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Yes, I'd be curious about that stuff. I wasn't reading the soap mags at the time and the whole Eplin/Wheeler thing is something I've always been curious about.

In my fanfic, I cast Victoria Wyndham and Charles Keating as new characters, so them. I think a menacing Keating would have fit right in on SB. I also think that Lisa Peluso's humor and Anne Heche's raw talent could have definitely added something to SB. William Grey Espy would have been a good actor to bring over and pair with Sophia or Gina. I also would have been interested to see Alicia Coppola take on BJ and think that Cali Timmins would have made a FAR better Kelly recast than Eileen Davidson, since the Dobsons clearly wanted to do away with my Carrington. And, not that it ever should have been done, but over the years, I think a blonde Julie Osburn may have made an interesting Eden recast.

But my BIGGEST wish, which is why I cast her that way in my fanfic, is that Carmen Duncan had played the role of Pamela Capwell Conrad. I think she would have been PERFECT for the part and much better suited than Marj Dusay or Shirley Anne Field were.

As for SB actors moving over to AW, I think Lane Davies would have been great over there. I think he could have had much chemistry with any number of the AW vets- Donna, Felicia, or even Rachel all would have been great with him. Nancy Grahn is another one who would have been good. I think she would have made an interesting Nicole Love recast. I also think Carrington Garland would have made a very effective Amanda or Paulina. And while there were rumors of Mason & Julia being sent over there, I think Robin Mattson's Gina and Justin Deas' Keith would have been better choices to jettison to Bay City.

To tell you the truth, I'm hard pressed to think of ANY actors the 2 shows shared. Come to think of it, I believe Judith McConnell was on AW back in the day, but that was before I was born. :lol:

Edited by juniorz1
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I will post those in a day or two.

I wonder if they should have cast Nancy or MJ or Cheryl as Laken Lockridge.

I love your ideas. You have a real passion for these shows.

Thanks to your post I went back and watched another episode from August 91. August 23. You can see how far behind I am. I really don't like Spencer much at all. I do like the Frankie/Ryan friendship. They're very believable.

I don't like Michael's paternalistic attitude towards Rachel. I love the scene where she insists she's going to see Carl whether Michael likes it or not, and then she tells him he can drive, and she throws the keys at him (given her visions problems the idea of her driving scares me anyway -- it would remind me of Simpsons Hit and Run, with Dean muttering "Ladykillerladykiller" as he goes over the windshield). And then her locking eyes with Carl as she knows he tried to kill her. Then her attempt to hide her fear when he threatens to get close to Amanda. Victoria Wyndham was fantastic in those scenes. I missed that fire in Rachel in later years.

Did it seem odd to you that Marley thought Jamie had feelings for Paulina?

Here's McConnell. It's always tough for me to remember she was in her 30s when she was on AW and ATWT. She looks older to me.


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Interesting, I'd wondered what was the story behind her casting, if her agent had simply sent her out for that type-specific audition or what. I sat through BB for Beverlee on cable years back. A fan has uploaded just her scenes:

<object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube-nocookie.com/v/-WoW3gjTMBw?fs=1&amp;hl=en_US&amp;rel=0&amp;color1=0x5d1719&amp;color2=0xcd311b"></param><param'>http://www.youtube-nocookie.com/v/-WoW3gjTMBw?fs=1&amp;hl=en_US&amp;rel=0&amp;color1=0x5d1719&amp;color2=0xcd311b"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube-nocookie.com/v/-WoW3gjTMBw?fs=1&amp;hl=en_US&amp;rel=0&amp;color1=0x5d1719&amp;color2=0xcd311b" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>

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Now I want to see Ione and Iris together.

Iris: ::sigh:: I just don't understand what Daddy sees in that woman.

Ione: The Good Lord told me there is a reason a father is a father and a husband is a husband.

Iris: Exactly what are you implying?

Ione: I have floors to clean. Find your answers in His Word.

<as Ione leaves, Iris pensively stares at the Bible>

Iris: I think I'm just going to have a cocktail...

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Wow! If Miranda was after Mac, that means McConnell must have shared scenes with Vicky Wyndham. I'd have been very interested to see their work together- I could very much see them being a formidable duo.

Poor Judith though. I think every show she's ever been cast on has made her play older than her actual age. You would never guess she was in her 30s in the pictures from AW which seems purposeful considering the character & storyline description. And then on Santa Barbara, she was in her early 40s and clearly, the character was intended to be well over 40. I believe they even had her dye her hair grey, as they did the same when Jed Allan came on as CC.

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A Youtune user who runs a great Felicia channel put up some clips from the Christmas Eve 1986 episode (I think they also uploaded Christmas Day 1986 a while back). Some really beautiful stuff with Felicia and Mitch and Wallingford. The rest is OK, although it mostly makes me sad -- seeing poor MJ and knowing what nasty stuff they did to her after this, and I can't believe they gave Quinn this relationship with Zak where they had such chemistry, only to kill her off. Does anyone know if they started this story and the story with Nancy and Tony Carlisle knowing they were firing the actresses, or did that happen after the stories started? I did laugh at the scenes where Tony and Nancy first met - such cheese.

There's also Rhonda Lewin Vicky in here, and the always dull Janine Turner.

I'll just show the first clip - there are 4 in total.

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Thank you for sharing this with us. I mostly remember Peter from his role on Ryan's Hope as Delia's sleazy broker. To put it mildly, I LOATHED that storyline, I despised it, so now thanks to you I don't have to associate my memories of this actor with that mess.

It's nice that the Bright Promise cast kept in such contact. I wonder if they're still close, those who are still with us.

When they say "the new Quentin Ames", do they mean that he was new to the show or that someone played Quentin before him? AWHP says he was the first (May to December 1977), with Peter Michael Goetz playing the role for one day in November 1979.

Apparently Peter returned in 1995 to play Justine's assistant, Christophe.

The son mentioned here has gone on to quite a few roles.


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