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PSSNS: Jesse Metcalfe has let himself go

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I never understood the fascination with this guy, he is cute in a cute young guy way, but he was so shaved and man tan and lispy I had a hard time getting the feeling he could it up for Gabby, (Carlos definatley but not Gabby.)

The kid looks fine..he just isnt 21 anymore and it does look like he has been hitting the booze. He actually looks, dare I say normal for a guy that age who likes to have a good time (as opposed to the man-arexics we usually see on TV. )

However, I must say I always thought his pecs were implants but now I can see that no they are all natural.

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I thought Metcalfe was hot in sort of a campy, silly way in the early PSNS episodes. I loved how that one Bennett sister was all crazy for him, but he was more feminine-looking and made-up than she was.

I'm probably in the minority, but I've never, ever, ever been too crazy about bears. Ever. I'm not saying that they're disgusting or anything at all, but if I had a choice between a bear and a twink, I'd choose the twink. Maybe it's a youth thing, idk. I went to school with a guy who was THE perfect example of a twink, and we had PE together, and...well...I like twinks, okaaaaay?

Oh yeah, Jess is definitely sporting puberty moobs. With pecs, the nipples either point out or down, they don't sit up like his are, and there isn't a little pocket of fat underneath either.

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