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German soaps: GZSZ, UU & AWZ


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So I’ve watched the very first episode of “Die Landärztin” - the new soap of SAT1… I hate myself for enjoying it and getting invested!

the cast has such natural chemistry and it kinda feels like “Sturm der Liebe” meets one of those medical shows from ZDF but in a good way.. 

Sarah is played by former AWZ actress Caroline Frier.. Her arrival with her daughter Leonie and her secret she wants to tell Fabian and all people she met didn’t even felt forced. It flowed organic and natural.. The whole cast and characters are so likeable and drawn u in.

Fabian’s actor is played by Oliver Franck who was on GZSZ until a Couple of months ago.. 

We have one antagonist who is also Fabian’s father. It really fit well into the story and wasn’t overdone.

i could really see this show succeed. That’s exactly what people would like on ARD/ZDF Networks. They compete against AWZ and I don’t see Landärztin succeed against it and SAT1 is the wrong network for it. 

but I will stick with it for the already 60 produced episodes. I really hope SAT1 won’t cancel it straight away like the last soap.. 

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I wish it were still this easy. RTL+ only accepts payments from the Single European Payment Area, so even VPN did not help me subscribe because all of my payments are from U.S. cards. Even PayPal did not work. I tried to see if someone would send me some GZSZ episodes I wanted if I paid them, but no one was willing. I'm so bitter.  

Edited by Dax7000
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Your best option is to watch the free episodes with a VPN before they drop off the catalogue, but I understand this is a very regimented way of watching it.

I've been having trouble watching too and basically given up, but it seems easier to watch if you use the free version. It used to be a lot easier to watch GZSZ.

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I see what I can do. . I’ll try something.. Don’t give up just yet. 

EDIT: Your best option would be a GiftCard… U buy a giftcard online for RTL + and redeem it (just like I do with ITVX + and Paramount + International).. U don’t need any payment information anymore 

If u have trouble finding the 5 soaps (yeah I count Berlin - Tag und Nacht + Köln 56667) let me know.. Since the last update it got a bit confusing how to find some Of the Classics but if u know how then it’s getting easier

Edited by AMCOLTLLover
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Update: Unfortunately, the gift card sites failed. The main one, StarSelect, required me to verify my order by picture I.D., only to refund me because my verification failed due to a U.S. I.D. The Lidl and Penny stores don't do PayPal, so they rejected my card, and PayPal wouldn't let me complete my purchase on their site even with VPN enabled.  

It was a good idea, and I appreciate you trying to help me. It's rather absurd for me to go so far just to see a particular storyline. 


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SAT1 new soap “Die Landarztpraxis” gets renewed after 22 episodes. Season 1 was planned with 60 episodes and SAT1 will produce a second season with 80 new episodes!

im excited! It’s not the best soap I’ve ever watched but the cast and their characters have a lot of Charme and pull u in. So happy 

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Meanwhile, GZSZ receives yet another spin-off: UFA Serial Drama is currently developing and casting a new series that is set in the GZSZ universe – and which will be aimed at children! The new series will feature a handful of young protagonists and is supposed to air on RTL Super (RTL's children and family channel) and online on RTL+. The first season will consist of 26 episodes. 

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GZSZ since 1992 on RTl (nearly 8000 episodes)

Unter Uns since 1994 on RTL (7300 episodes)

Alles was zählt since 2006 (nearly 4400 episodes) on RTL 

Die Landärztin on SAT1 since 2023 (nearly 50 episodes)

Dahoam is Dahoam (3260 episodes) since 2007 on BR 

Sturm der Liebe since 2005 (4300 episodes) on ARD

Rote Rosen since 2006 on ARD (nearly 4000 Episodes)

Germany has some weekly soaps:

In aller Freundschaft since 1998-99 on ARD (1030 episodes)

in aller Freundschaft: die jungen Ärzte since 2015 (360 episodes)

Die Fallers on SWR since 1994 (1200 episodes)

that’s about it

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yeah you’re welcome!

The RTL Soaps seem completely fine rating wise especially GZSZ. They airing like in the evening..

 Unter Uns has some weak ratings for ages but RTL seems not bothered to axe it. They tried many other soaps and shows in that time slot before Unter Uns but they all flopped. So I guess they don’t want to lose the core audience of Unter Uns.

The ARD Novelas are more like Spanish novellas with a main couple for a season/year that will leave while like the rest of the cast stays on until they decide to leave the show. But some of the main couples even returned for some storylines and one actor was an even the main men for two seasons and still returned and was one of the OG’s. But he left this year alone.. ARD calls them daily’s too and the term of novellas kinda died down. Besides the main couple it doesn’t even feel like a novela just like a regular soap. 
Rating wise they are doing OK for the 2-4pm  time slot. But ofc they suffered a bit of a rating loss but not much. They just got renewed until 2025!

The weekly soaps doing perfectly fine and are not even close to be in danger.

Dahoam is Dahoam is the only soap that seems solid for 12 years even though it airs on a network that no one cares for and yet they still keep producing it. Must be doing ok then lol I loved that show and wish people would give it a try but I get when people don’t like it coz they are trying to act like they are from the Bavaria region. Some critics gave them some backlash for the fake Bavarian accent but it didn’t hurt that show much.

And sat1 just renewed their new daily soap coz it grew in ratings.

i would say soaps are doing good when doing right 

Edited by AMCOLTLLover
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