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Another World

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I have a quick question: I'm re-watching Another World on YouTube and am in the writers strike of '88 (Lord, were these some silly storylines about people whom I really don't care about - Kevin and his dad, Christine, Nora the Ghost)


Anyway, I cannot for the life of me remember what happened to Reginald.  The last he was seen on YouTube videos, he was trying to keep Jason Frame from discovering he owned a watch that used to belong to Reginald.  Didn't it turn out that Reginald had killed his first wife or something? And the watch proved that?  I was only 16 when I watched this and I just can't pull it out of my brain!

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After Reginald caused Donna to miscarry, Michael and Reginald fought on a roof or something. Reginald fell and died. I think they may have left a door open about his returning (I can't remember). His first wife he'd killed before she could run off with Jason Frame. She was played by Anne Howard (Nicole).


I think the Reginald story was a bad idea from start to finish, and I think the role was miscast.

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Thanks for the info!  I'm glad to hear that Reginald died falling off a roof.  Such a jack ass.  As a child, I was terrified of Reginald (more than likely cuz I was reacting to Phelice whimpering and yelling like a scared baby every time he was in a scene with her) but my re-watch as a adult just has me laughing at him whenever he's on screen - and not in a good way!

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Yes. Awful campery and cartoonishness, which the role shouldn't have been. The show did a good job building up the Loves throughout the mid-80s and then it was all dismantled. 


Philece...also campery. I used to laugh and laugh at the scenes where she harangued "Mother Hudson" into keeling over.

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Philece was a very different Donna. To use a vintage OLTL comparison, it's like having Krista Tesreau's miscast Tina take the place of Kassie DePaiva's Blair:  Bold but manipulation-prone woman who finds herself caught in lies & emotional binds yet eventually claws her way out of them .... gets replaced by dumb deer-in-the-headlights schemer who always gets totally blown away in every confrontation scene with any other female character. 

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I think making him a huge international villain was a stupid idea, and I also think if they knew Anna Stuart was going to leave they should have scrapped most of the storyline. I also think they needed another actor in the role. The Mary part of it didn't bother me as much, although it didn't work either. 

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I swear I will never forget seeing Anna Stuart's first scene back on AW.  I had started watching as a 15 yr old in late February 1987.  I LOVED Philece's Donna, probably because I was so young (and in an extremely unhappy home) and, like Donna, I could just whine and wish someone like Michael would come and save me from my crazy father.  I mean I LOVED Philece as Donna and I was so incredibly disappointed when I read in SOD that she had left the role and the original actress who played Donna was returning in a few months. I just dreaded it.


The day came. I saw Anna's first scene. It finished and I remember thinking to myself: "Well....I can see why everybody loved the old Donna so much!" and I was a fan from that point on. 



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They took quite a while to settle Anna in as Donna again, which made sense. I remember her first scene, fluffing her hair in a mirror at the carnival. Classic. 


When they wrote Philece as closer to the real Donna in her last months I thought she did a decent job. It was Donna as an ingenue that never worked for me.

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Just watched August 31, 1988 (all that seems to exist for Aug '88) - I have no memory of Drew Marsten being killed.  NONE  I remember him (those eyes!) but not that he had been killed.  I can't imagine it's a decent storyline if I can't remember who the killer turns out to be.


Can someone please remind me when the writer's strike is over and these stupid storylines get wrapped up?  Is it as late as November?  (I remember primetime didn't really come back until then.) Did the soaps get back on their feet sooner?

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