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DAYS: Discussion for the month of June

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without a doubt. The hatred they have should always be played. I loved it when Sami realized she loved him and was disgusted and hated herself for it.

They do work tho. I think its because He is a male version of Sami, circa 1995-2003.

prob. but hes very limited as an actor.

have you seen the new promo? i cant embed it and i cant link to the site with it, but its another summer promo with the entire cast this time. its cute. daniel and lucas doing pullups and chl;oe looking back and forth at them. kate tossing a apple around. sami/rafe and nicole/ej and steph/phil/mel/nathan all cute in the park. bo/hope. lots of family scenes. the cast playing vollyball and tug of war.

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Kate's the most interesting character, and LK is the best actor, in that storyline. Hands down. First poisoned eggs and now poisoned apple? Loved the shot of the needle going into the apple, and all the false tags too. Damn, why can't Chloe just eat the apple and die. :)

So June was pretty good. I hope July will good too.

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How is kate interesting? I find her to be the most one note character on the show. No depth, no nothing.

I like LK, but shes limited. Is she better than nadia & Bryan? Sure, but thats not saying much. I wouldnt say she is better than Shawn C. tho.

Poisoned eggs and apples? Please. Its so lame and screams of JER style. Tho i guess thats fine because a huge part of the audiance started under him and like that crap, so thats fine. Im just glad its limited to that storyline.

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She's the most interesting in that storyline because she's trying to kill Chloe and framing Daniel. You take Kate out and the storyline is pretty boring. Then all you would have is Chloe/Dan and their secret pain, longing for each other and their stupid fantasies. Gag me.

That's exactly why I love it - it reminds me of JER. I actually think most people hate these kinds of plots, so I definitely think I'm in the minority.

The Bo/Hope storyline is pretty JER-esque too with Bo being a psychic and ghost-Zack communicating with him.

So yeah, the more Reilly-ish the better. I'm glad Tomlin is keeping Reilly's spirit alive. :(

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Again, that would only be interesting by defualt and compared to others. As a standalone i think shes the most one note boring char on the show and has had the same plot point for far too many years. Kill her now, please. I find Chloe torn between Dan and Lucas far more compelling than this rip off of a fairy tale.

Well, at least you are aware you are prob in the minorioty! lol.

The HoBo storyline is JER-ish too... however... well.. i will spoiler tag it even tho its not really a spoiler

the more JER ish the more i want to tune out. Days 2003-2006 was awful and should never go back to it. as much as i dispised Hogans days at least he tried to take it away from that crap

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I cannot stand SC/Daniel..When he does that damn whisper thing when I guess he's trying to be sexy or serious I have to change the channel. LK acts circles around the man, but with that said they do have nice chemistry and they shouldn't have wasted his first few months on the show with that lame romance with Chelsea and should have actually put him with Kate...Since I despise Chloe and Nadia couldn't act her way out of a bag, I'm fine with Kate trying to kill her.

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The crazy thing is seeing Eric Martsolf out-act Shawn Christian, Nadia Bjorlin AND Molly Burnett. As I live and breathe! I love this show but there are some "actors" that make acting look like having an enema. I will say that Nadia did OK with that poisoned apple stuff... and it has now just hit me exactly why her acting has been so constipated. Poisoned Granny Smith? Oy. Kate needs to be hiding secrets from Victor and feeding info to Stefano on the side... not this Wicked Stepmother mess.

So, is Brady not mooning over Nicole anymore? Pity. EM and AZ had chemistry.

The child playing Alley is petrified of Bryan Datillo and Nadia Bjorlin! LOL!

Kinda boring episode yesterday. Wasn't expecting that Sami-Rafe love scene, though. And I guess we have to wait until next week for more.

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^Tose love scenes are pretty much only done on the regular on days now. i love that they give fans love in the afternoon, even when i hate the coupling.

and as for brady/nicole i actually think brady/arianna will play into that in the long run with nicole keeping secrets and brady knowing some and rafe being her brother. maximum drama.

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Brady & Ariana bore me. They're pretty but I don't see a purpose for them besides being talk-tos for Sami and Rafe.

I love/hate LK/Kate. LK is hot as hell and sometimes she's very entertaining but sometimes she gets too campy. I wish someone would direct her to hold it back a bit sometimes. I'm also tired of Kate as the Wicked Queen out to get Snow White. I want Kate back in cougar-mode.

NB can't act but damn is she pretty to look at. It might be better just to have Chloe & Dan happily paired off and trot them out once a week for a big love scene.

Rafe/Sami/EJ/Nicole are wonderful. Great quad. Love the interactions between Rafe/Sami, EJ/Sami, EJ/Nicole, Nicole/Sami and now Nicole/Rafe. This is gold. Just hope DAYS can play this for a while and not screw it up.

Phillip & Stephanie are a good, not great, couple. On a show with limited options, that's probably the best DOOL can do for either of them.

Now that she's not eating the show, I have come to like MB/Melanie. She does bring a unique sense of fun to the show. Not sure about MH/Nathan. I would like to see DOOL find a more charismatic actor to pair her against because she tends to overpower her scene partners.

Bo & Hope are great, as usual. Really looking forward to CC's return and how that affects the Bope dynamic.

Aunt Maggie rules!

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I liked JER. I went from never FFing a moment back then to sometimes skipping a whole week now at a time. I just don't understand what it is I am supposed to watch with Sami, Rafe, Nicole and EJ these days. I get it, they are couples, but what about them? They don't really do anything. And where is the fun, the crazy characters like Jan Spears or Tony and Bart? Why must every soap feel alike?

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Bo seeing Zach is just part of his psychic abilities. The little guy playing Zach is pretty good in that one scene and it was nice to see again and grown up a bit.

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That's neat. Does Zach just appear if there's some type of danger, like on Dark Shadows? Does Hope know?

I'm surprised they still have Bo with psychic powers. Most of the time on soaps if someone gets psychic abilities they're gone in about two months. I'm glad they're sticking with the story.

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JER was FANTASTIC during his first run, and his returnw as great at first with the murders. But then they made Marlena the killer, and everyone was alive, and on an island that looked like salem, and then everyone from salem ended up on the island for a rescure, and then the tidal wave, the boat, the castle, jacks many deaths, iraq, stan.... ugh. so much awfulness.

Sami, Rafe, Nicole, and EJ are characters. Sami/EJ/Nicole are all very layered and well rounded and perfectly acted IMHO. I dont think DAYS is just like any other soap. In fact i dont think its like any soap. It has its own feel. its own way of doing things. And those crazy characters? I hope they stay gone. They are cartoons. I like layers.

Yeah, it actually is very Dark Shadows, IMHO. Bo isnt sure why Zach is appearing, he doesnt understand whats going on. Hope knows, but she pretty much writes his visions off, from what i have seen (I FF when shes on, hate her.)

And yeah, they have kept with it now for like 7 months. I wonder if they will

. Bo is such a odd choice for these visions, but i admit i kind of like it. Its also given peter a lot to play, and hes great. Usualy psychic soa characters are cartoons and one note.

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