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I honestly have to say this one more time. It is incredible that this complete moron is being taken seriously. And I still haven't heard why some in this forum hate the POTUS as much as they do, and for what reasons. Hell, I'm still waiting for an answer to what Romney will replace the ACA with, and how Obama could have done better as a POTUS by some. But, those answers have been replaced with other stuff I guess.

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I am too lazy to go back and check on this so forgive me if I'm wrong but I believe I read that you took issue with the NAACP not saying anything about voter fraud regarding Charles Rangel. His opponent is Dominican. It might interest you to know that Charles Rangel's father was a Puerto Rican immigrant so I guess he can also claim to be a black and Hispanic. I know that doesn't change whatever your issue is though.

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Wales, I really appreciate you telling me this. I honestly didn't know that myself, as it is not often mentioned in the media.

I've never heard of Jonathan Krohn before the last 24 hours (but then again, I really don't care much about the happenings at CPAC). One's certainly entitled to change his mind from what he believes at 13, and one's opinions are certainly more evolved at age 17. Then again, the political views that many have at age 17 are hardly set in stone, either (so I am a little puzzled why those on both sides are quick to assume he'll be a lifelong liberal). (To name some famous examples, Ronald Reagan and Hillary Clinton changed their political philosophies when they were older.)

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Are Romney and his contingent including his wife that clueless? Does she really believe Romney or the republican party have some sort of political high ground? The fact is Mitt Romney and team including his wife, forgive me for saying, just come across completely stupid, naive, and clueless. I'm not infatuated with the democrats or Obama but really is this the best the GOP has to offer? It's making John McCains team look like political genius's.


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Her comments make sense from the far right and the media point of view. If they paint themselves as victims (which is what happens every time a Republican is criticized - when Democrats complain about attacks they're just seen as weak), the press and much of the public will go along.

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Nobody has the political high ground. It is all about destroying the other man on a personal level, because--as I have pointed out earlier--presidential elections usually come down to personal popularity contests. (In the event that both candidates have deep flaws, the one who is hated less by the public wins.)

Although I think that this would be an outstanding choice, I don't for one moment believe that Condi Rice will be Romney's VP choice. I honestly believe that it is just a story being hyped by the media to compensate for a slow news cycle. (The actual choice will most likely be somebody very boring like Portman or Pawlenty or somebody extremely conservative like McDonnell.)

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What they did the Kerry was offensive, and really showed how unamerican Republicans can be. "and he speaks FRENCH" just reeked. So what he spoke french? In a perfect world every kid would know how to speak french or another language of their choice beyond english, maybe two. Anti-intellectualism is one of the bedrocks of the republican party. That said, there is nothing wrong with Romney on a jet ski any more than when the republicans in podunk got upset Obama dared to vacation in the far off country we call Hawaii.

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The jet skiing isn't a bad thing. I don't think people should find that problematic but we live in a society where people can be "made" to resent just about anything whether they actually care about it or not.

The offshore accounts are a problem. No matter how you cut and slice it, it seems very odd that someone who wants to preside over a nation would have his money in other countries.

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The Cable News Media is the one who blew this all over the place. Whoever said "let's report whatever crap we can to fill up the 24hr cycle." A guy on a jet sky. What's next? oh yes. Tom and Katie. No wonder CNN and MSNBC during the day really stinks.

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