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Y&R: Week of May 18, 2009

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Oh, trust me, killing characters off is the last resort! But the problem with so many of these writers is that they just push these characters right into that "kill of" territory. There is nothing else to do but to put them on a plane and send them... Somewhere. :)

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It was just speculation on my part. It's hard to know what a person would do when they rarely voice their opinion of certain characters. It's always just MAB sucks. (Or maybe's that's just a clever way of saying all characters are being written badly.)

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They are afraid they won't write them authentically. I can understand that fear. It would be like having an all black writing staff penning the show. You need someone on staff to say "No, that's not really what this character would say" or "In my experience, this is how it would go down". If you have characters of color you must have someone who can add realism to their stories. I guess you don't have to have them but if the show is serious about keeping their black audience or making the characters seem real in who they are, they should have at least one black writer on staff. It would be great if they had two of them. Nothing is worse than being the one person who has to speak for your entire race in a room full of white people.

Goodie goodie gum drops. :D

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Have in mind that my hands would probably be tied regarding many things. The contracts, fans' desires, Q scores, focus groups... It's not just about my vision.

But yes, you will rarely (or never) see me comment on character behaviour on a soap. Except if it's something unusual, weird, terrible, annoying or something. I am not that kind of poster. Which is weird because that's pretty much the only thing people do in weekly threads.

Another thing: it's not that she sucks... Y&RWorldTurner opened my eyes and I am turning into a believer in that theory that Maria is only doing this for her family, as some kind of "favour" or whatever... She is trying to make everyone happy — if she's a Libra, that's what Librans, the diplomats, do — and that rarely succeeds. You cannot make everyone happy.

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I know. Some of those opinions should be respected, but some are just annoying... network interference (ABC much?), actors' requests, etc.

That last line is so true. There is no perfect world. Even if most of the stories are great, there will always be someone that wouldn't like something.

The easiest thing would be for MAB to take a step back and give someone else the pen. But as long as Hogie is there, is that really what we'd want?

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