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Y&R: Week of July 21, 2008

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Grrrrrrrrr!!!! I am so upset. My ABC station cut off the last minute/seconds of the show today. Today of all days. The last part I saw was David and Sabrina sitting in the car together....then commericials that kept repeating over and over again. Did they show the car crash today or was that the end of the show? Did they show any previews? Thanks.

I may have to write them a letter. If it were any other day, I wouldn't care but I have been looking forward to this storyline all week.

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Like Ann_SS says, I suspect that Sabrina will be quickly forgotten. BUT...I think this has less to do with Victor, and more to the "partially new regime" retooling the show.

Because if a show WANTS to remember a memorable death, it never lets us forget (and I think that is a good thing): Cassie, John A.

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I think this was an important show for what it set up...but it wasn't worth all the hype. It REALLY wasn't worth all the hype.

I think it was a great Friday episode...the kind of Friday episode a show should have once in a while...but NOT worth the hype.

But I have a theory about why this was done.

As you'll recall, I speculated that the massive viewer dropoff this Spring (.5 HH rating) was specifically due to DISGUST. Moreover, that DISGUST was specifically directed at Victor and Sabrina.

I'm betting Barbara Bloom's focus groups consistently found that. So, they decided that Sabrina had to go. But then, they had to SHOW those tuners-out that she had to go.

So, they decided on this big hype, as a chance to bring in some eyeballs, keep some of them by showing Sabrina's death, and lure some others in with the newly energized storylines.

All this hype was intended for LAPSED viewers, not us regulars. What do you think?

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Oh God, please gag me over the premise of this promo regarding the aftermath.

So, they're telling us we're supposed to buy Sabrina as some great love of Victor's life when he's hardly known her and the character was never fully fleshed out for the audience? This is exactly my problem with Y&R right now, the execution sucks and TPTB at this show jump the gun way too much.

Here's the link to the promo via the SONY site:


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