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AMC: Thursday, March 26, 2009

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Written by

Kate Hall

Directed by

Steven Williford

Stories in Prologue:

A. At the police station, JR's on the phone trying to get Adam to answer him. The other end hangs up. JR's escorted back into the interrogation room. Erica arrives and heads to the room but Jesse stops her. Erica says she's there to post JR's bail, but Jesse tells her the judge denied bail, claiming JR's a flight risk. Erica's worried about what's happening with Little Adam, and Jesse tells her that he's being well taken care of.

B. At the Hubbards, Angie's trying to get Little Adam to eat. Little A asks if his father is in jail, and Angie tells him he's at the police station. Little Adam wants his father and Angie tries to assure him that JR's doing everything he can to come back for him. Little Adam insists he wants to go home NOW and tries to bolt out of the loft when Natalia enters, stopping him.

C. David and Kwak are about to leave the hospital when Jake tells her that she's not being checked out. David isn't having it.

D. Ryan is challenging Zach. [ETA: Kendall presumably calls Zach, Zach wants to answer the phone, saying its his wife, and Ryan gloats she's about to be his ex-wife] Zach tells him that if he wants to bring Zach to his knees and destroy every thing he has, Ryan will have to kill him first -- and thinks Ryan doesn't have the brass to go through with it.



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I forgot to mention Kendall called Zach in the prologue (she wasn't shown, though). Sorry for getting hopes up.

Anyway, this Judge Schmuck is incredibly spineless. How the hell did he ever become a judge? He just caves in to whatever threat happens to be hanging over his head... which seems to be many. I mean, damn, I know the legal system in Pine Valley is incredibly corrupt, but daaaaaaaayum!

Speaking of Kendall, is this nanny "Rachel" or is she someone else? Wasn't the previous Rachel younger and hotter -- fitting in with the Fusion Girls? I mean, I could be wrong, since we never see her.

Moving on... going back to corrupt law officials... how, exactly, does the Chief of Police have the ability to shelter a child in the middle of a custody case? Is it me, or does that kind of smell a little like CONFLICT OF INTEREST?! I'm not a law buff by any means... but this just seems a little, shall we say, ODD AND CONTRIVED AND NOT ENDEARING ME ANY MORE TO JESSE, WHO IS ON THIN ICE WITH ME FOR FRAMING DAVID TO BEGIN WITH!

Question -- Zach and Myrtle's photo in the casino reminded me... Does Kendall know that Myrtle's dead? Or did she wake up, have Erica fill her head with lies about Reese, and that's been the only thing she's focused on ever since?

I don't like Randi. I reeeally don't like how Angie just all of a sudden fell in love with her, either. If I couldn't be a bitch to Miss Pretty Woman, I kinda enjoyed living vicariously through Angie's bitch-ocity. It's not that I don't like Randi... it's just that I don't like her. The only use I have for her is that she's the tool to get Cornelius Smith, Jr. shirtless.

I did, however, enjoy Zach mentioning that technically it's Ryan and his big mouth that set up the chain of events that killed Greenlee.

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It will justify the absurdity of Ryan blaming Zach. If Zach says "Yes, I killed Greenlee," then Ryan will feel vindicated -- because, deep down, he knows he's the one who put the chain of events into motion. Greenlee would never have been on the road that night if Ryan didn't not only run his mouth about, but EMBELLISH The Kiss.

Ryan's really transparent. Saran wrap is harder to see through than this idiot. He feels extraordinarily guilty about his involvement in the whole Death of Greenlee scandal, that he feels if he blames someone he hates, rather than himself or Kendall, it will be easier. He doesn't want to burden Kendall with the guilt because Ryan's already been through the dead wife/ruined marriage routine before. He knows that as soon as his wife is no longer a viable option, he walks around town with his penis hanging out looking for grief sex. Why alienate the only woman that would give it to him?

This reminds me... I just realized how disappoint this all turned out. The promo surrounding Greenlee's death made it seem like some epic tale was about to unfold... and it hasn't. All we've been witnessing is Ryan doing his hoarse whispering all around town.

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Wouldn't it be great if Greenlee was alive and decided to pretend she was dead so she'd never have to be around Ryan, Kendall, or Zach ever again? She can still talk to Jack, none of them care about him anyway, they'd never know.

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Isn't he, though? And it doesn't help matters that he's played by such a limited (to be kind) actor. Cameron and Aiden have probably the most unexpressive eyes/faces on this show. It's a sad thing to say that even Brianne Moncrief has a more expressive face than these two. Yet, they're thrown story after story, love interest after love interest... while Cornelius Smith, Jr. and Daniel Kennedy are saddled with two of the most limited actresses on this show in Denise Vasi and Moncrief.

I mean, seriously. Aidan gets coldcocked and falls to the floor... gets up and acts like he wasn't even fazed by it.

Anyway, I enjoy watching TK eat CM up in these lame ass confrontation scenes with Ryan and Zach. And that's coming from me... who can't stand either Zach or Ryan.

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Sonny - Zach

Carly - Kendall

Jason - Aidan

Jax - Ryan

Ric - Josh

Brenda - Greenlee

Emily - Bianca

Monica - Erica

Alan - Jackson

Georgie - Colby

Edward - Adam


Stefan - David

Janine - Krystal

Tracy - Liza

Luke - Jesse

Laura - Angie

Lucky - Frankie

Summer - Randi

Bobbie - Opal

Spinelli - Petey

Skye - Annie

Patrick - Jake

Scotty - Tad

Elizabeth - Amanda

Sam - Taylor

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