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Hollyoaks: Discussion Thread


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Jem continues to be dull, and when she speaks in a manner which is not snotty, she sounds like she has a speech impediment. Sorry but I just don't care about what her father did offcamera years ago. So far I'm mostly just interested in Heidi, who is kooky glamorous yet strangely maternal.

I can't get used to Tricia Dingle on this show. Her uptalking, the perpetual perkiness, doesn't help. I can't figure out whether she's on some sort of a con.

The Costello sons are just kind of there. The youngest, the blonde one, looks like Neighbours casting, and his line readings are Sasha Valentine-esque. The older one, who looks like a cross between Max and Dan Futterman, seems to be able to act, but I'm not really very interested in him as of yet. The scenes where he beat Zak at football were a bizarre way to try to introduce a new character, especially that weird montage, and while he has a nice body, I think when you have a slo-mo of someone doing their own Lucky Vanous parody (hello 1994!), they automatically look less attractive.

Still skipping anything with Loretta. Today was a difficult test, as some of her scenes involved Darren. Sorry Darren! Anyway, I really liked the scene with Darren and Jack and the dog.

Edited by CarlD2
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I don't mind the Loretta stuff. I don't like it at all, but I don't mind it. And I mean, if I haven't fast forwarded Duncan/Cheryl yet, maybe that just means I hate myself? LoL Either way, will you be watching when Nancy gets involved. At least I have a Jessica Fox performance to look forward to.

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I probably will watch that with Nancy. I watch stuff with Duncan and Cheryl but that's mostly because they are usually foisted on characters I like...except when Cheryl is with the Valentines, and I watched that because Sasha treated her like the trash she is. I think this story annoys me more because I just think that she's such an obvious cuckoo and yet everyone believes her over Jake. Not that Jake is the picture of sanity but it's all too convenient.

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Very odd decision to center so much of the past few episodes on Jem, a perpetually sullen, nasty, rude bore. I don't care about her two minute fling with Ravi which is now being threatened by Tricia Dingle, and I REALLY don't care about her endless bitching about her father. So she went to the pub with Ravi to meet her father and then proceeds to spend the whole time hurling abuse. Why did she even go? Pathetic hypocrite.

And why after a decent start have the Costellos become about Carl wanting to be near Jem? A new family who now revolve around a character who has only been on the show a few months? And then, shock horror, Jem, probably after not scowling at her father for half a scene, is then outraged when she finds out he hired a PI? When a character is angry all the time, that makes it almost impossible to ever see any genuine reaction from them.

Other than seeing that Carl has a nice butt, pretty much nothing of value can be found in the episode.

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For the love of all that is horny, can this show stop messing with me and just freaking put Darren and Rhys together already! RARREN to go, 2010!!!

I liked Mitzeee, until the end when she showed she was nothing but a pathetic loser. Hate women like that.

Heidi continues to be likable. Jem is a lost cause. Carl, I'm still not sure about.

Val was fun, but man today's script was very amateur.

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Rarren to go - classic. Nice to see Darren's bare chest (I wish he didn't wax though).

The only time I enjoyed Mitzeee was when she sprayed Val with the big water gun. I thought her entrance was very poorly done -- why focus on the back of her legs, which frankly didn't look too great, to show us how hot she was? Is she supposed to be hot or is she supposed to THINK she's hot, like Katie Price/Jordan? There's a difference. And there's no faster way to make me tire of someone than putting them in a scene with Duncan and his pigfaces.

The stuff with Loretta just makes Frankie and Steph look stupid. I'm glad they had the moment where Nancy realized Loretta was the one in control. Didn't care for the lipstick but otherwise they've done a good job transitioning Nancy into older clothes.

At least Jem almost sort of seemed happy a few times in the episode. The water fight was fun.

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New Hollyoaks trailer:

It highlights both existing and newer characters. I wonder if some of the interactions are hints to upcoming storylines...

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Edited by Y&RWorldTurner
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Actually you could catch Duncan in it at a split second. On the other hand great promo.

Didn`t recongnise most of the new talent though lol apart from The Sharpe kid and Most of The Costellos. I reckon the others are The Third Family and The new students.

This Soap is getting better.

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