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In the Locher Room interview, Richard Culliton joked about how the Love family was just standing pointlessly around (debatable) until he and Gary Tomlin "turned Donna into a slut". Certainly she had a sexual relationship with Catlin while he was her stableboy which was a very effective leadup to the reveal about her relationship with Michael and her pregnancy. That did remind me though that when I have been watching clips of early Perry, Donna's adoration of him has been so obvious that I wondered whether they had originally planned for some type of Donna/Perry affair before changing direction.

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It's a broader perspective in relation to the show for sure. 

One thing that Richard Culliton mentioned was that he appreciated coming in to write when the characters had been well-defined. He also mentioned how much he had enjoyed writing Felicia/ Cass/ Wallingford/ Kathleen/ Cecile and that he had thought it wrong to retcon a tragic past for Felicia. If he considers Lorna to be a mistake I would disagree, but stuff like Derek Dane and Noah Grady I could take or leave alone. 


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Thanks for the link to Julie Osburn's website.  When you click on the "More" tab and select CV her resume appears.  She does have Another World under her acting credits, but even more interesting is that she wrote teleplays for both Another World and Guiding Light.  I wonder if she used a pseudonym since I don't remember seeing her names in the credits as a writer.

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Thanks for the correction! I was looking at the "About Julie" tab where she lists some highlights that don't mention AW. Glad to know that she has not completely scrubbed AW from her CV.

The AW homepage doesn't mention any writing credits for her either.

Kathleen was a great character and I would have loved to have her stay in Bay City longer. However she wasn't a great fit with the DePriest era IMO which tended to be unnecessarily sexist and weird about women's sexuality.

I was just watching some scenes from when MJ confessed to Mary that she had been a prostitute and that was why Adam had cancelled the wedding. I remember SOD at the time praising MJ for taking responsibility for her actions, but nobody seemed to think that Chad needed to face up to his role in any of it.

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I wish they could have found a way to keep Kathleen on the show in 1991.  Once the show knew that they were going to go with the Cass/Frankie pairing, they could have used Kathleen in other storylines.  She was a link to AW's past, and the character was charismatic enough to be tied to other storylines.  A whole storyline alone could have been what happened to Kathleen while she was in the witness protection program.

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This is an interview from last year (pre-pandemic) with Stephen Schnetzer. Nothing about AW, but a little about his stage work (since he was doing a play in MA) and his personal life.

Not to mention the Sin Stalker in general and specifically Lisa's (horror shock) *not* being a virgin. And the retcon that John had raped Donna before she ever slept with Michael (but he was justified because Michael was a prim straight arrow and both he and Donna were tempestuous sexual beings!). And that MJ had been lured into prostitution because the johns told her they loved her (!).

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