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OLTL: Discussion for the week October 13-17, 2008

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You're right: Janet's daughter Mary Lynne Dennison was one of Mitch's disciples. After Mitch died, I think she was successfully deprogrammed and had relationships with Wade Coleman (Doug Wert) and a guy named Rick (Richard Grieco, back when he was still handsome and not so scary looking like he is today).

Janet's role has been so small that I wonder if they'll even keep her around much longer at all, or if they'll rewrite history a bit to say that

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Thats exactly why it doesnt work. I was liking the Tess story at first when it actually made sense but it went on for too long and jeopardized the intelligence of the characters involved

The thing is, why would she? Adriana was pretty nasty to her the last time they talked. If Dorian showed up, all Adriana would do is call her out on her hypcorisy and fake concern bc she knew that Dorian never liked Rex or wanted him with her. Besides I think saving Langston from being deported is a much bigger issue now than focusing on Adriana who caused her own mess. Theres really nothing Dorian can do for Adriana. She still has a chance at helping Langston and doesnt have much time to do it

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Because that is how Dorian is. She would see Adrianna as being vulnerable and in need (just like when Adrianna asked for her help with Brody). Whether it's really true or not doesn't matter. Dorian loves to swoop in when her "girls" are at their weakest, and play the protector, avenger, hero (whatever is required). Don't get me wrong. I love Dorian and her continued refusal to accept that Cassie turned away from her, Adrianna turned away from her, Kelly sorta turned away from her, and that it was because of her own manipulation and deception is such a fundamental part of her character that I can't believe for a moment she wouldn't try to get into Adrianna's good graces with this opportunity. Seriously all that had to happen was for Dorian to make the effort and Adrianna to let her have it.

But it's not just this particular story that has the problem We've already touched on the Bo/Viki convo and how dumb they are. But there's Roxy, Adrianna, Gigi. A few days ago we saw Roxy frantic to find Natalie. Has she mentioned her since then? Marcie is one of Gigi's few friends, but Jared and Charlie are also among that limited number. All that would be required is for Gigi or Roxy to mention that Jared hasn't been by.

Clint has no idea that Natalie's been gone for so long and hasn't contacted anyone at all? He's got a new family I guess, just like Dorian.

Why doesn't Bo talk to Clint about it and then he finds out what Clint's done to Langston and Dorian.

One of the things RC was doing so well was weaving stories together. Characters were involved in more than just their little pods in ways that made sense. That's been virtually eliminated of late.

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True, but I still think its more to do with the fact that helping Langston is an urgent matter and preoccupying her time and I really dont blame her on this one

Clint has been ruined. They have done so much damage with him. I hope Viki rips him a new one. He has only gone to Llanfair to visit Jessica ONCE since Viki left. He's completely forgotten about Natalie and doesnt even seem to care that she is gone, accepting that letter at face value. Some father. He seems too busy trying to get revenge on Dorian to notice the mess that his children have been going through.

I dont know what happened with the writing bc like you said, everything is so isolated now. Its like we have a different writer now

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I don't think Clint is working either cuz of the actor--he comes off as sorta the school nerd or geek trying to impress the cool kids--he doesn't wear evil well--for me (I know many disagree).

"I dont know what happened with the writing bc like you said, everything is so isolated now. Its like we have a different writer now "

Right and this is one thing Ron Carlivati was so good at NOT doing...

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I love badass Clint and JVD in the role. It's working for me. :)

Markko and Langston today. :( I love them together and their freak love. :(

I have a feeling Langston's gonna get hurt accidentally by the hitman and Dorian will be responsible for it. :o

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Does Clint even know about the letter? Last reference I heard him make to Natalie was right after Jared returned from Colombia and Clint said she was avoiding him. Oh then there was that lovely scene with Tess where he offered to chew Natalie out for being so mean to her. But I don't remember him realizing that she was even missing, or that there was a letter. I admit I might have missed it, because I am not watching consistently.

I think JVD is doing a great job with the material and I too like NuDarkerClint although I am not sure "like" is the right word because I have no affection for him, but I like what he creates as a catalyst.

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