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B&B: Ridge and Brooke Wedding Spoiler

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TVGuide has a preview of their upcoming wedding. It will take place January 5th on the beach, but there's a catch. It'll just be the two of them. No guests, no family, no minister. Just them, a canopy and a 50 by 50 foot heart sculpted in the sand. The dialogue will have the couple declating their intent to marry later for real in city hall. A B&B rep says such a scene has yet to pop up in scripts so it doesnt look like this wedding will be made legal anytime soon. Seems corny to me and a complete waste of time.

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Jesus Christ, another scene with them declaring their undying love and playing that goddamn song and then screwing each other's kids in the very next episode. How can Ron Moss and Katherine Kelly Lang not want to shoot themselves?

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The pathetic thing is that only a couple of their weddings managed to be legal. I've lost count of how many marriages there have been both legal and illegal. Brooke has to be the most married character in daytime at this point and she's not even in her 50's. It's played out. This show must find new blood to take part of the load so that Brooke can cycle through guys a bit more slowly.

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All of Ridge and Brooke's past marriages have been either annulled (which retroactively means they never existed, even if the ceremony was legal) or were deemed invalid:

1994 Malibu Wedding: Deemed invalid upon Taylor's first return from the dead

1998 Wedding: Annulled at Ridge's request so that he could marry Taylor and raise Thomas with her.

2003 Puerto Vista Jungle Wedding: Annulled by Ridge when they believed Nick was the dad of Brooke's unborn child. (Technically, even had they not annulled, this would have been deemed invalid upon Taylor's second return from the dead)

2004 Reunion Wedding after RJ's birth: Deemed invalid upon Taylor's second return from the dead

Actually, Brooke has only had two legal marriages for all her weddings: her first marriage to Eric and her marriage to Nick both ended in divorce. Her marriage to Grant was never valid to begin with since the "captain/justice of the peace" who married them was a fraud, and her marriages to Thorne and Whip were both annulled, as was her second marriage to Eric.

Ridge, on the other hand, has had legal marriages besides for those with Brooke:

Caroline: Marriage ended upon her death.

Taylor marriage #1: Although their marriage was still valid when Taylor "returned from the dead," Ridge chose to divorce her so he could be with Brooke.

Taylor marriage #2: Was thought to have ended when she "died," but then she returned from the dead a second time thanks to Prince Omar. Ridge and Taylor renewed those vows after Stephanie faked a heart attack, and this marriage ultimately ended in divorce once Ridge found out about the "Big Bear Boink" with James.

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