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Y&R: Week of July 21, 2008

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I was hoping that Seidman would do good, she worked a long time on SUNSET BEACH. I guess she just doesn't cut it.

And I realize that certain moments might make even the biggest fan doubt the future of the show. Y&R has given us a lot of reason to be worried. Actually, we haven't been anything else but worried since the beginning of 2007.

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I think Y&R needs some old-school, Bell trained breakdown writers mixed in with contemporary scriptwriters that didn't work with Bell or his proteges. That way, the show has the best of both worlds.

The current breakdown writers are too inconsistent and seem to know very little about the show and overall structure.

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He does have a point, the writing on Sunset Beach was overwhelming inconsistent and looking back, the day to day writing was atrocious during a good part of that show's two year or so existence. Not to mention, that show is almost the antithesis of what Y&R stands for.

I found this interview with Lisa Seidman on youtube, it's an old one from Soap Talk, she's there with Mark Teschner and Kelli Larson discussing "on screen chemistry." This woman has no sense at all. It pissed me off when she said a couple could survive on sex appeal alone. This woman shouldn't be writing for daytime soaps at all, her sex appeal agenda is exactly why daytime is never considered a serious medium to many people. This was during her time at GL, and I'm glad Mark Teschner retorted the crap she spewed forth in this discussion.

What do you know, she writes crappy breakdowns and she loves typical soap opera stereotypes. :rolleyes:

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I really have no idea how people can not like this story and its execution. This SUDDEN IMPACT is great and seeing all the characters collide after all the tedious set-up is very satisfying and it all makes sense. This is one of the few times that I wish I didn't read spoilers! This show is so much better than any other soap on TV right now.

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OT: That last bit, when Kelli asked Mark if it was possible for a couple to develop chemistry over time (to which he said no), I wish they'd spoken about how impossible it is for a couple to exist when the audience has an immediate gag reflex (ahem-me!) whenever Holden and Carly on ATWT are about to kiss.

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Out of the Ashes cured me forever of hype-sensitivity. So, I actually distrust a story more if they have to promote it this way.

That said, all indications are the Sudden Impact is, as has been said elsewhere here, more character driven, will have more long-term impact, and real consequences. It will also correct story mistakes from the last two regimes.

However...in watching the gala on Thursday (US) it was all strangely flat to me. And I think the problem is that I'm comparing it to the GREAT costume-gala that ended in the demise of David Kimble.

At THAT gala, the whole cast was there. That will also be true here (more or less), but they obviously did some money-saving, so they shot portions of the gala in smaller groupings...which means that we don't get that whole-cast-umbrella feeling. Also, this was simply less spectacular than the grand costume ball (more spectacular than the year it was hosted at the Newman ranch...but the Newman year was STILL better because Ashley came in at the end, totally insane...outstanding ending).

As I think back to some of the grand galas of the past (I'm thinking about the London one, timed for Princess Diana's wedding; and then the David Kimble one) there were gadzillion extras and sumptuous orchestral music (Strauss waltzes and the like) that just ramped up the emotional climate. I'm not FEELING this yet.

That said, Thursday was much worse than Wednesday. Wednesday, with the VISCERAL sparring between Victor-Nikki and Sabrina-Victoria was riveting. Also, sad to say, but I'm finding that these cutaways to scheming Boris and Natasha (oops) Gloria and Jeffrey just SUCKS THE LIFE out of everything else. I am less bored by Chloe, since I keep hoping that will turn into some serious psycho action.

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I think maybe the Gala is the setting for the events to lead to the change. Thats why im ok with it being just ok. You can see it building.. and i *know* what happens and it is good. Its not great, but its good. Its the aftermath of what happens that matters. That is what will sell this. The aftermath is what sets Y&R apart from say.. GH .. and what i hope gets the show back on track and amkes us all ignore Out Of The Ass.

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