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Y&R: Week of March 30, 2009

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Why did Amber help Kevin when he collapsed at the bank? She should have stopped it right there and go to the police. It's not like there is any other way to end this. This way Kevin could have had medical care and they'd try to resolve everything.

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Wasn't she the one who stole the money anyway, regardless of asking the teller for help. So if he does down, she'll go down with him.

But Amber and Kevin need to return to GC, which is happening soon anyway. I haven't minded the storyline, but it's time to wrap it up, which isn't far away.

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Amber, like Gloria, ALWAYS makes reckless decisions. (Think about the pawn shop break in a few weeks ago). This defines her, and it did on B&B.

Therefore, all your rational questions make sense...but not for Amber. This is what she does.

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Since she refuses to accept any help, my bet is she will go very far off the deep end... She did admit to herself that she has a problem, but she isn't doing anything good with it since she is trying to hide it.

I know. But she kept screaming at Kevin how they need to surrender and how everything is going to be fine, yet she goes ahead and does something like this. But okay, she's still more tolerable than Gloria.

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It's so funny what we take away. My image of her is taking care of him...buying him stuff to help him...stroking him...saying "it's going to be okay, baby".

I thought, how nurturant. She really is loving and sweet, with Kay, with Kevin.

And it reminds me how much I love her. :wub: She's a screwed up goof, but at the core, she wants to be good.

I wish, wish, wish they would reference more of her past with B&B. I also wish (even though many of you hate Kyle Lowder), that the character of Rick would come to Y&R and interact with Ashley and Amber...at least for a brief visit.

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