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ATWT: Week of January 19, 2009

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So, I'm guessing people found the show today as blah as I did?

It's no wonder Craig is considered a criminal genius, if Dusty and Meg's plot is an example of the "best efforts" to bring him down.

I swear, Paul's hair reflects his moods.

I flove Mikey and Maura...but geez...could Jack and Carly not argue at least twice a month?

Janet is obviously an amateur at predicting "force of nature" Carly.

Parker was actually nice to his mom today (aside from sending Craig in to talk to her...), that's a nice change of pace.

Carly accepting Craig's proposal....GAG me.

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In Pissy's Whacked out World, that's where.

It's hard to know if Craig is a move up or down the desperation ladder. I really didn't think anyone could be a greater mismatch for her than Holden....and then Pissy comes up with this craptastic move.

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WTF are they smoking over at ATWT? Craig proposes to Carly so Emily suggests Dusty retaliates by marrying her? Then there's the whole dull-as-hell Emma being overbearing on Paul and Meg with the baby storyline, not to mention nuJade discovering that this random Derek guy is her bio father, and Bonnie's somehow involved? Lumping all of the African American characters in the same storyline? How original. Why isn't Lily involved? Isn't Jade Roses's daughter?

And can I ask what the point was of recasting Lucy and Maddie when both characters were only around for like two weeks?

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^^^it's not like there's a lot of ATWT talk on the board. Unless, of course, peeps pipe up about Nuke. :rolleyes:

Thursday was the one totally horrid day. And I'm beginning to say the name "Johnny" in my sleep. TIIC have to realize this custody story SUCKS. Is there anyone who's really rooting for either Dusty or Craig? Is there anyone who truly buys Carly agreeing to marry the slob who nearly killed her sister and switched Gwen's baby? Then there's psychoPaulie...GMAFB.

It was nice to see CZP today. And I actually liked the Carjack/Sage story. You won't catch me complaining that Jack's sunk to manipulating Carly out of a marriage she doesn't want.

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CZP should be part of the custody storyline. Perhaps she could get custody instead of those two other losers.

But I agree everything is so bad on the show from Craig and Dusty(why did they bring him back) to Psycho Paul....UGH....Goutman and Pissant cant come up with anything meaningful for this show. It royaly sucks.

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Yep, the amount of replies is about right for how boring this week was. I did like seeing Emily again for the first time in a long time -- and back to her self-pitying ways too. If I were Allison though, I would not have been so understanding at her asking me not to pursue someone she dumped.

Also, I'm glad we finally know that Derek is Jade's father. I liked seeing Jade and Allison bonding over absent fathers too.

I wonder if Jade will really take up Emily's offer in the previews, or if she will refuse and tell Allison -- unless maybe the whole catch Casey thing is Emily *and* Allison's plan in the first place. I hope it will not just be a repeat of Jade trying to split up Will and Gwen.

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