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Wow. That was really nice. And the portions with Berkeley were really special because there's a glimpse of the actor's life that you really don't read about in your average soap star interview. Kind of heartbreaking, the part about giving up the stardom dream, just wanting to pay for life insurance and take care of his son. He really provides a voice for the reality of many NY theatre actors. On a lighter note, Scott at Chicken Delight, ha! :lol: For a second there, I thought Joyce was going to end every paragraph with, "They are a perfect pair." Speaking of Joyce, it's funny to glance at the pics without reading the captions, I was like, "Who is this random pregnant woman in the park whose belly he's rubbing?? :blink: " and at a cursory glance, I thought Bevvie's fingers were in his mouth in that one pic. Risque.

They seemed to have had such a lovely life though. I'm sorry that they lost him so soon. They would of course go on to be even more financially blessed as he speaks about, they eventually had a home in the counry that they enjoyed diving up to for weekends. Does anyone know how long BM stayed in NY before moving out to CA after she retired? I hope she had plenty of friends and was never lonely.

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I can't imagine how much tougher it is for NY actors now.

I thought the pregnant woman was a fan or something, I didn't realize she was the author until I knew they had the same first name. :lol:

You usually hear people in showbiz talk about how much they love each other but you can really feel it in this article, how much they cared about each other and how she kept him going. He loved her so much that he was willing to share these very private thoughts, such as how she's what keeps him from losing all self-esteem, or that she helped him pay for dental work.

Some of these oh-so-sensitive articles from the 70s seem paper-thin but this one seemed very genuine to me. Which is how Beverlee always seemed.

That's one of those weird parts of life though -- they're both gone yet they seem so alive when you are reading this. You almost feel like you're there.

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Berkeley had a short stint on AW in 80 as the corrupt cop friend of Larry and also had a stint on OLTL I think.

Does anyone know about beverlee's first husband(Scott's father)

In a SOW interview when she did the GH stint,Bev seemed very happy with life in LA.She saisd she managed to fill in her days,not with anything major,but just enjoying a normal existence.She obviously saved her money and enjoyed the freedom of not being tied to the daily obligation of soap work.

What year did Berkeley die?

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Beverlee's first husband and Scott's father was Mark McKinsey. In the 1960's, Beverlee was married to actor Angus Duncan. Duncan appeared in the first episode of The Mary Tyler Moore Show as the man who jilted Mary, causing her to move to Minneapolis. Trivia: Duncan was the first choice to play the Ted Baxter role, as the creators envisioned Ted as a young man. Berkeley died in September 1984. It was his death that resulted in Beverlee being replaced as Alexandra Spaulding on Guiding Light by Lydia Bruce. Coincidentally, Beverlee and Lydia died within five days of one another.

Also, for those who are not aware, the son referred to in this article was the child Berkeley had with Susan Harris, who later created the sitcoms Soap and The Golden Girls.

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I'd read that about Lydia Bruce, didn't realize it was Berkeley's passing that prompted the recasting. Carl you are so right, they seem so alive and still with us reading that article, you do feel like you're right there.

In the replacements thread it says that Susan Harris threw around the idea of Beverlee for either Mary or Jessica (I vote Jessica, just as I would vote Myrna for Capitol... everybody wanted Bevvie!) for Soap. What I think is so cool about that is the inference that she and Susan and Berkeley had a great relationship which we don't always see in such situations. That's just nice to know. I mean, I could be wrong, but I'm assuming here.

And if the rest of you haven't already, you must visit beverleemckinsey.com and read those great articles.

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I do wonder if Beverlee could have played "dumb", the way Kathryn could.

I can see her a little more easily as Mary, although I LOVED Cathryn Diamond, she was so underrated. I loved that alcoholism story so much, even if it only lasted for a few episodes.

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He was also on Texas playing a drunken TV talk show host. I remember reading an interview with Beverlee, where she gushed about how much fun it was, and that he was playing a talk show host like Tom Snyder, only sleazier. My jaw dropped.

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I keep meaning to start up again before they're taken down.

I was wondering if you or anyone else would be interested in any of the stuff when Ellen Wheeler and Tom Eplin were together in real life; they were interviewed and on the cover, in 1986. I didn't know if someone might feel that was too much about their personal lives and are only interested in the characters.

If there are any actors you're interested in let me know and I'll try to find something.

I was going to ask you, were there any AW actors you wished had been on Santa Barbara, or vice/versa?

How many actors did the shows share anyway? It doesn't seem like that many.

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