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Y&R: Shocking Role Recast

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As did I. But I was more partial to all scenes with the "old crowd", i.e. Carter, Susan, Kerry, Elizabeth, Peter, etc. (And Carter was right: Susan/Sherry did look fantastic! I have the finale script and Noah Wyle really played that up. Hee.)

Back on topic, using ER, since we're on that: Laura Innes' Kerry Weaver started off on the show as having been very briefly married and had a short romance in S4 with some HMO doctor. Now, we have no idea if the "Engen is a homophobe" thing is true. But Laura Innes rolled with the punches when Kerry suddenly came out in S7. I have no idea what her beliefs are, but maybe that is the point...whatever LI may or may not like or believe in, she played Kerry's realization and played it well.

But conversely, if someone is that uncomfortable with the issue, I see no reason to bash a person for that belief - even if it is un-PC or whatever. Now, acting-wise Engen may or may not be done (see my earlier post about others who bolted in the middle of contracts and did fine), but if he feels it is worth it, that is his right.

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I don't think Engen is done acting-wise if he defines acting as community theatre, Christian independent movies, and the like. It would be extremely difficult for him to land another Hollywood job though and I can't imagine another soap would ever have him. Brian Frons is such an odd duck though, I don't put anything past him.

Nice to hear that Muhney is so jazzed. No doubt Gellman, Bloom, Davidson and Braeden appreciate it.

I thought EL's issue was ridiculous. Peter's relationship with other women pre-Alex Kingston failed because EL lacked serious chemistry with any of them. It wasn't like fans were home thinking, "Gee, I am so glad Peter got a white woman. It's her whiteness that makes her so perfect for him." It was just a case of extremely hot chemistry. It's not like EL had the same chemistry with Sherry Stringfield or Julianna Marguiles. It was particular to AK. EL's insistence that Peter/Corday break up really hurt the show. He never had another good pairing and she was sent off to a chemistry-free whiny mess with Anthony Edwards. The entire trajectory of the show would have been improved if Peter/Corday had stayed together.

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Clever turn of phrase :)

Elizabeth Corday had chemistry with anything that moved.

Now, though, she's River Song for me (Doctor Who). I just love that woman in anything she does that I have seen.

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I have to say, that although we don't REALLY know what went down, the fact that Engen has not made any kind of effort to publically defend himself makes him look guilty of being a spoiled brat, homophobe....etc. I fhe truly felt he had GOOD reason to break his contract, then it would be imperative for his career to go public with this "reason". I'm glad that we have someone now who is excited by the role, MOST actors in fact, are quite tantalized at the thought of playing a villian.... I just don't get what Engen's problem is.

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Man, I hope CE gets a chance to tell his side of things. So far all of this is based on a story Nelson Branco "broke" and everyone else ran with. I know Engen behaved unprofessionally but nobody should have the end of their career written by Nelson Branco.

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Honestly, I know Nelson is dramatic and all, but he IS correct more often than not. Who is he interviewing next week? MARIA ARENA BELL. It's not like he has third rate sources, he has the heavy hitters. Also, it's true that he's the only one getting major interviews with stars like Jess Walton you don't see out in the press a lot. If you're upset with his scoops, particularly this, blame MAB and her team who are clearly giving him this information. He's obviously very close to the Bell's so this is their side of the story.

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i was so done with this thread and then you said ^^^ that. His career is not over because of an article! His career is over because he walked off the set and broke his contract. People who break their contracts offend my beliefs.

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I get that he broke his contract but Nelson has chosen to tell the world that he broke his contract for a very specific reason. As I stated above, if you take the kiss angle out of this, Engen's behavior could easily be explained by depression or substance abuse.

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I doubt Engen is allowed to speak at all until the contract issue is resolved. His lawyers surely advised to keep his mouth shut for now. And I bet MAB will be pretty vague when discussing the issue because of potential litigation (Sony against Engen).

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