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Y&R: Week of February 16, 2009

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Jill and the old goat were actually good when they got it on, all those years ago. She was the only woman he treated as an equal, which was probably why it didn't last.

Unlike a lot of other people, I don't want to see her with the Wartman. Instead, it would be good if they did a little stunt casting and have Jill have a short term affair with an old Hollywood star. What is Tom Selleck doing these days?

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me too! after that dismal excuse for "sex" on the floor of the Abbott cabin, the bar is set real low where ANY "SEX" scenes are filmed with SC, she made a comment about a year ago that she promised her husband that she would not do open mouth kisses and flagrant love making scenes, so I see she is standing by her promise.

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Sharon Case, in her interview, described a raunchy, no holds barred, lusty sex scene. I want THAT damnit, especially with Billy Miller looking the hottest I've ever seen him today. And ain't it a thrill to see Sharon back to her slutty roots? Slut rules!!!

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Yeah, I was a bit disappointed. I was hoping to see more than just quick/short flashbacks.

And what a beautiful sight it was. :wub:

Yeah, I would've prefered she wake up naked, but since this is a daytime show.........

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They need to stop sending young people against Victor. Or, to be fair---anyone against Victor. Because you know that no matter where, at what time or how, Victor will ALWAYS be the winner. It's something that can't be broken, and everyone needs to accept it. I know I had to.

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I really wasn't watching when they first paired up Sharon and Jack. I don't know why they ever went there considering that there is no chemistry. At least with their current quads, Chloe/Cane/Billy/Lily, and Amber/Daniel/Jana/Kevin they all have reasonable degrees of chemistry, even if some light up hotter than others. I think one of the major problems with soaps is when they insist on a match that sounds good on paper, but doesn't have the chemistry to support it on screen. Try them and then ditch them ASAP.

For once I'm a little envious of Sharon, getting to kiss Billy.

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They went there because it was easy for Lynn Marie Latham to do. She probably thought "oh I have the next few days to come up with a good story for Sharon. No, wait a minute, I'll just stick her to Jack and have the rest of my days off."

I totally agree about the lack of chemistry these two shared.

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