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ATWT: May Discussion

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Seeing as how we were talking about the May 1st episode in an April thread... here we go. And considering the fact that the last two episodes have been shockingly good... here's to a new month of World Turns! :D
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I carried this over from the April thread, just 'cause....it's technically May, y'know. :D

I enjoyed laughing at them. I know I'm usually the curmugdeoniest curmugdeon you ever met, but some days, you just gotta throw you hands up and roll with it, no matter how stupid and silly it seems. I'd probably snark at someone who defended either of those twits. I just can't rail every day at Pissy's ham-fisted plot to revitalize, revamp and redeem Craig.

Plus, I think I was really relieved the Carly/Jack scenes weren't complete bitchfests.

OR...I might just be losing have lost my friggin' mind.

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Haha..sounds like a good explanation.

So what is Damian hiding? Interesting previews at the end with Lucinda and Holden. It looks like the horrible baby story is almost over. Thank Gawd..so sick of Katie and her stories.

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^^^^maybe his family fortune stems from his Drag Queen revue. :D I don't know...and honestly, I doubt it's anything that big. Or maybe I just don't care enough to think about it.

And I'm rubbing my hands and salivating at Katie's impending heartbreak. :lol:

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I don't think Damian is hiding anything. I think what we see in the preview is just Holden and Lucinda trying to break in somewhere to do some "investigating" and Damian showing up with security in exasperation.

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Personally, I hate Katie because she's a twit. Always has been, always will be. I've hated her since the minute she bopped her skinny bitch ass into Oakdale, through her obsession with Holden, the Skatie craze, the Matie sexfest, how she ripped out Henry's heart, how she took over Carly's life with Jack, and now when she's sucked all the life and encrusted every flat surface of her and Brad's house with DNA trying for the baby she's "always" wanted.

I hate Katie. Where others see comedy, I see an endless sucking vaccuum of mediocrity and cheesy dialogue. I don't hate Katie as much now as I did....but I end up rolling my eyes through every one of her "mature" stories. The more TIIC try and convince me she's mature, sympathetic and heroic, the more I contend she's completely and utterly useless in the landscape of Oakdale.

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I just saw Friday's show. It was blah...now that Block nor Bryce is on the show. We have interactions between Craig and Katie. They have zero connection to me as brother and sister. So there scenes fell flat for me. I know Bryce had some scenes but very few. And Block was nonexistent in Katie's world.

I ff'd most of the show.

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I'm a Katie lover, but I understand why others aren't. I mean she's only how old, and she's got FIVE MARRIAGES under her belt? Part of her problem is that her first marriage was her best. Katie and Simon had undeniable chemistry, and everything that came afterward seems like an afterthought. You just know , if Simon came back, Katie would leave airhead Brad in a second.

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Katie would be better recieved if she were written better. Of course we could say that about most of the characters on ATWT.

How about a visit from Mama Peretti? Lyla telling Katie to straighten up her life. Katie telling Mom that all the traveling around and not having a dad made her they way she is. Have Katie blame Margo(who took him off life support) for her misery. Bring an all out war with the Montgomerys. Of course we would have to include Craig. Maybe then we could feel some love/sympathy for Katie. But when she just hops from man to man, wanting babies and destroying marriages and not giving a damn. Well why should I care about the twit...LOL.

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Well, that's not entirely true. Katie and Craig were living together for awhile at the Lakview, when Block was playing him. He's the one who stepped in and saved her after the Endicotts, he's the one who threw the "intervention" at Margo's and brought Lyla back to stop her from marrying Simon. I recall a lot of Craig/Katie scenes in the first few Block years. Once the baby switch hit, they were really in different orbits - but the first couple Block years, the Montgomerys played a lot together. .

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