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EastEnders: Discussion Thread

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Pics of Patsy Palmer with her baby, and bits of an interview with her:


I wonder what this part is about:

I wonder if she's considering leaving again. If she does, they might as well write Ricky and Bianca's million children out. Ricky proved in his 2002-2004 stint that he just doesn't work on his own anymore.

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Yeah, both Patsy and Lindsey Coulson swore for years that they would never return. Patsy in particular resented being typecast as Bianca for years. I think she said somewhere in the 00's that she doesn't watch the show and thought it was crap.

I guess she needed the money somewhere along the line. She met Dirderick Santer at Barbara Windsor's birthday party in 2007 and they started talking about her returning and things went off from there.

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Wow, The Mirror is reporting that Patsy wants to leave again and that her contract is up and she doesn't want to be "tied to anything."

Hopefully, this is more false rubbish from the press...


Edited by Y&RWorldTurner
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If this is true then it really annoys me, even if it doesn't surprise me, that the paper tried to tie this to the baby swap, when I doubt her decision had anything to do with it.

I guess Lindsey will probably be gone by next year, but the idea of Carol being on the show without Bianca would be strange...it could work with good writing, but that's always hard to come by with soaps today.

More than ever Eastenders needs a few faces from the past, and also stronger male characters.

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I think Carol has more potential to work on her own than Ricky. I know he existed for years on the show before Bianca, but as we saw in his 2002-2004 stint during the Louise Berridge era without Bianca, he was a complete waste of space on his own.

But, you know, I kind of liked Rucky and Natalie and wish the writing wasn't so bad for them when they tried to pair them legitimately. I always felt like Natalie had some respect for Ricky, which I don't often find with Bianca or Sam.

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I wouldn't mind seeing Ricky/Natalie one more time (I don't want to see Ricky/Sam again). I think Ricky would work as a supporting character, and a part of the community - a lot of fans sneer at this as "dead wood" but it's important.

You're right about Carol. I do hope she stays. It just kind of feels like all signs are pointing otherwise.

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Thanks for finding that. I'm sure some will say that the BBC forced her to say this and she's not coming back, and so on, but I don't see why she'd go along with that. I hate that the baby switch controversy means any actor who goes is going because of this.

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