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Y&R: Week of March 30, 2009

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Yum! But enough with the spoilers!!!! I can't get on this thread without being spoiled! :)

I think people are overreacting to the whole "Winters aren't getting enough screentime" thing. Yes, the story isn't working, and something should have been done by now, but I think that we all need to be reminded now and then that not all storylines have to be crammed into every. single. week. If one looks back at the classic Y&R days, even actresses like Cooper and Walton would get the occassional 3, 4 episode a month appearances, because the storylines worked in a cyclical rhythm. Of course, that may not even apply to this particular situation, and I know that everyone doesn't think that, but still... relax.

Fans expect everyone to be on every second day, for storylines to wrap up in two months, slow-building arcs are supposed to be a minus, uuuuuugh [/rant].

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They can't be crammed in, true. But we have Tyra doing something on one day, then we have people reacting to it in a month (which usually happens the next day), then Neil does something month later and then we have people reacting to it in another month.

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Me too. But the reality it's been that way since Latham. And it's obvious Marcille isn't working, at least not for me. You would think that with the few appearances she does, they could at least do some good writing, but they're doing the over-done cliche affair storyline.

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The Winter's a crappily developed family that have no heart without Dru. If it were up to me, they would've been phased out long ago when Rowell left. Nothing they give them works, but they should try really hard to wrap up their current storyline and either write some of them off the show, or just let them be floating supporting characters for other storylines. Obvious that Neil doesn't work without Dru, Lily is off in her own world, and Devon has been nothing for years.

I also realize that they can't play too many storylines in one episode or in one week. But this Winter's storyline needs to end and these characters need to be placed elsewhere, Neil in particular.

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Tyra and Ana need to get out of town immediately and if they refuse to write for Devon for the next few years, he needs to leave with them as well. Karen, as much as we love her over Tyra, is also a big bore. Neil is too, but I wouldn't let him go and I'd keep him as supporting, as he's always been.

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Anyway too many spoilers talk in this thread already.

I wasn't referring to this specifically. I meant spoiler talk of things that won't happen for a while plaguing this thread. I'm guilty of it, and it's clearly stopping others who want to discuss the show, but hate spoilers from participating in this thread, which I think was YRBB's point. A lot of people don't want to be "spoiled" not me, but I know it's a pet peeve for some posters.

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