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Y&R: Week of December 8, 2008

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I know Lauren and Michael aren't really all that popular on this site and a number of people find them boring, but I thought I would give them a shout out since they just celebrated their third anniversary on the show.

This is a short but well done Likey anniversary video that I believe shows why the writers are missing out on using an established couple with talent and natural chemistry together.


By the way, I enjoyed feisty Lauren getting in Gloria's face today. Too bad the writers will probably have her propping Gloria tomorrow.

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i am a huge michael/laurenf an and i couldnt agree more.

they were actually unharmed by LML hack saw she had going bu flying under the rader. i think every soap needs a stable couple and i think lauren/michael are that here. they dont have a perfect marraige but they also dont have affairs. any issues they have are usually internal or caused by michaels family. i dont midnt hem being played a b/c couple if it emans them going unharmed.

now i what i wouldnt give for a Lauren Fenmore story tho...

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Mickey & Lauren are still popular, definitely with me, but we still all have lots of reason to be pissed when Tracey Bregman's sole purpose on the show is to be a cue speaker/pod for Michael and his family...

Speaking of the Baldwins: NuEden is Recurring!? Wasn't the previous actress on contract?

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I apprciate the positive outlook and I definitely do not want a Sheila redo, but it's been almost two years since their last story (Sheila as Phyllis) so I wonder how long they'll have to wait. I think the writers like keeping them the happily married couple amidst the chaos of the other couples. They can use Likey to prop other characters' stories i.e. Phyllis, Gloria, Kevin and Victor. I guess Maria could give them some issues to deal with considering the Gloria spoiler. Though the writers have to actually focus on them to create them a good story. It's like this so called Michael story involving River which lasted a few weeks before being backburned. It was poorly thought out and executed, lost it's original purpose and is quickly being wrapped to get to another Gloria story.

I have never liked Phyllis and Nick, but I have to say, I thought their scenes were well acted and written today. The best thing that could have happened to Michelle Stafford is to have Nick and Sharon kiss. She does not play happily married well, but she is a force on screen as a schemer on the edge.

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You know I really wouldn't mind that either. I could forgo a Likey story if we saw Lauren involved in a business story or anything apart from constantly dealing with her in laws. They could continue to use Michael as their resident lawyer, have Lauren involved in a business story maybe helping Amber with her new business or dealing with her stores financially suffering due to the economy. Then continue to occassionally focus on Likey's family life and marriage like they do now.

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They were amazing. They felt real...MS's Phylis was on her A game today. She had all the blame on Nick, and after all the coniving she's been doing since the funeral, that's pretty hard to do. I wanted more. I love that Nick didn't try to lie, and it gave some respect to both Sharon and Phylis. I'm not a JM fan, but he really does make Nick a good guy. I really want this to tear their marriage apart because of scenes like today.

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Anyone think it must irk Heather Tom to no end that she isn't on Y&R? I know she had opportunities to return before AH, but seeing as Y&R is in such good form and B&B is not..it must be so sad for her. And I wonder what the writers are going to do for Victoria and JT. They're barely on.

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