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Emmerdale: Discussion Thread


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If I quit Emmerdale again, as I very well may be if what I think is happening soon

happens, I'll watch it. I've tried a few times, just never really got into it firmly.

Anyway, since today is goodbye time for Hilary, what better time to watch her first episode. You can see how much Laurel has changed over the years, for better or for worse.

The show as a whole has changed quite a bit. There are so many storylines criss-crossing in this episode - some better than others (the Tom murder stuff drags and Perdy and Grayson are just dull as hell, as is Linda Lusardi and Louise's boyfriend I had totally forgotten about until now [do you think the show ever remembers Louise?]). And there's Sharon, another forgotten character. I think Paul did mention her when he visited though.

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This is a very well done promo for Emmerdale when it expanded to 5 days a week. As you can see, the show had a very disparate cast at this point (not even including new characters like Edna, or old characters oddly missing, like Kathy), but the promo does a good job of grouping based on families, couples, isolated characters, and Cain with the two groups he would wreak the most havoc on - the teens and the Reynolds family.

I have no idea who the little girl with Andy/Joseph/Robert/Donna is, and I’m not 100% on the two guys with Scott, but otherwise, I know everyone, which is...kind of sad, really.

The two sides of Sarah is incredibly striking, the most striking part of the promo. I pity viewers who tuned into the show for that sequence and saw her burn alive a month later.

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It's possible that the little girl with Andy and Robert is Victoria. It's hard to tell, but it looks a little bit like Hannah Midgley who played Victoria at this time.

The guys with Scott are Adam Forrester (played by Tim Vincent) and Carlos Diaz (played by Gary Turner).

Adam was a vet who worked for Zoe for a while. I think he arrived in the village around the time of the bus crash, and stayed about a year before he was sacked for giving the wrong injection to a horse.

Carlos was a chef who worked at Kathy's diner. He was in a relationship with Nicola, but at the same time he had an affair with Bernice. She became pregnant and didn't know if Carlos or Ashley (her husband at the time) was the father. This all came out at his wedding to Nicola, who in turn had pretended to be pregnant to make Carlos marry her.

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Thanks. I thought it was Victoria but wasn't sure. I thought that was the guys too. I couldn't remember how long Adam was around. I've never understood why the character had such a big intro when they did nothing with him. Did they have an issue with the actor?

I guess the bisexual guy Bernice and Tricia dated was gone by this time. I wish Bernice could mention him if she starts dating Lawrence.

Which cast members weren't in the promo? Terry, Kathy...trying to remember the others.

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I thought Ryan Hawley was great, especially when Robert had no dialogue and he went through various reactions (shock, panic, concern for Aaron, rage at Aaron). He and to a lesser degree Danny Miller are holding this mess of a story together.

I wonder who is writing today's episodes. Jane Pearson, one of their better writers, did Wednesday.

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Not sure how many on here will want to see it, but among the few early '90s episodes I had was Henry's funeral. I'm glad I had seen the actual funeral scenes before, as otherwise I would have been unprepared and cried my eyes out. Sheila Mercier absolutely breaks my heart with just one look.

The scene where Robert and Archie are having fun with Henry's hat, and the adults get upset, is a quietly powerful one, as it's a reminder that life goes on...whether you like it or not.

I do think having the episode end with Chris and Kathy was a little disrespectful. The show seemed to be working hard to sell them as a big couple...which makes it all the odder how they were split up a few years later.

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Lovely to see it again, but I agree, it was a bad choice to end the episode with Chris and Kathy. They really should have ended with Annie and Amos.

I do think it's a bit odd, and I remember thinking so at the time as well, that Marian, Henry's daughter, didn't come to the funeral. I realize it's a long way to travel from Rome, but Spain is also far away and Amos came. If neither of the two actresses who had played Marian could make it I'm sure a recast would have worked. It would have been better than not having her there at all.

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DAYUM great revelation scene with Aaron, Chrissy, and Robert...so intense. Great reaction from Chrissy...greater delivery by Aaron.

Thta took me by total surprise. I know you guys hate the show these days and prefer the older episodes but I'm really enjoy this soap for the most part. Dumb but hot Adam is back. Victoria is looking FIERCE as usual.

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I'm excited yet very scared regarding this upcoming stunt storyline. Esp given Vanessa's condition and all the doom and gloom surrounding Leyla. I just can't..

Seeing visions of Robert and Finn in the future tho.....assuming he's not turned psycho and doesn't go to jail for poor Katie...

WOW....Adam is a piece of sh**TTTTT

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