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Thanks for all the info. I think Georgia was mostly won due to a number of factors in 2020 which aren't there this year, but I hope Harris can pull it off.

Quinnipac isn't very reliable, IIRC, but then Gallup, which is out today talking about a dip in her favorability while Trump had a big gain isn't either. If the latter is true, I do blame the media for their nonstop fawning over him. Any time there is a lull between events, Trump seems to regain footing, because people are drawn into falling for all the propaganda about him and about Harris (that and worries over immigration and the economy).

Meanwhile it looks like the Teamsters are likely going to endorse Trump, as otherwise this polling data probably wouldn't have been released. Their scumbag head has been itching to do so, even speaking at the RNC and cheerleading hatemonger Josh Hawley, a favorite of the red-brown alliance dead end leftists. The methodology between the two polls is different, but this is still a big warning sign of how much the white working class vote is likely going to overperform for Trump again.

When she is erudite, they criticize her for being too on message. When she's not, it's word salad. Meanwhile, if Trump blathers he is praised for managing to weave out a winning message. If he doesn't [!@#$%^&*] his pants on stage, he's praised for being on message. It's no wonder he is doing so well.

@janea4old I saw that. Kennedy (who isn't even using his real accent - he magically gained that drawl when he switched parties) is often hyped by sycophants as "funny" but he's just an old nasty bigot. Even Faux News had to shut him down not long ago.

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Contrary to right-wing panicked spin over these polls, Quinnipiac was pretty good in '22. And sure, all pollsters vary. But we all know Gallup's biases going back many years. So if we want to pick and choose it become choose your own adventure depending on what any of us prefer to believe. The fact remains, most reputable polls (including Q) have Harris up 3-6 in these states. If she takes them it's over.

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Yeah and I remember reading that the Black Teamsters Union/Caucus endorsed Harris after all the conflict was exposed some weeks back. I also heard a Teamster call in to one of the Sirius XM Progress shows who said that he expects a lot of the local chapters to post endorsements for Harris. Biden pretty much had pretty solid support, which I was shocked about, but I can see the numbers above reflect that.

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This has all the regional Teamsters endorsements:

  • A series of local “joint councils” representing hundreds of thousands of Teamsters workers in key swing states endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris after the International Brotherhood of Teamsters’ executive board declined to endorse either her or Trump

  • Harris campaign spokesperson Ian Sams said on social media that Harris had earned the endorsement of Teamsters Joint Council 43 in Michigan, Teamsters Joint Council 39 in Wisconsin, and Teamsters Joint Council 7 and Joint Council 42, which represent 300,000 members across California, Hawaii, Guam and battleground Nevada

  • Teamsters Joint Councils and locals in Washington state, Idaho and AlaskaPhiladelphiaMiamiwestern Pennsylvania, and elsewhere had already offered their endorsement of Harris prior to Wednesday

  • In August, the Teamsters’ National Black Caucus endorsed Harris after its chairman condemned Teamsters General President Sean O’Brien for making overtures to Trump and speaking at the Republican National Convention


Harris racks up regional endorsements from Teamsters locals (ny1.com)

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Event hosted by Stacey Abrams, real-life Georgia politician.
She is a Trek fan.
She had a cameo role as the President of Earth
on one episode of Star Trek: Discovery.

The only male attendee announced is Senator Cory Booker.

So far, these women are to be on the call:

Jeri Ryan
Seven of Nine
Star Trek: Voyager and Star Trek: Picard
- Non-Starfleet Astrometrics Specialist on Voyager.
- Unconventional Ferris Ranger on ST: Picard.
- Eventually joined Starfleet as Commander (then Captain) on ST: Picard.)

Nana Visitor
Major (and Colonel) Kira Nerys
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

Kate Mulgrew
Captain (and Admiral) Kathryn Janeway
Star Trek: Voyager and Star Trek: Prodigy
Also “Hologram Janeway” who is a main character on Prodigy.

Michelle Hurd
Commander Raffi Musker
Star Trek: Picard

Gates McFadden
Doctor Beverly Crusher
Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek: Picard, and several Trek films

Terry Farrell
Lieutenant (and Lieutenant Commander) Jadzia Dax
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

Denise Crosby
Security Officer Lieutenant Natasha Yar.
Also, Romulan Commander "Sela", the daughter of Natasha Yar.
Star Trek: The Next Generation

Catherine Hicks
Dr. Gillian Taylor, expert on whales
from the movie Star Trek: The Voyage Home 

Bertila Damas
Played a Vulcan Maquis on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.
Played a former Borg on Voyager.
Ms. Damas is a former SAG-AFTRA board member.

Dawnn Lewis
Captain Carol Freeman
Star Trek: Lower Decks

Elizabeth Dennehy
Captain Elizabeth Shelby
(guest role on Star Trek: The Next Generation and Star Trek: Picard)

Linda Park
Communications Officer Lieutenant Commander Hoshi Sato
This character's work contributed to the invention of the universal translator.
Star Trek: Enterprise

Ashlei Sharpe Chestnut
Sidney LaForge (one of the two daughters of Jordi LaForge)
Star Trek: Picard

Mary Chieffo
Klingon Chancellor L’Rell
Star Trek: Discovery

Rhonda Aldrich 
She played "Madeline" who was Dixon Hill's secretary in
Capt Picard's detective fantasy hologram program
Star Trek: The Next Generation

Bonnie Gordon
Voice Actress for the ship's computer on Star Trek: Prodigy
Also voiced other roles on Prodigy.

Stephanie Czajkowski
Science officer T'Veen
Star Trek: Picard

Yetide Badaki
Illyrian attorney Neera Ketoul 
Star Trek: Strange New Worlds
Only one episode but powerful role.

Kity Swink
had guest roles on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine,
as a member of the Bajoran Council of Ministers
and as a female Vorta.
Notably, Kity Swink is married to Armin Shimerman who plays Quark.

Marnie Mosiman
She appeared as as one of the three "chorus" telepaths
whose job was to voice the thoughts of a deaf ambassador.
on one episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation.
Notably, Marnie Mosinan is married to John de Lancie who has played "Q" on several Trek series.

Chase Masterson
the Bajoran character "Leeta" (dabo girl who became union organizer)
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.

Martha Hackett
Star Trek: Voyager

Megan Gallagher
Three episodes on two series:
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: the girlfriend of a Trill man who forcibly took the Dax symbiont from Jadzia.
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: a doctor in 1947 Roswell, New Mexico when the Ferengi characters accidentally went back in time and crashed in Roswell.
Star Trek: Voyager: A doctor on a planet that enslaved photonic beings, who changed her attitude during the episode.
Interestingly, Megan Gallagher's husband Jeff Yagher is the brother
of actress Catherine Hicks' husband Kevin Yagher.

Jayne Brook
Admiral Katrina Cornwell
Star Trek: Discovery

Elisa Goodman
casting staff for Star Trek: The Next Generation

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