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ATWT Blind Item

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The money thing is something you tell a young actor when, in fact, he is not working out.

And the money thing is something the young actor believes, and promulgates, because it help preserve his self-esteem and sense of worth.

So, let's all just buy the money thing, so Prescott can walk out with his head held high.

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IMO..Prescott was a good actor. He was just brought in to play the wrong role. He could have been Mike had the character been younger. I could have seen Prescott as Henry's brother or a potential love interest for Luke. Noah is a bore anyways. The scenes Henry had with Mike were well done. They had good chemistry.

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There is now reports Prescott's last airdate is in fact in October. But also there is a question whether or not Collier would return as Mike. Which makes me wonder if it wasnt money issues but the part not working out for Prescott. I hate that Goutman did this to Prescott. Goutman is a hack!!

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1) Prescott never fell into the part. He's too young. And although he's good looking and can act. that doesn't necessarily gurantee your safety from the axe on any soap.. Look at the divine Martha Byrne being dismissed like she was. These days....looks and talent are just another good thing to have. The thing that determines if you stay or go is if TPTB like you/can afford you/have story for you. <_<

2) It's not about money. It baffles me how every time a star is fired, they claim it was money concerns. And people believe it. Then TAIC spend all this money on location shoots, new sets, etc. :rolleyes: Which brings me to......

3) ATWT is doing a location shoot in the near future. It will be the climax of the Rick Decker storyline. It seems that somehow these mysterious gifts have posioned bloodstreams and I'm hearing the location shoot involves a helicopter. (However that's supposed to be of relevance, I donno.) This is most probably around the time that Prescott (and "Mike") will exit stage left.

How could he have worked as Mike's older brother f he was too young? :P

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The climax to the storyline, including scenes shown in the promo (Helicopter) as posted on SON, is set for August 12.

However, I can't say what the helicopter is being used for as it involves major spoilers.

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I don't think JP has any reason to not hold his head high. Other than his first month, the writers didn't give him squat to do. I thought he was good in the role. Sure, he was too young, and no I don't think he had chemistry with Marie Wilson, or ever was a credible "foe" for Paul....but I can't see ANY of the Mike's really fulfilling the second role, and frankly, he looked way too young in the scenes with Marie. However, I think he and Katie could have worked. TIIC didn't give him a way to fit into Oakdale as it is now. They pretty much ignored all of Mike's previous friends (oh, how Carly could have used a friend these past couple of months...) and relationships. How's he supposed to do anything opposite Sophie, FCOL???

GAWD...this poisioning crap is going on for a couple more weeks? GAWD help us all.

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