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A few years ago this was uploaded - it takes place not too long after the episode where John died.

Susan Harney reminds me of Loretta Swit.

It's too bad they struggled so much with how to write Alice or her place on the canvas. She would have been a better foil to Rachel than trying to recreate Iris in Miranda.


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...a dog that was found by friends sitting at the side of a road trying to nurse his own broken leg. He told me that I couldn't have the dog for at least 6 weeks but at the moment I saw him it would be a love affair that would never end...how right he was, I can't even bear to leave Tobias at home when I'm working."

Home for Murial Williams is a brownstone on East 61st Street in Manhattan. "It's a great block," she told me, "full of theatre people who continually run into each other with their dogs. People like Peggy Cass and Tammy Grimes and Skitch Henderson. At home I putter in my garden, a rarity in New York and when not appearing in 'Another World' I do voice overs for commercials. And I would like nothing more than to do theatre work again...but because my character has so much to say on this soap, I don't even have time to think about it...however, there is always tomorrow."

Murial told me that she did her first soap opera in 1955. "It was called 'The Brighter Day' and I was the heroine on it for 6 years. It's funny, I always seem to work for Proctor and Gamble. First 'The Brighter Day,' then 'As the World Turns,' then 'Love of Life' and for the past 9 years, 'Another World'"

Ariane Munker (Marianne Randolph) told me that she can't tell me her age. "At my age," the pretty young blond actress told me, "if I tell you my age I could lose out on all sorts of parts. I can either go younger or older so it's best to stay ageless." Ariane has been with the show one year this January and unlike the other stars, does not have a chauffered limousine pick her up. "There just aren't any pick-ups in New Jersey," she informed me. "There are limousines to pick up people who live on the East Side and West Side of Manhattan and in Connecticut...but since I'm the only one who lives in Jersey, Somerset (I teased her with the fact that she's on the wrong soap opera) my dad, has to drive me in and then turn around and go right back to work in New Jersey."

Ariane admitted that she was in her last year of high school and hopes to attend Columbia University when she graduates. "I'm not sure what I want to major in but an actress always has to have something to fall back on," admitted the gal who said she'd like best to play in a film with Elizabeth Taylor. Ariane lives with her parents and little brother, Mark. "My older brother Peter attends Berkely College in Boston...he's a musician. My little brother Mark, did commercials for a while but didn't like it." Neither her mother, Angelika, nor father Adolf, are in show business. Ariane got started in the business as a child doing commercials when her mother's best friend suggested Ariane try out because her daughter was doing them.

On September 23, 1975, Maia Danziger became Glenda Toland. "I did 10 shows for Love is a Many Splendored Thing' and that was the extent of my appearing on soaps prior to joining 'Another World,' she told me. Maia received her training at the New York University School of Arts before getting married and going to California to live with her first husband, an actor named Jeff Walker. "He loved California and I didn't and I think that that's what broke up our marriage. We went our separate ways in 1971 and I started studying again."

Maia met her present husband, Abram Epstein, when she was only 16 years of age and he was 24. She admitted she fell madly in love with him at that time, "but I had braces on my teeth and he wouldn't give me a tumble." It wasn't until after her divorce that she met him again. "I was very unhappy and took a house at Ocean Beach at Fire Island and there I was sitting on my porch feeling very blue and alone when like a bolt of lightning, I was hit with a vision of Abram, only it wasn't a vision, it was really him, puttering in the garden in the house right next door to the one I had rented. His family owned the house and for the rest of the summer they couldn't get rid of me. It was really the lift that I needed...being surrounded by the entire Epstein family, brothers, wives, children and parents. I never thought I'd marry again but how could you say no to the man you were in love with when you were sweet 16." Maia and Abram were married on August 25, 1974.

Today they live in the Murray Hill section of Manhattan and she admits that he is her biggest booster in all of her dramatic pursuits and that if it were not for his boosts and encouragements she would neither have been on Broadway in "Waltz of the Toreadors" with Anne Jackson and Eli Wallace nor sitting here chatting with me on the set of "Another World."

Irene Dailey (Liz Matthews) is an absolute love of a lady with an infectious smile. This talented actress told me that she is flying out to Michigan just for the day to house hunt. "No," she said in answer to my question, "I am not leaving 'Another WOrld,' I am simply going to buy a house as a gift for myself. I have friends who live in Central Michigan, near Michigan State University and they asked why I didn't buy a vacation home in their neck of the woods...and I thought, 'Why not!'

"I grew up on Long Island in a log cabin and am a lady who likes to rough it. I wouldn't mind living out on Long Island but it is far too expensive and one would need a helicopter to get to the place because of traffic. Since I spent lots of time in Chicago working and have lots of friends in the midwest, I felt a house there would be perfect. I could go there for vacations and in the summer and maybe even rent it out when I'm not using it. I don't want a fancy house...I want a fairly old house that I can fix up and it has to be near the water...if not on it."

Irene says that she has never traveled except for work, "It's not one of my dying interests...but now I would like to start taking trips. I want to see places that are famous for their waterways and their beaches...but most importantly, I want to visit friends who live in South America."

Beverly Penberthy (Pat Randolph) admits that she has no hobbies. "I love sports," she laughed, "but instead of excelling in them, I seem to get worse and worse. I suspect it's because I can't participate all of the time. One of my biggest dreams is to be a good skier. Last winter I went to Aspen, Colorado but got nowhere fast! But this year I'm determined. So I've booked passage for myself and my three kids, Mark, Leslie, and Elizabeth and we are off to Switzerland for ten glorious days in which I hope to become a skiing whiz. But if I don't, it should be a marvelous vacation sharing a foreign country with my children."

Beverly says she enjoys her children very much. "I enjoy doing things for and with them. Although I have a housekeeper who cooks when I'm working, I enjoy making special things for the kids when I'm home. I suspect I've spoiled them with my gourmet recipes because they'd rather have escargot than MacDonald's. They are really great kids who are willing to try everything even if they don't like it." Divorced, Beverly says that it is easy for her to make these specialties without a meat and potatoes man around. She also admits that she'd like to take a film course at N.Y.U. and experiment in writing...She also says that she can eat anything and has absolutely no weight problem. I think I hate her!

Michael Ryan (John Randolph) told me one of the most eerie stories I had ever heard. "We had a summer house on Staten Island a number of years ago and the lady from whom we had rented told us that her relative who had owned it before had buried some money someplace in the house. Well, prior to our moving in, she went through the house with a fine tooth comb looking for this buried treasure. It was nowhere to be found and in what I think was sheer desperation, she threw out all of the old furniture...I mean she dumped it on the side of the road a couple of miles away. Well, one weekend, Judith Barcroft, who's on 'All My Children' but who had been on 'Another World' in those days, came out as a house guest for the weekend and brought us a ouiji board as a gift. Well, that night my three kids, who were very young, asked the board if there was a buried treasure and if they would find it. The board answered yes to both questions and the next day with the aid of a neighbor's two children they started tearing up the house...and I do mean, tearing it up, floorboards and all. I couldn't stand it anymore so I threw them all out of the house.

"My wife and I were sitting out in the backyard taking in some sun and playing with our youngest child when the kids came running to my wife with a package they had found. It was all mildewed and dirty and they had said they had found it in the old furniture the lady had thrown out. Now I have this great talent for smelling money. And I knew I had smelled money. There were all of these bills corroded and dried out. I placed them all on top of an old 'Another World' script and counted out $4,950. As I said, the kids were all young and all they wanted to do with it was buy candy. But I put my foot down and said that was a bit much. We split the amount down the middle...giving half to my neighbor's kids and the half we kept was put away for their college...oh yes," said the man who has been on "Another World" longer than any other member of the cast, "I did give each kid $5.00 for ice cream, candy, popcorn and a stomach ache."

Hugh Marlowe (Jim Matthews) told me that his nice way of killing time is baking bread. "I saw an article in the New York Times that told how much less expensive it was and healthier if you baked your own bread and they gave them marvelous recipes. So, I paid my wife Rosemary $50.00 to teach me how to simmer, melt butter, separate yolk and white from eggs and all the other necessities needed. I told her that I would only pay her if she'd stick with me...and she did. So now I get up early every Saturday or Sunday and bake bread for the week.

"I'm a do-it-yourselfer in life...I even have a workshop on our terrace. We live in a marvelous rent controlled building on the marvelous rent controlled building on the West Side of Manhattan and are fortunate enough to have the penthouse apartment and I've built this workshop with tools I brought from California. The secret in being a do-it-yourselfer is to learn how to measure things. Then, carpentry, hanging wallpaper and even cooking becomes easy. I find doing things yourself makes you less bored with life. Weekends were really lost until I started baking bread. I'd just sit there until 'Face that Nation' or 'Meet the Press' would come on television...now I bake."

Hugh told me that he also plays bridge every afternoon when he's not working...that he belongs to a bridge club in Manhattan. He also spends a great deal of his free time helping to raise his new 6 1/2 ear old son, Hugh Michael Marlowe II who he and his wife take along with them on all of their vacations. "My son enjoys being with us and we like to have him along. We recently took him on a cruise on the luxury liner 'Michaelangelo' and every night, he liked to get dressed up like me...complete with shirt, tie and cufflinks. Some kids just don't make an effort, I'm happy that my son does.

Susan Harney says that she wasn't at all opposed to taking over the Jacqueline Courtney role of Alice Frame. "I think appearing on 'Another World' is a marvelous training ground for me," said the actress who prior to this had only appeared in repertory theatre, star packages, and commercials. "They used to have 'Studio One' for good dramatic training, but now it is soap operas and I think I'm on the best one. And acting on television is a medium I want to explore...I really feel as if I have growth potential in it. I haven't done theatre since I signed with the show but I hope to get back into it as soon as I'm accustomed to this new way of life."

In her spare time Susan told me that she enjoys any sports. "I'm an active and outdoor person who enjoys water-skiing and a good game of tennis. I've also recently become interested in antiques and craft things. When the spirit hits me and I enjoy crocheting shawls for friends. I began crocheting when I was in the theatre and we were on the road and sitting around in rehearsal halls for hours. I had all of this free time on my hands so I began to crochet because I could also concentrate on something else while I was doing the crocheting. I've even crocheted rugs.

I am taking voice lessons, for musical comedy and hope to take dancing and skating lessons in the near future," said the girl who grew up in Tennessee but never met Elvis Presley.

Susan has never been married and says she likes to keep her personal life strictly personal. She did admit that she has been seeing someone for quite a while but that marriage is rather far in the future.

"At the moment," she admitted, "my primary concern is to find a new apartment. It has to be sunny, very sunny, not very large but with a wood burning fireplace and located on the West Side of Manhattan. I like the West Side because of the community feeling and I enjoy being near the Hudson River. i don't entertain much in this apartment where I live now but I hope to when I move. I have all sorts of wonderful recipes handed down from my grandmother and I'm dying to try them on friends. Since moving to New York 6 years ago I've really gotten turned on to food. Coming from a small town as I did, I would only hear and read all of these ethnic goodies...now I'm trying them first hand.

Lionel Johnston who appears as Michael Randolph told me he was born in Georgia but was an Air Force brat who lived in Montana and spent most of his teen years in Panama, where his folks still live because his dad works for the Government and the Panama Canal. "I wanted to be an actor since I attended high school in Panama. We lived on the Atlantic side of the Zone and I attended school on the Pacific side. I always loved to entertain and have done a magic act and have sung with a band before leaving Panama to study acting. I lived there with my family from 1964 to 1970 and left just to attend the American Academy of Dramatic Arts after having attended college in Panama for one year. After attending the Academy for two years, I joined an improvisation group and did shows at the Manhattan Theatre Club where a casting agent for Universal Studios saw me and gave me a contract.

"I went to Los Angeles with the dream of stardom and got nothing but small parts on 'Kojak,' 'Chase,' several TV movies and the movie 'Earthquake'...which was really an experience and I learned a lot."

After a year and a half, Lionel's dream came to a halt when Universal let him go and he went from the studio to the unemployment line. His agent got him an audition for "Another World" after the show's casting director couldn't find a Michael Randolph in New York. "Right after the audition," Lionel continued, "I left for Texas and got married to Gladys Maymi, my high school sweetheart whom I had met in Panama where her dad was stationed in the Air Force. I had to marry her," he laughed, "it was because it was cheaper than running up those 160 phone bills every month!"

Lionel came back from his honeymoon and says he never unpacked his wedding gifts because he expected to move to New York at any given moment...he was that sure he'd won the part. His intuition, of course, was correct and today he and Gladys are renting a charming home in Norwalk, Connecticut and not living out of cartons.

I am absolutely enthralled with Jacqueline Brooks' speaking voice. It is so deep and distinctive and she also happens to be a very talented actress. "But away from the set," she told me as we sat in the famous Cory library where she plays housekeeper Beatrice Gordon, "I'm a tennis buff...I mean, a real tennis buff...I spend every free waking moment on a court someplace in Manhattan. I know it's an expensive hobby, especially in this city but I don't care, I love the game that much."

Jacqueline has also done several motion pictures which excite her more than anything. "Since making my first appearance in the film 'The Gambler' I've become very interested in doing any picture offered to me...just so I can learn. I recently completed a part in 'Looking Up' which was made in Manhattan. But today I had some bad news, I also made a film called 'Dragonfly'...I played a doctor who didn't want her patient to get released from the hospital and I wound up on the cutting room floor because they didn't think my part added to the story line. But I enjoyed doing the film anyway!"

Jacquline also does commercials for Kelloggs and a new aspirin substitute called Datril. She lives in the basement of a brownstone house that was built in 1832. "And between my tennis and work, I've become quite a gardener on my little patch of earth outside of my back window. I myself broke up the concrete and was carrying six cartons out a day. I laid the brick and tilled the soil and had quite a pleasant place this past summer. This next summer I hope to garden vegetables and fruits." She also enjoys entertaining and cooks her own dinners..."nothing fancy...but I'm a good cook. And I have found the best way to enjoy a party is by preparing everything in advance so that you can sit down with your guests and be a guest yourself."

Although John Fitzpatrick, he plays Willis Frame, was also working the day we visited "Another World," he declined to be interviewed because he just doesn't do them.

Also working was Roberta Maxwell who plays Barbara Weaver and we fell over some sort of scoop when we were told not to interview her because she was leaving the show and her part was going to be filled by Kathryn Walker who played Fawn on nighttime's "Beacon Hill."

It was quite a long day tracking down all of these stars but it was an even longer day for them. The "Another World" cast arrives at the studio at 6:30 in the morning and sometimes doesn't finish taping until 6:30 at night. They take no lunch break...why there even isn't a commissary on the premises and the only place they can grab some sort of sandwich is in a butcher shop two blocks away. I also learned that sometimes they even tape the dress rehearsal which is used over the airwaves. I take my hat off to this talented bunch of people!

Now, because the cast is so large and many of your favorites weren't working the day I was there, I"m going back to see if we can't get people like Constance Ford, Victoria Wyndham, Douglass Watson, John Getz, David Bailey, Beverlee McKinsey, David Ackroyd and many more! Keep tuned in for the next installment of "Another Wonderful World."

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Well, randomly enough, I just stumbled onto a 1986 episode I hadn't seen on Youtube before, so you can enjoy that.

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That's Christopher Cousins (Tina's great love Cain on OLTL) in the club scenes with Nancy McGowan.

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Oh good! 1982 is one of those odd periods of the show I want to see more of, especially if there's any chance of seeing Quinn, Henrietta, etc. (not sure if they are in it or not), or Jamie. Were the Sheas still there at this time?

I forgot to mention that Kathleen Layman MJ is briefly in the first 1986 clip. I know some here are fans of hers.

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