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Y&R: Week of May 11, 2009

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The sad part is those scenes could have been much better. You know something is wrong when Colleen steals the limelight from Victoria. Heinle has got to go (and NO MarkH not to B&B, but off television indefinitely!).

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Not necessarily. I'll cop to fake-liking a few shows in order to "fit in"; and I'll cop to fake-hating a few, too.

Of course, that was when I still was in high school.

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BAM! :lol: That's what I'm taking about. It's about fitting in and acceptance. You'll much more likely be accepted in a new community by being positive and faking a little bit you like something than the other way around. Simple. Nothing wrong with it until it reaches a certain point. :)

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Okay, let's do a poll and I'll keep track of the results.

A) Who here likes the show but is faking it and not really liking it?

B) Who here hates the show but is faking it and really likes the show?

C) Who here is genuine about their opinions on the show?

I wanna see if Sylph's theory is right. If he is, I'll back off. :)

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I totally agree with this, MTSRocks. I don't know why anybody would put that much important on a message board. I love you guys, don't me wrong. But not so much. LOL!

But back on topic - how much would I have loved to see ANYBODY else go up against Peter Bergman in that Victoria scene today. Such a bummer...

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I don't know about faking it, but I have been trying desperately to like the show and to enjoy every single part of it for months now.... To just watch and be entertained. Not that I have been very successful. I have enjoyed many individual episodes, but the overall feeling is one of constant disappointment....

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