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Bright Promise

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Reposting this BP cover


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Monday, November 3: Sandra realizes that Dave could make trouble for Bill Ferguson. Martha’s anxiety over Bill’s relationship with Sandra prompts her to write Sandy a letter.

Tuesday, November 4: Ann attempts to uncover Sandra’s feelings for Bill. Mike relates some rather unexpected news to Tom. Dave presents Bill with an ultimatum.

Wednesday, November 5: Bill is faced with a weighty decision regarding professional ethics. Sandra finds herself confused by Martha’s recent invitation.

Thursday, November 6: Bill confronts Tom with his problem. Sandra’s visit doesn’t seem to placate Martha’s mounting worry.

Friday, November 7: Bert finds his son Mike is to become a father. Bill rejects Martha’s insinuations of a personal relationship existing between he and Sandra.

Monday, November 10: Tom is puzzled about how to approach Bill concerning the relationship that should exist between a student and a teacher. After great hesitation, Bert reveals the truth about Mike and Dawn to Alice. 

Tuesday, November 11: Jennifer becomes miffed over her and Chet’s apparent lack of togetherness. Sandra tells Ann of her lunch with Martha.

Wednesday, November 12: Red presents Dave Martin’s case to Tom. Martha is faced with the fact that she may have spoiled her marriage.

Thursday, November 13: Sandra confides her relationship to Dave with Bill. Ann attempts to reassure Martha that she has nothing to fear about Sandra, but should seek to cement her marital ties.

Friday, November 14: Tom notices that Red may be taking a personal interest in Ann. Tom surprises Ann with a proposal.

Monday, November 17: As unexpected development in Mike’s life draws Tom and Ann closer to him. Jennifer is afraid that Chet will be forced to withdraw from medicine.

Tuesday, November 18: George makes several inferences about Bill to Martha. Martha, however, is not insensitive to George’s mounting envy of Bill.

Wednesday, November 19: Bill becomes infuriated by George Townley’s insinuating remarks. Henry feels that Bill should confine his student relationships.  

Thursday, November 20: Tom learns of Dawn’s death. Jennifer tells Chet of her undisclosed visit to Professor Mitchell. Tom makes an attempt to contact his son, Jimmy.

Friday, November 21: Ann tells Tom of Red’s suspicion of Bill. Bill becomes aroused by Sandy’s expression of adoration.


Monday, December 22: Martha reflects on the past of Christmas with her father. Henry is pleased by Martha’s renewed understanding and acceptance of Sandra.

Tuesday, December 23: Though the shadows of loss and sorrow linger, Tom looks to the future for himself and his son, Jimmy. George Townley finds himself wanting to know Sandra better.

Wednesday, December 24: Red tells Anna bout his life in an effort to win her confidence. Martha is elated by the Christmas gift she receives from Bill.

Thursday, December 25: A Christmas Day of Joy, of living, of belief, and remembrance is shared by Tom and Ann, Bill and Martha, and Sandra and Jimmy.

Friday, December 26: Sandra makes an overt attempt at being friendly with Dave. Jennifer is adamant about Chet’s remaining in medical school and becoming a doctor. Sandra begins to realize there is but little hope for a deeper relationship with Bill.


Monday, January 19: Ann senses Jim’s dislike for Marian, but tries to overlook it. Martha’s long suppressed suspicions prove to be correct.

Tuesday, January 20: Martha represses her need to expose Bill, despite her inner turmoil. Red seeks to protect Ann from any possible repercussions resulting from her recent decision. 

Wednesday, January 21: Unsure of what decision to make, Chet goes to see Prof. Mitchell. Martha finds it necessary to circumvent the truth to protect herself and Bill.

Thursday, January 22: Ann receives a letter from Sandra’s mother. With the threat of possible scandal, Tom decides to alert Bill.

Friday, January 23: Jim does something out of impulse that he cannot explain. Unknown to Bill, he is seen leaving Sandra’s apartment.

Monday, January 26: Martha finds that she cannot pinpoint Bill’s feelings for Sandra. Bill’s most recent visit to Sandra’s apartment could prove troublesome for him.

Tuesday, January 27: A phone call from Bill creates embarrassment and uncertainty for Martha. Ann attempts to steer Sandra away from a potentially unpleasant situation.

Wednesday, January 28: Sandra finds out that Bill was seen leaving her apartment. Tom realizes he can no longer protect Bill if he persists in maintaining his relationship with Sandra.

Thursday, January 29: Bill asks Sandra to accompany him on a trip. Jim Boswell and Red Wilson meet for the first time.

Friday, January 30: George suspects that something is going on between Sandra and Bill and determines to learn the truth.


Monday, February 9: Martha wonders if the end of her marriage is drawing near in the face of humiliation and Bill forced to make a choice.

Tuesday, February 10: Marion advises Tom to be watchful of Jim. Jim’s feelings for Ann are more than platonic.

Wednesday, February 11: Martha seeks to make Bill happy and at ease with himself. Bill and Sandra reach a momentous decision.

Thursday, February 12: Martha realizes that she has forced Bill to make a decision about Sandra. Bill is reproachful of George for having upset Martha. Bill makes it clear that he only wants Sandra back.

Friday, February 13: George pays a visit to Tom. Martha reconciles herself to the fact that Bill will be honest with her, unaware of Bill’s compelling thoughts of Sandra.

Monday, February 16: Bill’s physical anguish over Sandra leads him to point of no return. Dave confides to Red his suspicions of Bill.

Tuesday, February 17: Marian knows that any mention of Ann will bring on a reaction from Jim. Jim tells Ann of his love for her.

Wednesday, February 18: Marian senses Jim’s overt admiration for Ann and decides to question her. Henry is dubious of Martha’s reasons for wanting a child.

Thursday, February 19: Bill learns of Martha’s desire to adopt a child. Ann knows she cannot allow herself the chance to prove her feelings to Jim.

Friday, February 20: Stu Pierce arrives at Bancroft to start a law practice. Martha makes a point of having Sandra meet her brother Stu.

MARCH 1970

Monday, March 16: Tom and Bill disagree over bill’s attitude toward marriage and solidarity. Martha asks where she stands in Bill’s life.

Tuesday, March 17: Bill reassures Martha that he wants to maintain their marriage. Jim becomes irate when he finds Red at Ann’s apartment.

Wednesday, March 18: George informs Marian of the campus gossip circulated about Bill and Sandra. Red advises Henry to intervene in the unsavory situation fostered by Bill. Dave pushes Sandra to the breaking point.

Thursday, March 19: Marian and Tom discuss her recent conversation with George Townley. Bill withdraws as a candidate for chairman of Bancroft’s English department. 

Friday, March 20: Sandra tells Stu her views on living. George leaves no stone unturned in his interview at the adoption agency.

Friday, March 27: Colleen Gray’s last episode as Ann Boyd.

Monday, March 30: Gail Kobe assumes the role of Ann Boyd.

APRIL 1970

MAY 1970

Monday, May 25: Stu sets out to persuade Sandra not to visit Bill in jail. George betrays a confidence when he tells Red about Jim Boswell.

Tuesday, May 26: The assistant district attorney seeks to make a deal with Howard to obtain a murder confession from Bill. Martha knows that despite everything she will more than likely have to appear in Bill’s defense at the trial.

Wednesday, May 27: Martha agrees to appear as a character witness for Bill. Howard presents in court his opening statement for the defense.

Thursday, May 28: Ann goes to Tom with Jennifer and Chet’s problem. Bill is stirred by a ray of hope when he learns Martha will testify on his behalf.

Friday, May 29: Stu tells Henry and Martha of his intentions to marry Sandra. Martha shares her disturbance over Stu’s recent decision with Ann.

May 1970: Peter Ratray (Stu), Susannah Darrows (Sandra), Paul Lukather (Bill), Richard Eastham (Red), Eric James (Jim), Robert Hogan (assistant DA), Mark Miller (Howard), Susan Brown (Martha), Nancy Stephens (Jennifer), Gary Pillar (Chet), David Lewis (Henry), Lesley Woods (Isabel), Ed Gilbert (Lt. Rutkowski), Marion Brash (Marian), Nigel McKeard (George), Rusty Lane (Judge).

JUNE 1970

JULY 1970

Monday, July 6: Martha cannot bring herself to accept Sandra, despite her love for Stu. Bill takes a badgering from the district attorney when he fails to explain his reasons for lying.

Tuesday, July 7: Tom’s anxiety over his son Jim begins to ease. Jennifer is not reassured by Chet’s promise to return to medical school. Martha goes to visit Ann.

Wednesday, July 8: Sandra discusses her mother’s unstable life with Howard. Ann shows concern over Sandra’s health. Red seeks to use Marion as a go-between with Tom.

Thursday, July 9: Marion forced a bitter argument with Tom. Tom goes to visit bill in jail. To the surprise of the court and the district attorney, Howard petitions to introduce new evidence in Bill’s trial

Friday, July 10: Townley’s subpoenaed by defense. A dramatic and revealing scene erupts when Emily Woodhue, the city librarian takes the stand.

Monday, July 13: George Townley confesses, and Bill is released.

Tuesday, July 28: Ann gives Howard her answer.

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It is known that Feank and Doris Hursley created Bright Promise and were initial headwriters but reading through this thread there is no information about their tenure.

Did they actually write the show or just oversee the story projections?

Rick Edelstein, Larry Brody and Jiohn D Hess all get credit on IMDB but Richard DeRoy is credited by Writers Guild for 1971 episodes.

So can anyone shed light on the Bright Promise writers?

Edited by Paul Raven
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Bright Promise has some family history for me. Our local affiliate decided to replace it with something else, and my cousin's wife led the campaign to get it back on the air! There was a picture in the newspaper with someone in front of the NBC affiliate waving a banner with the words, "Ladies, We Surrender!"

I did see the last few weeks of the show and was positive that I had seen a star in the making. No, not Tony Geary, whom I expected to have a good career playing character roles or Tony Perkins types. I'm talking about someone not yet mentioned in this thread: Robert Viharo. If you've seen HIDE IN PLAIN SIGHT, he plays the gangster whom James Caan's wife is having an affair. Viharo, though short, was a can't miss: sexy, smart, already a polished actor. Most of his scenes were with Tony Geary, and they were great on screen together.

When David (Geary) witnessed his mother Sylvia (Regina Gleason) fall down the stairs during an argument with Martha (Susan Brown), he ran away and did not come back even after Martha was wrongly accused of murder. He met Pecos (Viharo), who tried to help the troubled young man grow up. He even introduced him to a couple of girls, though David never slept with either of them. Although Pecos never told David he had to go back to clear Martha, David was able to mature enough to go back and tell the court what had actually happened and free Martha.

If, after NINE TO FIVE you can't imagine Dabney Coleman as a serious romantic lead, he was, convincingly so. Susan Brown easily carried a major storyline. Lesley Woods did a lot of hemming and hawing and stuttering before saying her lines, which bored me. Gail Kobe was a very good actress before she turned producer. She got the best treat of all: romantic scenes with the bearded Dr. Brian Walsh, "Brian the Bear," as she called him: John Considine. If you've only seen him in his later years, you have no idea how handsome and sexy he was at this time. At the end of the show Gail Kobe's character went back to her dull husband. That would not have been my choice.

John Considine had much better material on Bright Promise than he ever got from Harding Lemay on AW, who apparently imagined Vic Hastings as a piece of human wallpaper. Given Tony Geary's success as David in BP, it's easy to see why he was cast as Trish Stewart's rapist on Y&R. Robert Viharo did not become a star, had his own theater company, and at one time was married to Anne Helm, the lovely Mary Briggs from GH.


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October 1970

Once Despised Soap Opera Actors' Refuge By Harold Heffernan Hollywood (NANA)-

Paul Lukather firmly believes that the day Is fast upon us when some of the biggest stars In motion pictures and television will be battling for roles in the once despised soap operas. "It certainly beats standing in line at the local unemployment office," the rugged-looking star of the NBC daytime serial "Bright Promise," said, "and that's where most actors seem to be these days, Including some very well known faces." A former high school teacher and economy major, Paul rat tles off statistics like a Gatling gun to prove that the acting "game" Isn't very funny these days. "There's about 70 per cent unemployment in movies and about 50 in television (he's actually low on both counts), Paul points out. : "Stars like Dick Van Dyke, Andy Griffith, Mary Tyler Moore and Vince Edwards, who were first tops on TV and then tried films, are coming back to their old outlets. They're just not making that many movies and when they do, they usually do them somewhere else besides Hollywood."

Another reason he thinks more stars will be attracted to the "soapers" is because many of the scripts and story lines are "a hell of a lot more interesting than most of the movies they are making today."

Grunt And Look Beat

"I'm not putting any special actors down," he states, "but it's fairly easy in this day and age to play a bearded, barefoot rebel with a cause and a marijuana joint in your hand. I don't see such roles as particularly challenging because they're so way out that they don't require any acting muscles. You just grunt a lot and look beat." Paul believes that his part In "Bright Promises," that of "Prof. Bill Ferguson," is much more demanding than playing an "Easy Rider" hippie or a "Hell's Angels" motorcycle tough. "They are too colorful, too easy to capture," he said. "I have to play a rather ordinary guy wearing a standard suit who gets emotionally involved with various people. It s tough to convey a character like that to an audience. You have to make him totally believable.

Paul has had his ups and downs on the series. He got one of his students pregnant, his wife left him, he was charged with murder, he was physically assaulted, he went bankrupt, his friends deserted him and he was bitten by a mad dog. "And that was only for one week!" he grinned. "I don't know what's in store for me, one outing to the next, because sometimes we. only get the scripts three days before the episode is taped. "I remember that once I got my script the day before because of some crisis or another in the front office. I stayed up all night and read it. By some miracle, we got the segment in one shooting.

Better Disciplined

It Is incidents like that which strengthen his theory that actors in soap operas are often better and more disciplined than those in movies or on nighttime TV shows. He has played Shakespeare, Shaw and Ibsen in repertory, thinks Western roles are the easiest to play because the characters are usually one dimension. "You play In a Western serial for a while and you become the character In the eyes of the public," he explained. "People don't think of Lome Green, they think of 'Ben Cartwright,' they don't see Jim Arness. They see 'Matt Dillon.' And those two are mighty fine performers."

At the moment Paul is taking singing lessons, even though he has starred in the California production of "Funny Girl" and "Your Own Thing." "The way things are going for 'Bill' on the show," he winked, "There might come a time when I'll really have to sing for my supper

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In its entry in THE SOAP OPERA ENCYCLOPEDIA ©1987 Schemering, there's nothing about writers. But, it is the last US daytime soap that Gloria Monty directs. When it was canceled for poor ratings in 1972, Monty moved to directing made for TV movies. Then in 1978 Fred Silverman promoted her to Executive Producer & tasked her with fixing the ratings anemic ABC 3 pm soap General Hospital. She applied techniques from the made for TV movies, which some have called B movies, and she took features from Bright Promise for her changed GH, including a youthful cast, storylines that jumped out of the headlines and psycho-sexual melodrama without psychiatric chatter. Monty met with success in applying her changes & these elements were likely a part of that. She also took 3 actors with her from Bright Promise: Susan Brown, David Lewis and Anthony Geary. 

In the 1971-1972 season there were 17 soaps competing with each other and Bright Promise fell next to the last in the rankings. It was on the air just 3 years. Probably the "borrowed" elements from it for "saving GH" were the most significant thing about it.

16. Bright Promise 6.1 (Final Season; ended March 31, 1972)

17. All My Children 5.7

Added at Edit: Anne Jeffreys on IMDb. I thought she was on Topper & GH & PC & that was all! I was just shocked at the amazing number of credits she has including Falcon Crest & Bright Promise.


Edited by Tonksadora
Anne Jeffreys
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Does anyone know the story behind Dana Andrew's participation in Bright Promise? He was the star of a lot of great movies from the 1940s. I always thought it odd for him to be picked to star in a soap opera, and for him to accept. From the late 50s to early 60s, he was doing TV, but then in the mid to late 60s, he went back to doing only movies.

On Bright Promise, was he actually playing a lead character, on every day, or was he more of a background character, showing up here and there?

In the beginning, Bright Promise also had Coleen Gray, another star of movies from the late 40s and 1950s. I don't think she ever played a starring role in a movie with Andrews, but she may have been in one with him. By the 60s, she was mainly doing TV. I would imagine the producers pairing Andrews and Gray, for old time movie sake. Is that what happened? It looks like Gray only lasted about a year on the show though. 

Edited by Jdee43
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