond. I rolled my eyes everytime Luke had to praise Damian's genius investigative skills.

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Yup Silbermann makes those faces to show emotion and now his has Van doing it too. Which makes it so frustrating. Noah is dumb plain and simple. The character hasn't grown and Luke is slowly being taken down by Noah.

I swear Van's acting today had me livid mad. I hate how his acting has deteriorated.

I rolled my eyes when Luke blamed Damian for Noah's kidnapping. Pleaseeeee....Luke is such an ass! He is so clueless.

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I think that's a chicken/egg debate. I've never seen Hansis as that great an actor. Is Silbermann bringing him down...or is Hansis completely inhibiting any chance Silbermann's ever had of growing? I don't believe for a moment Silbermann has ever been "comfortable" in the role of Luke's gay boyfriend. Hansis hasn't "acted" since coming out to Holden, which was way before JS showed up.

Re: Adam---the sad thing is, I think that's a story that could add a lot to the show. But as usual, instead of letting it play out all over the canvas--Adam is one of the most connected characters they could bring back, he's got family up the wazhoo on the show---TIIC have hamstrung it by not playing out those connections. I wanted to scream today when Adam brought up his brother Will (and Gwen) who are freakin' out of town and have been for the last year but failed to acknowledge any of his other family IN TOWN.

What I don't get is the casting. The kid in the role doesn't look like he could jaywalk and lie about it. And in Pissy's World, that means she'll get bored with him in three months.

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I think it's definitely Silbermann, and the writing. Van did great in Luke's coming out story, and had some good scenes during the election story, and with Laurence Lau. Give him some better writing (which of course is almost impossible on this crap show) and a better scene partner, and I'm sure he will do better.

Maybe when Forbes March's character shows up...... *fingers crossed*

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A friend of mine who saw Silbermann during one of those meet and greet in Fl said Silbermann was a total ass to him. He said Silbermann was sulking most of the time there and not with the rest of the ATWT cast. I also think Silbermann hates the role but he still sucks as an actor.

I keep thinking where are all the Hughes now that Adam is back. Kim, Bob and etc better be included soon in this story. Hell Lisa should be involved too. I agree about the actor. He looks too adorable to be a attempted rapist. I hope Pissy finds some good stuff for him to do. It's wishful thinking on my part.

I think Silbermann needs a LOT of acting lessons. I still don't think they would help cause his acting is atrocious.

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Ugh...seriously, be prepared to skip over huge chunks of Meg whining about the men in her life.

The Margo/Casey/Adam stuff isn't that bad though. But I don't like how Adam is blaming Casey's jealousy as the reason he wants to tell Tom. It's manipulative and annoying.

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