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Some backstage videos....

Cameron Crighton (Kevin the Alien!):

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The Sharpe Family:

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Today's episode wasn't bad, mainly because it was McQueen-centric. Gemma Merna and Jorgie Porter were really good in it.

Why does Cheryl have to be in every f.ucking episode? And being the first one to greet Carl Costello? Really? :rolleyes:

Glad he upstaged her about being the new owner of The Dog though.

The McQueen montage set to an acoustic version of Girls Just Wanna Fun was a bit weird...

Carmel: I'm gonna keep my mouth shut until the baby is born .... then I'm gonna go down to the station and tell them everything this family has been up to. :o

Only Carl Costello appeared today, just briefly.

Val was in briefly too.

This episode was 90% McQueen's.

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Jesus Christ, the actress playing Jem is just horrid. I like Heidi Costello so far, anyone who hates Cheryl is a fast favorite, and her youngest son is quite the cutie. Back to Jem, is this the first time her and Ravi have hooked up or was this something new for viewers. Either way, no real point in trying to get invested.

Darren and Rhys moving in together :wub: I will enjoy it while it lasts.

Damn Jack, give Darren a break, will ya ...

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That scene with Darren and Jack confused me. I couldn't tell if Jack was supposed to be annoyed or amused. I will say that I'm very glad the show has put Jack back in the pub. I do not think that Jack and Frankie should own the pub anymore, as that was a dead end storywise and that place has too many horrors for them to ever work as their place of business, but I'm glad Jack is still working there, it's a way to integrate him back into the cast after he has been on the sidelines for years.

So far I like Carl and Heidi, but I keep thinking of who they look like. Carl looks like Michael Lucas, and Heidi reminds me of a cross between Beverly D'Angelo and Amy Poehler (it's the crazy eyes).

I wondered if Carl uses Botox, as he might have a bit more expression in his face if he didn't.

Cheryl was even more pathetic than usual -- she's so entitled and so delusional. I hope we don't have to hear any more of this crap about her thinking Jack is obsessed with her. And I am tired of that weird grin where she looks like she's had a stroke.

I've decided to just start skipping all the Loretta scenes.

I think this was the first time they had anything between Jem and Ravi. I didn't like the montage of "Close to You" as they did their sparring, it felt very cheap. Ravi has a very nice body but apparently Marquess never saw the story where he had to seduce Kris and Nancy. When he tries to be seductive he comes across like a creepo, it's that weird lisp that goes into his voice. And Jem is a flat, boring actress.

Edited by CarlD2
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That was weird! I liked it though, surprisingly, and I learned a few lines I'd never understood before.

Everyone involved in those scenes was great but I was most happy that Myra finally learned the truth. I'm glad she's being included. I loved her reaction to finding out almost instantaneously that Calvin had had affairs with Theresa AND Mercedes.

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