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The Vampire Diaries: Discussion Thread

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And that funeral broke my heart! *tears* 


This is how you do a climax to a season-long story! I only hope the follow-up is even better!

She's amazing. They've handled that story SO well this season.

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Ah, my last full season network show. It's the right time to end it. Season 4 was probably the weakest, but I never felt the show struggled too much with quality. However, with the introductions of Kai and Jo and then Mama Salvatore, the transition after Elena was seamless when it could have gone horribly wrong. Kudos to the TPTB for giving me a totally escapist show filled with the prettiest of pretty people. It was a blast.


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I don't know how much of the first season of this show I watched but I let it go once I knew Elena was going to be with Damon.  I don't think I am ever going to be there for any show with siblings switching mates. 


By the time I learned that Jodi Lyn Okeefe was on the show, it was too late for me to enjoy her on it as she was killed in the episode I watched. 


I thought it was crappy to tie Bonnie's death to Elena being able to wake up--especially since ND left the show. 


Anyway when I read all the complaints from shippers who hated Bonnie being paired with Enzo, I was curious and started watching again.  I don't know how well Jo's romance was written but Bonnie and Enzo are definitely more romantic to me than how Stefan and Caroline are written.  It was sort of laughable to hear Cade refer to Caroline as the love of Stefan's life when she already told Stefan that she knew he placed Damon ahead of her. 


The only thing missing from the flashback relationship is the moment Bonnie and Enzo declared their love for each other.  That should have been written imo.  I don't bother with the episodes they're not in because they're the most entertaining aspect of this show to me.  Everything else is just repetitious except maybe Cade.  The sirens were interesting but dragged on a bit too long.  And I get tired of Damon being told to do this or that because of Elena.  Stefan is not written to be remotely motivated by Caroline's love which is kind of sad for her character.  It's also odd that only Enzo was written to be able to fight for love without being reminded.


I noticed a few things that stick out of all the other writing issues: 


Elena's voice was used to lure him into Sybil's initial trap, but Sybil didn't seem to know about Elena until an episode in this season in which she put her hands on his head to find his weakness.  Maybe I missed something.


When the tuning fork was used on Sybil after she sent Damon outside to kill Bonnie, the sound had no effect on Bonnie at all who was just standing by the car watching them take down Sybil.  I guess it wasn't convenient to have Bonnie react to the sound until she and Enzo could decide that she must be psychically connected to Cade and the sirens.


In  this last episode the writers needed an explanation for how Stefan could go into a house without being invited in so they got super clever and tried to make sense out of it instead of just sticking to something trite and took it to an absurd level.  If a realtor could just sign a house over to herself that she sold to someone else then realtors would own a lot of houses.  And why bother notarizing her own signature when the whole thing was a forgery anyway?  All of that just to be able to have her invite Stefan into a house she still didn't own. 


All that sappiness guaranteed Enzo's death.  I saw his heart on the ground next to him but his body was pretty much intact with no signs of blood or a hole or anything. 


It kind of seemed as if just by saying he would get to carry over the threshold one day for real, that he will do just that.  His death came to quickly to make it seem like nothing more than a plot point to evoke some change in Bonnie.




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Plec was all over the place talking about how epic the finale was going to be and now she and Williamson are all over the place trying to make what they did with Bonnie seem so awesome. I didn't watch all eight seasons so I have no idea if that was a satisfying end in that respect. Half of that episode was squandered on stabbing Katherine multiple times.


What was good was Lexi/Stefan, Bonnie/Elena, and the Bennett witches saving Mystic Falls.


What was especially bad was no one thanked or even acknowledged Bonnie saving the town because they made it all about Stefan sacrificing to save MF when there was no reason he needed to stay with Katherine and clearly he ended up in a peaceful place with instantly redeemed Damon but Bonnie ended up with having to comfort Caroline over Stefan's death when no one cared that Bonnie was left alone after Stefan ripped out Enzo's heart. And while Caroline gets set up for a potential hook-up with Klaus (which is KC baiting at max), Elena and Damon get married and then apparently go off to their own peace, and Matt gets honored and may rund for sheriff, Bonnie gets a travel brochure, passport, Enzo's vial of blood necklace, and possibly Enzo creeping all around.


Maybe Bonnie's ending would have been blah but not as bad had they not spent most of the season detailing how already happy Bonnie would be even happier if Enzo were human. I don't get the point of having him share his dreams of marrying her twice (once before his heart was ripped out and the next to last episode where he mentioned the location), if they intended to have him stay dead and them never marry. He should have been gone after Abby burned his body since the point was to set Bonnie free. So for Plec and Williamson to make out as if Bonnie traveling around, taking dozens of lovers, keeping Enzo in her heart until they can meet again, oh and saying that their love is eternal, is supposed to be some wonderful ending is beyond ridiculous. I bet they're both dumbfounded by anyone who tells them differently.  Plec basically told the Damon/Elena fans to go write fanfiction because they complained about not seeing him propose or their kids.  I don't like that pairing but I do believe as much as they hyped that whole thing and since they decided that Damon was worthier of a happy life than Stefan, then they should have shown something more romantic. It seemed as if they rushed to jam a whole bunch of cameos in. They let Matt's father talk to Vicky and Tyler didn't even get to say a word. 


But since Plec is already pitching another spinoff which will probably be centered around that ill-named school, she can create more social media drama.

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