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ATWT Blind Item

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I'd say, if true, then it could be either Dylan Bruce (Chris) or Jon Prescott (Mike). With my luck, however, 1) this isn't true, or 2) it's probably someone like Helen Wagner (Nancy), lol.

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I pray it is Roger Howarth. Pleaseeeeeeeeee :D It's probably Roger's annual vacation. Doesnt he take one around this time?

I dont think it is a newbie either. Mike and Lily are going to be a couple unless that was scratched.

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My best guess is Mike/Jon Prescott. We don't know how big os a story B. Bloom was even talking about or how long ago that interview was done. Now we just had Jon Hensley talking about LIly and Holden. It's also possible there has been a recent shift in direction that could leave Mike out of the loop. I also just don't see Noelle and Jon as a fit at all with him being so young. Mike seems like a lost soul so I think if there is any truth to this, he could be out.

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I'm thinking it is Roger Howarth..or possibly Marie Wilson. How about KMH?? She really hasnt had much to do either. I hope its someone I cant stand..like Howarth..pretty pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :D

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Frankly, Soapsuds, I've lost all hope for that. Howarth, unfortunately, will be there, sucking up airtime until the bitter end.

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What about Brad? Or Katie? TC, was always featured in front burner stories and now it seems like Oakdale does not revolve around Katie anymore. Since the Liberty and Parker storyline, I think Janet is on a bit more than her. Not that I'm complaining ;)

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Now why would you think its one of those 2,,

I get the feeling you don't like them.

Also I read Nelson all the time and I never read were he said or hinted that someone big was goung to get can..

So where and what did he say that???

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