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EastEnders: Discussion Thread


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Pacing only seemed to really become an issue, when actors vacation time was coupled with the introduction of episode quotas (as a money saving device). I don't remember 2007 having these issues, and even though the ep quotas came into effect in 2009, 2008 didn't seem as bad, either (albeit pacing started to be a problem then, too, but never as much as 2009). Or maybe I have selective amnesia?

But what I don't get, is when they've put all that effort into the murder story, and the build up to the Live ep, why they fell short of the aftermath? It's like they didn't properly plan out other storylines to take over from the whodunit? and instead we've had months of filler involving characters that no-one cares about. An inflated teen scene, with Billie and his crew; the pointless introduction of Leon, Fatboy, Zsa Zsa, and the soon-to-arrive Mercy; why did they saddle Masood and Zainab with a baby? Where's the story about Heather developing as a character through motherhood? What's the point of Adam, and his uber rushed pairing with Libby, who, along with Darren, are trapped in the dullest triangle ever? Serial killer Lucas is an anticlimax waiting to happen, where everything in between is convoluted filler (unless this garden make-over story leads to his reveal). And then there's the introduction of Louise, Phil's daughter - why? And Jack & Chelsea? Pat's sever heart attack?

Moving on to this weeks eps: I was a bit disappointed in Lucy having a termination. I just really wanted her to have the baby and give it to Jane. I am glad Ian didn't coerce Lucy into it, but I wonder if he had properly talked to her, easing her fears, would she have still gone through with it? And I get why Ian lied to Jane, but when the truth comes out, it'll break her in two. Such a tragic story, and probably the only compelling one right now (IMO). Also loved the scene with Peter and Lucy - I think that was the first time they felt like proper twins. More of this would be good.

But ratings don't really represent the actual number of people watching, just the number of households who have it tuned on. And this only really seems to work for Corrie and EE, sometimes E'dale, where no matter how terrible the show is, they still seem to pull in similar ratings. And I don't believe 10 million people can sit through every ep of Corrie, in its current guise.

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I felt sorry for Jane, but she was also becoming one of those baby-obsessed soap women with her constant pestering of Lucy and the damn baby book she was always going on about, I'm almost glad Lucy decided on an abortion. Maybe Jane will discover an unattended baby on her doorstep one day. LOL!

Yeah, it's probably the only story with some type of human value to it at the moment.

I loved that Peter and Lucy scene too, and I agree, they really felt like twins there. I like the Beale twins, probably two of the only teens on the show I can properly stomach right now.

I hope Peter and Lauren get back together, as I liked them and liked Lauren too.

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I wish they'd get rid of Christian. I've never seen anything interesting with him or with his relationship with Syed.

Unless Kirkwood has upcoming plans for them and will develop them more properly, they should just cut their losses already. It's strange that they've seemed to develop quite a fanbase though.

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Gay romances tend to get a following, especially angsty relationships. This story should have been much better than it is. Between the bad pacing in not actually letting us see them fall for each other, making Syed and Christian so cold, the not so great casting for Syed (he always seems very weak and teary-eyed to me), and the decision to barely ever show most of their time together, it's all been underwhelming.

I think Christian works as Jane's brother and Lucy's uncle. I'm sorry that part of the character is gone.

I wouldn't shed a tear if Christian left but I think the problem is with the writing on the show, which scalpels away everything interesting about a character in order to service the plot. Christian could still be salvaged if the writing improved. On a show where the likes of Roxy are considered star attractions, you can't get much worse. If they start cutting their losses with bad stories or characterizations, only about a half-dozen characters would be left.

Edited by CarlD2
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I don't know if Kirkwood will be a lot better -- McDean was overrated and rushed, although they did at least kiss and we saw them in bed together. John Paul and Kieron were also rushed and told, not shown, and John Paul lost most of what made his character interesting. Kieron was a fascinating character who was then killed for no real reason because hey, why make an effort when you can just swing the axe.

I know Eastenders cannot really show anything between men, I would just like to see better pacing. If they had spent months showing Christian and Syed slowly fall in love I would not have cared if we only saw them hold hands or hug. It was seeing them immediately fall into bed and start the extremely degrading, ugly treatment of each other and Amira that made the story poor. This just made the sudden lack of any intimacy between them even more jarring, because there was nothing to fall back on. The problem is that like most Santer stories, it does not exist beyond PR. They wanted to get publicity for telling a story about a gay Muslim. That was it. As Ronnie's and Whitney's sexual abuse and Stacey's rape were all plot devices, not worth exploring in their eyes. And as any interest in bipolar was stopped in time to make Stacey a murderer. They want praise for "issues" without actually bothering to follow up.

The show is so hollow these days but people aren't as likely to notice because they have been trained to think well it's OK things are naturally supposed to be slow until the latest death/reveal/shooting/rape. At its best, Eastenders didn't used to be that way. They had a colorful enough cast that entire months did not have to be worthless filler populated by actors who can barely read their lines.

Edited by CarlD2
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At least she's working with Zainab now, which should be good entertainment. I don't know why they had the weird conflict with Ian, it came out of nowhere. They have her as meddling because they don't have a story of her own to give her, I guess. I just wish they'd brought her back without Billie. They could have Dan come back and cause problems with Bianca and Carol. Dan was a great character.

Patsy Palmer says she didn't want Ricky and Bianca to get back together. I guess that explains why she didn't really show a lot of love from Bianca to Ricky in the buildup to their wedding. I wondered why there wasn't more affection. I wonder if they may split up soon.


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She helped give him some excitement and he grounded her as she was always very overwrought and hysterical. They had a good rapport. These days she's more hardfaced and bitter so it doesn't work as well but I think the chemistry is still there. I can't see her working with anyone else, unless they really work on bringing out her vulnerability and not keeping her as the Shameless knockoff.

It helped that their first wedding was so much fun. Ricky's bachelor party was priceless.

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Hard to imagine she went to fashion school dressed like THAT. LOL!

So, I assume Kat and Alfie's return will be Kirkwood's first major storyline of his own. I hear we should be seeing them back by September.

I really loved their exit during Christmas, when Alfie came back for Kat. So fitting for those characters and so heart warming.

I really hope their return isn't a bust. Kat, when she's written for properly, has always been one of my favourite EastEnders characters.

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Remember when Stacey was supporting to all the other Slater women? Now she practically is the lead female character on the show. LOL!

Edited by Y&RWorldTurner
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