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Y&R: Week of November 17, 2008

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Chris and Snapper were April's neighbors. April was a single mother raising Heather alone, so Chris decided to lend a helping hand, and that's how she came to find out that Paul was Heather's father. But Paul had already been on the show for some time before then, having been involved with wild child Nikki until her sister Casey, with help from Snapper, set Nikki up with an intern at the hospital. It was during that involvement that Paul gave Nikki VD.

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My turn to gush! I am just reading all the comments and what's great about Y&R is that a lot of you said "I hope so and so has a scene with so and so" and the next day they did or I hope they remember this, and the show did! i felt like i was at a family reunion. It occurred to me that with Hollywood being all about re-makes and nostalgia that Y&R is very in style right now by re-visiting a lot of the old days.

What I love about Kay's death and will is that if/when Jack and Gloria take Jabot, that it could all be reversed because the will should never have been executed. And if Billy plays a part in it he will be be under fire from Jill and Cane. and what will Jill do no that she's got CI?

I remember reading that the writers had been plotting some sort of new bible for Kay/Jill relationship. I just wonder how all this will tie into the current s/l's.

Now a few quibbles - no one says "TMI" anymore! wasn't that like late 90's? You can tell that whomever wrote that line for Jack and Noah aren't quite up to date. And they changed John's presecence drastically and I'm not talking about him not just appearing with Jack. Remmber when Jack used to get caught talking to himself all the time? Not anymore! And his scene with Gloria was weird to me. The only redeeming thing about Gloria, IMO, was her great love of John and while she was affected by him, she sort of dismissed him. Seemed out of character to me. But is it safe to say that MAB's John is definitely not a ghost?

But they're just minor quibbles, Y&R rocks! It's not just the best soap, it's one of the best programs on TV!

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OMG, when Noah said "TMI" this week, I had the same reaction. That slang has been around for a while. My boss, who's 58 and pseudo-hip LOL, uses it. So, I chuckled because it was definitely meant to be a representation of the age gap but it wasn't an accurate one.

And having John appear to everyone was very strange but I think it worked well yesterday, especially since Thursday's episode seemed to put a cap on a nostalgic week. In terms of Gloria, the writers haven't written her as sympathetically as Latham for much of the year. And ever since Gloria scammed Katherine, MAB et al., she seems to be headed toward a path of destruction.

I just like to say that when Nina said "It was nice to meet you, Amber," it was the most realistic, "It was nice to meet you" I've seen on television in a really long time. My goodness.

Also, since Chloe's false DNA test proved that it's not 100 foolproof, wouldn't it be possible for Katherine and Jill not to be mother and daughter after all? Besides the rivalry revving up again, I'd love to see Billy and Mac together. When he asked for her contact info in Darfur, I think my chest welled up a bit. Miller is so great. And it still astounds me how much he looks like Peter.

And I don't see a Colleen recast anytime soon, either. If they were gonna do one, why wait this long? It should've been done months ago. I would've loved to have seen Fonseca or Leon with Maitland at the funeral. Such a great bond both those actresses had with her. And, it was weird to hear how Traci praised her daughter for helping Noah with his homework. I haven't seen Colleen with Noah at all. What the heck was that about? And she's been so vampish this year. But I guess that's what parents tend to do in real life: praise their children and not really know what's going on LOL.

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I was thinking the same thing last night--it just hit me that they had Traci back and not one scene with Colleen. IMO, it's a glaring thing, but I think there might be more behind that. I just couldn't help but think you don't spend that much to make all these returns work and characters interact and just forgot Colleen. She wasn't included.

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