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DAYS: Discussion for the month of June

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Victor is always such a charming host at his parties. :lol:

I just can't get enough of John Aniston, and wish there were more people pissing Victor off. Daniel saved Philips's life, Chelsea's life, Bo's life, Kate's life and even Vuctor's own life I think, and all that gets forgotten because Daniel slept with the town slut.

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Just wanted to extend my personal thanks to Days' PTB for yesterday's episode:

1. Sami & Rafe's love scene. Certain soaps do not believe in Love in the Afternoon anymore. But not Days. It's like the producers got together and mused "You know what we don't have enough of? Love scenes between a potential supercouple. Love scenes in a bed. With satin sheets and soft lighting. Like it's the 80s!"

The only thing missing? Don Henley's Boys of Summer playing in the background. Then it would have been truly NBC-Daytime-80s.

2. Shirtless Philip and Brady. JKJ and EM have been shirtless for more than one episode. Why? Who cares? SP&B = a good thing. For all you confirmed bachelors out there, Philip was also wrestlin' shirtless for an extended period with Owen.

And are Days really letting Wes Ramsey go? Because I am gonna put $$$ on GH picking this Tom Pelphrey lookalike and casting him as Dante.

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I'm scared to watch. :( I don't like seeing little babies sicken.

Maggie is so... there are no words. I love how she is like the matriarch of the show and everybody needs her advice.

Daniel fantasizing about Ghoul Girl was... kinda hot!

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I was watching the other night on Soapnet ... and YES.

DAYS has the most attractive cast in daytime, particularly the males. I'm not talking about their hair (especially the males), but physically. Hot. I'm not usually superficial, but so, so YUMMY - sometime a girl just needs to drool, lol. EM's arms are amazinj. JKJ/Philip has a gut but still hot. The new cast of youngens - they're not terrible actors.

I agree on Ramsey. You have him, try to keep him! He's good.

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I accidentally read a baby Grace spoiler on another site because the spoiler was in the subject/topic. Ugh!! <_<

I hope he stays too. If he's gone, what a waste of a good actor.

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Damn, Ali Sweeney just freakin NAILED it. Yes, her performance was a bit OTT at times. And No, im not claiming shes the best actress ever, however she plays Sami Brady to perfection. Sami went into mass panic at one point and Ali took it OTT, but not to far over. And IMHO its hard to play over the top hystrical without it coming off comedy.

I love Daniel Jonas. There, i said it. I dont care. He is a fantastic male character and i hope he stays on the show for a long time. I am also sooo down for his next woman to be Sami!

I really liked the roman/stphanie and kate/philip and philip/steph scenes. I love Shelly, shes come a far way. I mean, shes still got miles to go before shes great or outstanding, but she improves a lot over time.

I also love Chloe & Lucas. And Chloe & Daniel. The only angle i dont like of the story is Kate, she needs to go. Now.

But i hate the fantasy's.

Will & Mia :wub:

Jealous insecure Nicole watching EJ & Sami was great. I loved Sami & Lucas' scenes too.

I will say its moments like todayn with Sami and Stephanie where Marlena and Kayla/Patch are missed, but they handled it OK.

Mia finally standing up to Nicole! I loved it.

I cant wait to see EVERYONES reaction when the swap comes out.

I also love Ali & Joe in scenes together. Stefano & Sami anyone? :wub: lol... Ejami :wub: Sometimes i forget how amazing Ali & James are together. I love Sami & The DiMeras. I loved her with Tony too back in the day.

Ha. Stefano knows. EVERYTHING! Yes! That is a great twist.

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See, I didn't think Ali Sweeney was OTT at all. I'm not a mom but I can just imagine how frantic I would be if I was in hospital watching my cute baby get worse and worse -- and having to ok a lumbar puncture? I had to watch my mom get one this year and it was HELL o' painful. Watching my mom cry was bad enough, but that little baby screaming when Daniel performed the procedure? OMG, I know I'm a sap but I'm tearing up just thinking about it.

IMO, AS was right-on as Sami. Who wouldn't be upset and panicking and having a nervous breakdown? I never not bought her hysterics yesterday.

I could get behind and Daniel/Sami pairing. If Rafe wasn't already established as the Right Guy for Sami! Plus, Daniel is turning into a big ole ho. How much Salem ass has this man tapped?

Eh, Shelley. She is very pretty and she and JKJ have a lot of chemistry. But Stephanie comes off as a bimbo. It's like watching Nadja Mark 2 sometimes. OK, Nadja really *is* bad and SH is moderately better but I'm still not seeing much beyond a big ole cloud o' bland. Philip was all "You are the love of my life blah blah" but I can't really see why. As you say, she still has a ways to go. Maybe TPTB just needs to give Stephanie more dimension.

Ejami do still have it. I liked how both EJ and Lucas were there for Sami in a time of crisis. And of course Stefano knew. The moment Stefano caught Nicole spying on Ejami in the hospital, I knew he knew.

BTW, can you refresh me about the switch. I'm still confused. Nicole is passing off Sami & EJ's baby as her own, right? And baby Grace is Mia's right? Or is it Nicole's? I thought Nicole lost her baby? And does Sami think Grace is her & EJ's baby but she's hiding it from him because of all the DiMera sh!t?

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