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Neighbours: Discussion Thread


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I so hope not. As much as Chris deserves a love interest, I don't want it to be him. He doesn't look like someone Chris would fall for. Of course, he may come across different on screen, and he and James Mason may have chemistry, so I'll wait and see.

ETA: Libby leaves this week Oz pace, I think. So, KV was only back for a month before leaving. Shame, as I actually like Libby's story of teaming up with Paul to oust Michael as school Principal in order to bag the job herself. The part where she reassessed her life and realized that it wasn't at where she'd hoped it would be, was very relatable.

Apparently, it was reported on A Current Affair, that her ill health may be related to her ex-husband joining a cult headed by a guy who believes he's the reincarnation of Jesus Christ. They share a daughter, and apparently, KV may be worried about his access to her. Hopefully whatever the issues are, she can get them resolved and get well A-SAP.

Edited by Ben
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Just started watching on you-tube. Very realistic show, IMHO, so far. Relatively speaking, at least vis a vis US soaps.

Not sure how far away Bendigo is, looking on a map, it does not seem like as big a separation in the days of texting and Skype and email as the kids make it out to be. But then they are kids. School is everything.

It's funny but as to older couples I want to swap Carolyn with Colleen of Home and Away. They have a guy "too good looking" there for Colleen (Keith) and here Carolyn seems too good looking for Harold. Shallow, I know.

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Another new casting...

I hope Karl will be involved. They can't have a medical story without Karl.

Watch more, Carl - it really has improved a lot this year, especially after 2010.

I miss Rosie & Frazer, too. I loved them together; one of my fave couples in recent years. For two actors that apparently hated each other after a messy break up, they sure still worked magic on screen. I'd love for Natalie Saleeba to return, but that's wishful thinking.

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There's no word on whether the new doctor is the man Susan becomes emotionally involved with but it seems unlikely as Malcolm returns admist troubles in his parents marriage in July, while this guy arrives in September. Unless troubles start in the marriage before Susan gets involved with this man. The article also says that Martin will be working closely with the other new doctor Ben Barber.

Do you think it's possible that they've cast this popular actor with a view to making him permanent? We're literally desperate for any older characters right now so it seems a shame that he's a guest at this stage. Having said that, he must be involved in quite big story as his stint is for 6 months.

I agree with you, Ben, that the show has improved a lot this year. There is still a gaping hole as far as a proper family unit is concerned, especially in regard to No.26 which has against all odds managed to become a sharehouse. I don't understand why they're announcing all these guest characters, when are we going to hear about some new regulars?

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Yes and no. Technically, he was, as the funeral was off screen, but in reality he wasn't. Actually, it was off screen b/c they couldn't get Ben Lawson back, as he's in the US starring on some cable show, I think. ETA: Correction, he starred in ABC's cancelled, The Deep End. Did you see any of that show, Carl?

BIB: He may have a 6 month guest contract, but so did Dr. Doug Harris, and he really didn't have much of a story.

Are you enjoying the show more, Edward? I am. It feels more like Neighbours; the stories are actually not being rushed through, but they're not being dragged out either; they have a good mix of characters (not ages). The gaping hole of +50s is a problem, as is no nuclear family, but the fact that the show has better crafted friendships helps. Michael is still desperately in need of a story of his own that explores his past, as he's a bit like the man without a past. The show feels like its heart is starting to beat again, but at a slow pace.

They don't usually announce guest characters, which is a bit strange (unless they're played by someone with star value, like Dean Geyer, then they promote them to death).

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I think The Deep End was some show about astronauts. I didn't watch as I don't watch much primetime now. I'm sorry it didn't work out for him.

What was the lesbian kiss story on Neighbours a few years ago? I saw some of the story on the channel that has lesbian soap stories.

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^Well, one of the greatest ever soap characters, Sky Mangel, became friends with a new girl at school, Lana Crawford, after initially having issues with each other when Lana first arrived at the school. After a few sleep overs, the girls got close and in a moment of madness Lana kissed Sky. After Sky's shocked reaction Lana fled the house, but later found out that Sky had no problem with it at all. In the end Lana came out, and although Sky was confused about her feelings for Lana at first, she decided she was still straight. Though when the girls played a trick on Lassiters, Sky kissed Lana again, but it was just an 'in-the-moment' kiss, she didn't really mean it. Lana wanted to stay away from Sky from then on, but their bond proved too strong and they became close friends again. Though a few months later Lana moved back to Canada as her dad got a job there. It was one of the greatest gay stories on a soap I've ever seen. So human and real. Though the writers should have taken the plunge and made Lana permanent and Sky gay in my opinion.

You could also be referring to when Donna kissed Sunny, Carl. There was a huge deal made about that but it was just a 'friendship' kiss, and neither of them were gay. You've got to hand it to them for making Chris a permanent character, they've never really delved deep into male gay characters before. Though Gino Esposito, a hairdresser at Lyn's Salon 'A Good Hair Day', was a great comic gay character. He was so camp it was ridiculous but the fantastic thing about that character was that it was never even referred to or confirmed that he was indeed gay :lol:

I am enjoying the show a lot, Ben, but then it's not often that I don't enjoy Neighbours. I thin even through its rough patches, the characters are the thing that keep me watching. I do have a slight problem with the show at the moment, and that is that it feels like there aren't enough of a variety of stories going on. There are some great characters but due to the size of the cast it feels like characters are being over-exposed. Most stories are going at a good pace, but the Amdrew/Summer story is a TOTA bore. Natasha Williams is actually my favourite character at the moment which I think isn't a common view amongst viewers. I think she's a complex, wonderful character but I wish the writers would delve more into her damaged side. I think she could work well as a young Izzy, though I would really like to see some dark, emotional traits to the character. I wouldn't mind seeing an episode where the teens get drunk and there's a monologue from Tash to Chris about her life. I'd like to see hr diagnosed as bi-polar or something along those lines.

The 20-something group is a huge + at the moment. Though the lack of a nuclear family is a massive problem with the show for me. A really massive problem. Michael is also a crap character, I agree with you.

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Or, Carl could be thinking of the time Rosie kissed Pepper, which was a ratings stunt, and went nowhere.

There was also the gay mechanic, Aaron, who I think was Gino's b/f. He never had any lines, and at the time when he was just getting more airtime, the actor died in real life at a very young age.

ITA Ed about Lana & Sky. Lana was one of my favourite characters, and I too felt she was very real and relatable for a lot of people. They should have made her permanent and Sky should have been bi. Why is no-one is ever bi? They always have to be gay no matter how many straight relationships they've had. :rolleyes:

ITA again on the Tash love, although you lost me with the bipolar bit. I don't feel that's necessary for the character, plus, I don't feel that she acts in anyway that could be seen as mentally unbalanced. She's just got a lot of insecurities and a complex cocktail of emotions going on. There's so much more to her, but so far the show only ever brushes the surface. I really feel that some exploration of the Williams' past would do wonders for Tash and Michael. I'm not a fan of Andrew & Summer, but I am warming up to them as a couple (better they're together than have to suffer their will-they-won't-they merry-go-round). Andrew needs more development, too, as so far he never takes responsibility for anything, and it would be nice to see him actually explore that side to him.

There is a lack of variety, but I feel that the smaller cast allows them to play all the beats to the stories as they have less to concentrate on. When you look at the last few years with the bigger cast, stories weren't properly developed, and I can only put that down to them not being able to cope with a larger cast. It's silly really, as they should be able to manage a cast of 25 at least.

Edited by Ben
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Lol, I totally forgot about the kiss between Rosie and Pepper - yes, that was totally pointless. Ah there's a friendship that I miss. They really brought the first few months of 2007 alive with their friendship, it was fantastic. And that actually reminds me of another gay character - Pepper's mum, Chris. I guess there have been quite a few gay characters on Neighbours. Unfortunately all minor though except Chris.

don't know what I'm getting at with the bipolar thing - but Natasha is the sort of character that I think it would suit - I get the impression that her losing her mum has had a massive effect on her, and I feel like she's worried about losing her dad too. And Michael often rejects her and I think that's a lot to do with the fact that she reminds him of his mum. I would really like to know how she died because it seems like Michael doesn't talk about his wife because it's a sore point. Maybe she cheated on him? I've always thought that perhaps Natasha's mother was a model, and that's why Natasha is so heavly interested in looking attractive- maybe underneath it all she knows that she would never make it as a model but she feels like a failure holding the memory of her mother so close. I think it would be good to get confirmation that Tash's mother was a real bitch, and never had a close relationship with Tash. Maybe Michael married for looks and after his life failed with his wife, became a much more spirutal man to seek guidance?

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When they first introduced Frazer/Rosie/Pepper/Will, I hated them all. They were quickly shoved down our throats with storylines that I didn't care about (Will was the exception as he had no story and I warmed to him quicker than the others). But as soon as their initial stories were over, I loved them all (ish). As much as Rosie & Pepper's friendship rocked, I never could forgive TPTB for firing Sindi and bringing in carbon-copy Pepper a year later.

That would make sense - Tash being very much like her Mum, who was probably every bit as superficial and self-centred and bitchy as Tash is, but probably ten times worse. I can see Tash inheriting a lot of her mother's traits, which Michael probably fears will corrupt her like it did his wife. I'd love it if they revealed that she wasn't really dead, and Michael lied to protect Tash from becoming like her Mum. Like you said, she probably hurt Michael in some way, and he probably could see Tash idolizing her and slowly becoming her, that he had to get her away from that corrupting influence/environment. I wouldn't want another Cassandra 2.0, as they didn't know how to write for her complexities, and instead she came off messy and one note. It's interesting how Michael never talks about her, and how he doesn't seem to have any other relatives outside of Tash; it's all very mysterious, like he's running away from something/someone. Do you think a change of identity/witness protection story would work?

ETA: I chose 40-59, as I think that demo needs beefing up since Lyn has left, and K&S need some more people to interact with of their age.

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