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No,, everyone doesn't have one. Not everyone has a bank account. Some people cash checks at stores and/or check cashing outlets. I would assume they'd want i.d. but you know some people do have fakes.

Are you being naive or just an idealist?

Republicans might recognize they need support from "Latinos" or "Hispanics" but they haven't figured out how to/have done an inadequate job reaching out to them.

Republicans don't court black voters. They pretty much imply that they are all lazy people draining the welfare system. Unless you call Mitt Romney going to the NAACP convention to tell that group to vote foe the other guy if they want "free" stuff courting.

Don't you ever hear any Republicans admit what a poor job they've done with minorities and how they need to change that?

I'm sorry I am Swede and GoldenDogs because I thought I was responding to just one of you and ended up confusing you in my mind.

Edited by Wales2004
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I feel stupid, Wales, because I fell into that trap. I have previously posted saying "black" but said "African American" in responding to Ann because SHE used the term and I fell into the "didn't want to offend anyone" trap.

I need to get out of that mindset. And I should know better because the black folks in my life prefer being called "black"... NOT African American because it was explained to me this way: "Brian, I've never been to Africa and neither has anyone in my family." So, I should always default to what I know and not what I THINK someone else WANTS ME to know... LOL!

And why, for some, do we have to have some complicated set of rules regarding what to say or how we say it?

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Yeah, I have, actually... It is a perennial election cycle event, when the current Repubican nominee goes to the NAACP convention and offends everyone because nobody wants to hear the popular Bill Cosby version of things that you pointed out earlier in the thread. Or they just don't know what to say or how to say it because of hypersensitive individuals like Ann here in the forum who looks around every corner for a racist.

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I don't think that is a thought that has crossed anyone's mind here. Most people, if not all, would be amazed at the fact that you don't have to show ID when you vote in the US. It's just the way it is here.

Perhaps it's not fair though to compare Sweden to the US in this regard. We don't have the same issues with race or ethnicity that you have, nor do we have the same problems with poverty. (If you don't mind me generalizing a bit) We really don't have any minority groups that could feel targeted.

Religion is not an issue either, since we're one of the most secularized countries in the world. Maybe it's becoming more of an issue with the muslim immigration, but most Swedes couldn't care less about religion.

Edited by I Am A Swede
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I don't care what people want to call themselves because that's their business. The problem is that everyone else doesn't see it that way and it leads to idiocy such as the sports talk show host on ESPN referring to a Bahamian as an "African-American." He's so bent on being politically correct that he ends up being incorrect period.

I can't even get two people to give me the same meaning of the term. I've read about people getting mad when people from the African continent refer to themselves as such. They claim those Africans have no right because they're not a part of the American slave history. Then I've seen people get mad when all the black people don't want to label themselves as such because who do they think they are.

Je ne sais pas. Confusion must be some sort of glorious state.

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They did in the past, but have notably stopped in recent years. Compare how President Bush (II) spoke about immigration policy to how the current GOP slate of candidates have spoken. Or how Karl Rove tried very hard to get the Latino vote whereas now the most you get between "build a fence" is that Hispanics should vote for the GOP because of Jesus and the economy. Compare the efforts at courting the black vote in 2004 and 2006 to going on about welfare queens and having Sarah Palin go on TV talking about shuck and jive.

I think the GOP made a very calculated decision in 2008 and 2010 to abandon minority voters, and they are pushing forward on that path unless they can convince minority voters that Allen West, Marco Rubio, Herman Cain, and David Rivera actually care about them in any way. They are counting on the angry white vote.

Edited by CarlD2
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"We're coming down to the 11th hour. We're facing a violent storm," Clinton said. He waited a beat, then added, "It's nothing compared to the storm we'll face if you don't make the right decision in this election."

Wow... Clinton making political points while life and property are in danger? WOW. Poor judgement from a guy who knows better... He's smarter than that.

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I've never needed an ID to get prescription drugs so I can't address that. Perhaps someone else can. As for withdrawing money, does Sweden not have ATMs/bank machines? (Honest question) because that's how i withdraw cash.

The only thing I've had to show my ID for in years was to buy alcohol and that's only because certain stores require their clerks to ask for ID whenever someone purchases booze.

They made that decision long before 2008. Nixon garnered 36 percent of the black vote. Romney polled at 0. The GOP chose to stick with the Southern Strategy because they thought white men would always be the most powerful group. Now that decision has cost them.

Edited by marceline
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I didn't mean to discount the racism of the last few decades, but more to mention that there were some butt-covering efforts in 2004 or 2006, trying to say that it was a big tent as long as you were with them on social issues, pledging immigration reform, etc, pushing media hype candidates like Michael Steele. There was a huge backlash to the immigration reform plans in 2006 and then Obama got the nomination in 2008, so everything seemed to fall into place for very in-your-face racism.

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I was half asleep this morning when I confused a couple of posts so I responded about the bank but not about the prescription drugs. I believe people with medical insurance usually have cards issued that identify them and their medical insurance numbers and if they purchase at their carrier's pharmacy then those cards suffice. Drugstore pharmacies may differ from state to state.

As of January 2011, photo identification is required for purchasing over the counter cough medicine in the state of California. I believe they're trying to prevent teens from being able to purchase it for recreational use. Other states may have similar laws.

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Norm Coleman, former "moderate" senator and veneers pitch person, booted out of office by Al Franken after months of court action, is letting us know that Romney won't go against Roe v Wade. He's lucky this is coming out when no one will be focusing on it, as this will make the social conservatives flip.


Meanwhile, out of nowhere, Bob Kerrey, who was left for dead in the Nebraska Senate race, and will probably still lose, is now only a few points behind Palin-backed GOP nominee Deb Fischer, who has been having big ethical scandals.



Rove is throwing money in so they must be worried.

Edited by CarlD2
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Yup... I picked some up at Costco pharmacy and was asked for photo ID. Additionally, if I use a credit card and the clerk is doing his/her job, they ask to see photo ID. Happens to me all the time, actually. People who are never asked for photo ID either use cash for all transactions, have zero credit in their name, or purchase everything online.

Let's face it... if you don't some sort of photo ID... WHY? How do you NOT have any verifiable identification? It's absolutely ridiculous to suggest there are some who just absolutely, under any circumstance, secure a simple photo ID. Complete and utter BS. Are you telling me that a government that provides food, education, security, safety, a place to live, etc., can't cough up a simple photo ID?

This Voter ID thing... voter suppression tactics... is a complete and utter load of crap. Lies, lies, lies. And it's not working, friends.

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