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Another World

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This is horrifying... knowing that these types of stalkers and crazy people exist... and feed... on trying to terrorize others. Victoria was so brave to come forward with sharing her story. 

@Contessa Donatella @DRW50 @AbcNbc247 @Xanthe @adrnyc @Jdee43 @chrisml

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Yes, I've gotten a few ones myself that have tried crawling up my back... but of course nothing compared to what Victoria had to go through. Sadly some people can't differentiate between character and actress. Sick people. People that need psychiatric help.  

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Any context for the character?

I remember first seeing her as Jade Perkins on Santa Barbara but not recognizing her as familiar. She was credited as Missy Brennan on SB IIRC but an extra on AW probably didn't have a credit and might not have stood out. She would have been quite young then.


Thanks for the follow up! 

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Another World - December 21, 1988


Let us all rest from the balls and the glitz and glamour and return to the more ordinary, but still important world of real life issues and dramas.

As we know, Mary took Pilara (the domestic violence victim) home. The girl is having a difficult time adjusting to the household, still very much traumatized... while Mary is doing everything she can to make her comfortable. Vince warned Mary - maybe doing this good deed will turn on her and harm her in the end. Mary was not hearing him - she said that at Christmas - it's most important to help those in need. Empathy often leads to nightmares, Mary. I hope this is not the case here. 

Lisa stabbed Vicky right in her heart when she told her in 1 sentence... - Don't forget - you were the second choice. Meaw.

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 This triggered Vicky soooo much that she started organizing a way to buy a house in the same neighborhood that Lisa and Jamie were planning to start their life in. Vicky thinks she can buy herself happiness, but this is not going to happen easy. I am team Lisa on this one 100 percent.

We had Caroline in total contrast to her usual flirty, light demeanor - she was a complete wreck - locked herself in the bathroom of the gallery... to do God knows what... Thank God, Cass broke in the bathroom and found her with a bloodied hand. This gave me a Fatal attraction vibe. I am not sure if Caroline is not using her mother's death to seduce Cass. I will not put it pass her. 

The heroine of the episode was Marley, who visited Lisa in hopes for a psychic reading - something to give her a little ease of mind before the surgery. Lisa saw something, felt something, but chose not to say it. Something bad is coming... I can feel it too.

Overall - 

Top moment - Lisa putting Vicky in her place with 1 sentence.



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Woooo! Go, Lisa!!! I was Team Lisa, at this point, anyway. It was so funny. The only thing that Melissa & I ever disagreed about was Lisa & Vicky!! Trust our favorite show to give us one thing to be different on. And, we were together, as a couple, for 21 years. (Now, we've been best friends for 4 years.)

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That's relationship goals! 

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 And right now my husband is disliking Vicky tremendously. He says he can't stand her talking and how loud she is all the time. He also described her as stupid. Haha. I'm not that opposed, because I adore Anne Heche, but... yes... we are both team Lisa as of late. 

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I was always team Vicky but Lisa did get a good shot in there. My problem with Lisa is that she came into the show as such a victim and her backstory was so icky. Plus, her character's story was basically the impetus for the serial killer storyline, and once that was over, her character floundered in the triangle. She was never her own character. Her story was only in relation to the men (Glaser/Jamie).

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Interesting comment.  In my opinion, Harding Lemay (in 1988) essentially turned Lisa into Alice Matthews, Vicki into Rachel Davis, and Jamie into Steve Frame.  In other words, Lemay was building a long-term romantic triangle, which could have gone on for several years. Sadly, Donna Swajeski didn't know how to write (or even continue) a long-term romance.  So she broke-up Jamie and Lisa rather quickly, and sent Jamie nearly 100 percent into Vicki's orbit. Big mistake, in my opinion.      

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