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Coronation Street: Discussion Thread


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The Lloyd/Teresa stuff annoyed me and made me want to beat the crap out of Lloyd. No, Teresa wasn't always easy to get along with, but whatever, man. Cheryl's only humoring an old man's ego, and when it all ends, I'll get a good laugh out of it.

I'm just gonna say it. Steve has to be THE cutest, cuddliest, most adorable thing I've ever seen. I just want to lie under warm covers with him and eat ice cream and listen to him tell me jokes. OK.

The thing about everyone talking about the mayor. Is that supposed to be some kind of inside joke? Rita mentioned it, Claire, Graeme, even Norris started talking about it when he didn't want Mary to know that he was in Blanche's will.

I still don't care for Tracy at all. Too obnoxious for me. I enjoyed seeing Gail be miserable, but I felt bad for her, too. The Graeme/Tina stuff is gross, to be honest. I get the feeling that when it all comes out that he's been spending time with her, he'll get all high and mighty with Jason and tell him that he didn't deserve to help her grieve or whatever. Shut up, Graeme. It's creepy and right frightening.

The will reading. I'm not clear on who all got what. Simon got some old watch, Amy got a music box. Ken got some books. What did Deirdre, Steve, and Peter get?

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I think Steve and Peter may have been there to hear what Simon and Amy got, I'm not sure. Deirdre got all of Blanche's jewelery.

You're probably right about what Graeme will say to Jason. The show seems to think that Jason is a heavy and Graeme is Tina's hero -- never mind that Jason always supported Tina until she barred him from the house and treated him like trash, even when he almost died. I think it's awful writing, and the more they do this the less I want to see anything with Graeme or Tina.

Edited by CarlD2
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I'm really not that interested in his return. In fact, I'm completely bored with the show (I'm down to watching once or twice a week). Nothing is really grabbing my attention; and I can't stand Tracy and this stupid story with jailed Gail - it's too unrealistic for words. And Tracy has no redeeming qualities at all.

Anyway, I wish they'd have made this scheduling decision before they filmed these episodes. It just feels like a missed opportunity to branch out of their usual timeslot restrictions, and tell his revenge story in a more adult way. (Not that they're not adult usually, but you know what I mean.)

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I just watched the "Goodbye, Blanche" special. Very well-done and entertaining! Love my Blanche, and will miss her dearly. I have to say, the more I see older clips of her from the 70s and 80s, the more that person starts to look like the Blanche of the last ten years. She lost a lot of weight and got a lot of wrinkles, but she didn't look too different. The Ken/Blanche segment was my favorite. I had no idea Roache could be so hilarious, especially in the drunk Ken scenes. Too funny.

Also saw the Betty tribute at the BSAs, and that was well put-together. The 50th anniversary montage, I wasn't a fan of. They got all of the simpler, gentler stuff out of the way pretty quick and turned it into a trailer for Mission Impossible IV: The Rovers Return from the Depths of a Fiery Hell.

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Yeah, I'm kind of glad I didn't watch the BSAs if that's the Corrie tribute they had. The show at its best is not shock value stunts. The show ran for decades, as the biggest show on TV, as being a more down to earth, character-driven program.

I'm not interested in most of this with Tracy, Gail, or Becky. Tracy acts like a petulant child, which is unbecoming in a woman who is pushing 40. Her brattiness with Deirdre is especially annoying. The only part of this story I like is the two cute cops.

This Hayley story is big time filler.

The highlight of the episode was when Natasha went on about how "everyone's daughter is in jail," including the old woman she was styling. I'm really going to miss Natasha.

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I just cannot get into this Tracy/Gail/Becky/Steve stuff. On paper it might be a good idea, but:

- Tracy is just so bitter and unpleasant and fake.

- The Steve/Becky marriage is pretty much dead, they have had the same scenes, line for line, for months now, and only seem to be together because of children...this couple is not even two years old and they are already at that point.

- Gail is a damn fool. I like Gail but I like Gail when she's wryly reacting to crazy people around her, not when she is whimpering and being manipulated. And this is so stupid about the rolling pin and how the rolling pin proves Gail's guilt. What is this, Andy Capp??

The only part of this story I was interested in on Friday was David yelling at the Barlows and almost putting a brick through their window. For the most part, David is one of the only characters Kim Crowther really got right through her tenure.

Oh, and I like Gail's cellmate. I wish they could keep her around. Graeme and Jackie Dobbs started on the show as cellmates to popular characters, why can't this woman have the same chance?

The Hayley/Roy tension is so...bleak, and makes Hayley look petty, which surely wasn't the point?

Rosie is too good for Graeme.

All the stuff with Izzy getting a job at the factory because of her spunk was kind of silly but was probably the most watchable moment in Friday's episodes. I'm glad that Kirk didn't pout or try to play the victim and was instead happy for her. What an odd time when Kirk is involved in my favorite story. :wacko:

Edited by CarlD2
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I think the main problem in her tenure was big ideas without knowing how to follow them through. Tony's insanity, the Steve/Becky stuff, "Molvin", Joe's addiction and debts, Gail's imprisonment, Eileen's father impregnating her best friend. She also overused certain characters. A lot of this stuff was just awful and/or empty.

Her new characters have been hit and miss but the main problem is they just haven't had anything to do. The Windasses are OK. Natasha was great when they gave her a chance. Most of the other new characters she created were so small time, they were barely used beyond filler or comedy stories. The only bad new character I'd say she created was Joe. Oh, and Jesse the cowboy.

Her best new character was probably Mary, who is a classic Corrie character.

The high point of her tenure has probably been the Barlows. I know some have said Blanche didn't really become iconic until the past few years when she started getting more and more brilliant scenes. I don't think that's entirely true but I do think they have a point. And the return of Peter, along with his relationship with Leanne (Leanne was stuck in AWFUL stories for ages before Peter's arrival), that was a good idea.

Edited by CarlD2
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I really, really don't like her. At all.

If I have to hear Helen W.'s little doll voice say "We.....were bayking biscuits..." once more, I might toss a brick through Ken and Deirdre's window.

I loved that scene. David and Peter are two of my favorite characters on the show, and having them there together pretty much made Graeme invisible to me.

She is! I'm guessing we're supposed to think he's a "good man" for dropping Rosie, who he's been perving after for months now, in favor of Tina, who he, basically, is perving after now. Ugh. And to make it worst, I'm sure we were also supposed to feel that Rosie got what was coming to her after dismissing Graeme for so long only to be dismissed by him the only time she gives him a chance. Ugh.

Too much of that got damn Graeme. It's gotten to the point where they are pretty much yelling at us, LAUGH! LAUGH AT GRAEME! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HE IS SO BLOODY FUNNY! LAUGH AT HIM! IT'S CLASSIC CORRIE HUMOR! GRAEME! LAUGH AT HIM!! COMEDY!!! The breakfast scene with him and Natasha and him trying to kiss David. All of the Oy!'s that are getting on my nerves. Him popping up in almost every flipping scene. It's too much!

A lot of characters have been overused, and others have been terribly underused. Eileen and Jason, two of my faves, constantly get nothing and they do get something, they're playing supporting to others. I wish they'd try to get Bruno back.

Mary is :wub: I've waxed poetic enough about them, I know, but I can watch her and Norris with their shenanigans all day long.

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There were rumors that Corrie wanted Todd to return permanently, but then that stopped. I wonder if that was because Kim Crowther took over. She has not been fond of the Grimshaws. Eileen has been wasted and Jason only slightly less so. He was so good with Becky, only to be dumped. Then he was good with Tina, but that was only about David's reaction. Then he was dumped, again, and now he barely appears. He's so gorgeous and Ryan is a good actor. To see him sidelined while wizened Nick is strutting around, I don't get it.

I think they wanted us to feel a little sympathy for Rosie, or perhaps I'm deluding myself that they did. I hated when they made Rosie such a joke, and I was fine with the character being written out if that was how she was going to continue. She seems more human lately, and Helen's acting is improving.

I think the problem with Tracy is she steamrolls over everyone. Kate Ford needs someone who is a strong match for her. The Charlie/Tracy pairing was not one with all sorts of heat, because again, Tracy isn't all that believable in such a setting, but it was entertaining because he did not put up with her sh!t.

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Its a shame Luke Strong left. I loved how he was just using Rosie and how she got taste of her own medicine for a change.

I do wish The Grimshaws get some material with PC

Who do you think Tracy should be paired with ? It has to be someone exciting and stands out with Tracy.

Agree slightly with Mary. I think she is ok but not amazing

I also agree with Graeme. He just annoys me with the way he looks.

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