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Hollyoaks: Discussion Thread


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I was one of the few ones that had started Hollyoaks with her still in it and Lee Hunter and the Ashworth family (Rhys, Hannah etc.)

Lisa Hunter has been great. She even got her own spin off that quiet ruined it. They killed off her boyfriend

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 who was a HO regular too. Ben! I wish they would ignore the spin off and make her a regular and bring back Ben too.

but Gemma said she won’t do soaps on a permanent basis. 

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This is random, but while I was watching some classic Guiding Light (Philip confronting Justin and Alan about his true parentage) it struck how much the talented/underrated Charlie Behan resembles Grant Aleksander. If you told me they were related I wouldn't bat an eye. Anyone else see it?

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The Silas/Lynsey Story from 2011/12 will forever be in my top 10 most iconic feuds. Silas is in my top 5 most iconic evil villains! 

BUT Hollyoaks has to stop this Silas stuff for god damn sake! They really trying to capitalize on Silas for a decade by now. Now they are bringing in his weird daughter Wendy to wrack harvoc. I‘m so over it! 
They have to end that saga for good!

If Jen (Mercedes) would leave the show for good then I want Silas to be the one killing her for good to end it! Lol

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Even with Gabriel Clark in the role, those final Oli/Brooke scenes were so well done and respectful to both characters and their history. I surprised myself when I got emotional watching them, and to do that with an actor that barely played any of their history together, and one who I think pales in comparison to the original, was quite an achievement and added some real gravitas to his exit, especially when they included a last longing look later on, which was unexpected, but welcomed.

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Ugh! I saw the new Hollyoaks Trailer for this autumn and here we go again..

Silas will be back AGAIN! He was my favorite villain of all time from nearly all soaps I watched and enjoyed his run between 2010-2012.. 

But his returns have become a farce and way too over the top just like James Stenbeck from Atwt. 

Just give it a rest for f. sake! But this time it will be the end for Silas. I can’t wait. 

Edited by AMCOLTLLover
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Okay, get cozy (or just skip this essay entirely) because I need to get these thoughts out of my head ...

Silas is finally dead! Bobby killed him? Okay, whatever. Goldie didn't die? UNEXCEPTABLE! Silas was only ever interesting because of his rivalry with Lynsey Nolan anyway. This whole Bobby story has been excruciating. I know they've hinted otherwise, but dear God, when they return I pray for a quick end to ghastly evilBobby. Say Silas left him money and send the little bastard to boarding school. 

Mercedes works so well in literally every scene she has away from the McQueens, especially with Cindy. I would get rid of Grace and have Mercedes run The Loft. She and John Paul would live together, alone. John Paul and Damon would become friends because I think they would compliment each other nicely and both are in need. Theresa works in the friendship group with Verity and Zoe, which should include Liberty. Those three should move in together. Nana can be a guest character, she basically is anyway, and live out of the village somewhere. Olivia and Prince should be the ones moving in with Tom/Yas, not Juliet/Nadira, which makes no damn sense. For rent, I guess?

I was so relieved Olivia made it out alive during stunt week. They write her so one-note, but I really believe she could be something exceptional if they actually tried. It annoyed the hell out of me how disgusted the McQueens acted over her part in Silas' BLACKMAIL! She really didn't do anything wrong and was villainized over being in an impossible situation. I would keep going with her being ambitious, pushing Prince to be the same. I would make sure to show that she is actually a great teacher. Stern, but fair. Keep her layered. Strong morals, but bitchy and judgmental, too. Have her and Nancy come to an understanding and mutual respect.

This friendship between Ethan/Darren is absolutely bizarre after everything Ethan put him through. Him and Joel would make more sense, but I go back and forth on whether Joel would be on my axe list. They don't do him any favours by giving him no love interest or friends. The show missed a beat by not having him and Verity get together during these last few months for added complications. 

Friendships are what made Hollyoaks so special so I would really cement them again and break up some of the congested family units a bit. I'll add to that point, but first ...

SID! I will miss him so much. Billy Price should be so proud of what he did in Chester. How nice was it that everyone that should have been at his farewell actually was! The show struck gold with him and they knew it and luckily never over did it to the point of exhaustion. Even with COVID the whole drugs storyline was a huge triumph in my eyes. Him and Juliet were a gold standard friendship and she'll be lesser for his absence. He made Peri and Leela more well rounded as well. 

Norma! I wait with baited breath for the day that Warren pays for his 7 MURDERS!, but Glynis Barber has admittedly been quite entertaining since Day 1. I was happy with the mother twist (sure, why not) and even more so that his awful brother Spencer has truly been wiped from existence. But most of all that scene where she knocked Warren to the floor was the most shocking. You'd never see EastEnders do that with with Phil, let alone by a woman.

Nadira! An absolute albatross. Next to Goldie, the worst part of the show. We had to deal with Juliet cheating on Peri for no reason with this damp squib. Can you tell I hate her? The recent Victor story brought about an interesting aspect about Juliet being addicted to thrills, which I hope they explore further. I had to laugh (to stop the tears) at the show not letting Juliet and Nadira get together properly for more than five minutes before practically beating us over the head with the foreshadowing that she and Peri belong together. Nadira has chemistry with literally no one in any capacity, so yes, I'd agree by default. 

Lexi's death was so unnecessary. I was proud of the show for not going on a death spree, but she could have easily made it out alive. I think it would have been more poetic if Silas was the only one to die as well. Plus, she should have been around for the climax/denouement of Saul's killer and then she and Freya could have left town. It was quite funny that Cohen was back (from mat. leave I think) literally the next episode. Good to see her again though. A gem of a scene (post credits) came from Lexi's death, however, when Leah confided in Freya about Amy being murdered and missing her everyday. It was very typical in the way it was written but I still had an instant emotional reaction to it and got choked up.

Verity and Shaq! She still had more chemistry with Sami, and like Juliet, cheated for no reason so it took me awhile to warm up to them being together. Shaq is a good addition to the show, and Verity, as I have previously mentioned is a STAR! The show needs to give her more to do than just being Shaq's OTP. Like I said above, her and Joel should have gotten together. It would have been a fire affair. There was a small scene during the Demarcus story where Verity snapped at Zoe, and it just made me want to see more of her. The different facets of her. 

I fear the show is going to go the expected route and pair Felix with Mercedes, but I think he could be a fantastic opposites attract pairing with Zara. Get her working for the school, stat!, in addition to that long lost child story I mentioned months ago. Felix just really works all over this show. He had so much chemistry with Nancy during those brilliant scenes where he helped her give birth to Morgan. He works at the garage with Warren, who he keeps at a distance. He works as a father to Demarcus. He works as friends with Scott, too surprisingly. And Scott? He was on my axe list for a long time, but him becoming a foster parent was a genius decision and has garnered him a reprieve from me.

The show missed the boat when they didn't have Darren at the gambling addiction meeting with James and Damon. It would have added so much to the scene. And Brooke? Her most interesting relationship was with Oli, and now he's gone and thankfully dull Ripley too. I'm wondering in real time as to what they'll do with her and it just came to me that she could be put with Nadira when the relationship with Juliet falls apart and that makes me want to die.

The Chen-Williams family ... I think they're fine. They work. I've enjoyed whenever Honour gets into her psychiatrist mode. Sam/Zoe are cute. We need more Serena/Galaxy. It's weird they did the sister twist with Sid, because Serena had so much chemistry with him. I appreciate Lizzie learning a truth and actually spilling. Very Robin Scorpio of her. The Mason/Eric story is well done so far. But Dave, he's the weak link to me. Dominic Power doesn't work in this role for me. Maybe it's because we all know him as Cameron the serial killer, but I think it's more than that. And now he has a secret he's keeping from even Honour? Unnecessary. Learning Ethan is a murderer (accidental & self defense though let's be clear), Maxine being his daughter, dealing with all his children's problems, Serena's Dad at some point, Honour knowing the truth about Warren ... more than enough to deal with. In fact, him paying Sid off to leave was the only time he's clicked for me. A very obvious no to a Diane affair. Tony and Diane have been there, done that, bought the t-shirt.

Speaking of, it was a good idea to pair Tony with Imran, who I'm a fan of as well. He's an underrated actor and always delivers. This is his second major story he's lead, and he hasn't faltered. Plus, him and Yas are the most believable sibling relationship. No matter how many times she calls him Dim-ran I laugh every time. I love her as well. I hope they never kill her off, because she gives off great future matriarch vibes, but it seems almost inevitable as Tom's first wife. Get her pregnant with the next generation of Cunningham! Her scenes with Silas were truly scary and pairing her with Jack was a pleasant surprise. 

Charlie/Ella are always strong. They always feel so important to me. It was a great strand of story recently when her pictures got leaked and she and Charlie reunited. They feel like real teens, too. 

Oh, and Donna-Marie can own a gym but can't take a second to buy a goddamn Crest White Strip. My eyes can't look at those horror show teeth any longer!

So who would I axe?

Norma/Eric - inevitable, IMO

Warren - all his murders need to be revealed to the village, especially Bart McQueen. That story beat is making me gasp for air it so obviously needs to be played. 

Goldie - Prince and Olivia marry and move in with Tom/Yas. Theresa moves in with Verity/Zoe. Mercedes gets The Loft, John Paul back at the school. Goldie decides to get a life and f*ck off out of Chester. She can go check up on Hunter, I guess.

Grace - her time is up. She looked so ridiculous threatening Demarcus. She too is a cold blooded killer. I forget if Jack knows she killed Eva. Though there is still that story thread of Darcy (mother of Toby, Adam's kid) killing her mother. That can lead to her exit.

Ste - annoying, unneeded. Looks quite fit in those track suits though, I won't lie. I actually don't mind him with James, but I swear for every scene I enjoy with him, this show makes sure to write 5 more where he's a prick. There was a recent scene where he was screaming horrors at a female character, Sienna maybe?, and all I could think was how he used to hit Amy. His temper is still there.

Nadira - please.

Pearl/Walter (though I have no idea what's happening with his weird hiatus/non hiatus) and Misbah/Zain and Nana. Pearl and Misbah are certainly more than good enough characters, (the Zain actor is atrocious though), but this is Hollyoaks where the young ones should be more independent to make mistakes and grow from them. There's enough/more important elder statesman characters on the show that makes them so unnecessary. Misbah/Pearl can certainly be guest characters if they really need. This leaves the Mart open to be run by someone else. I think it would work for Jack to own it. Work there partially. Darren runs it more fulltime (though I kind of like him as a stay at home (sexy) Dad) and they bond with whoever they hire part-time. Nana is useless to me. She just reminds me of the Myra shaped whole in what used to be a strong family.

On the fence ...

Maxine - Even bringing in a whole family for her hasn't given her a renewed life or purpose. There's really no one I care to see her paired with either. However, I was amused by the scene where she found herself attracted to a shirtless Ethan before a disgusted Lizzie reminded her that he was her uncle and she proceeded to be sick. Biggest problem with her is, Adam is the only proper love interest she actually had real chemistry with. Dodger and Warren were painful every step of the way. Too bad Sami left, because they had unexplored potential.

Sienna - I pray they are done with the Warren pairing. They've worked previously, but that is a dead horse they need to stop kicking. She was at her best in the school, but they unfortunately took that away from her. She can be amusing with Ste sometimes, but he obviously needs to go. Her and Ethan do have chemistry, but I think it's a shame they're chaining him to her. I think he could better flourish elsewhere. If John Paul could (inevitably) go back to the school after paralyzing a student, her reinstatement should be a piece of cake. Once this Norma story is over, that is where her future should lie if they want her to have one that is fruitful.

Joel - see above

Brooke - I want her to succeed, but not if the random nightmare I thought up happens.

Edited by Bright Eyes
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Great recap and great thoughts.

But I do think Darren/Ethan works. I mean Ethan did spare his live and was in a difficult situation back then. 

Silas end was satisfying and im glad its done for good!

Sid is a big loss for Hollyoaks.

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I hate the Chen-Williams Family. Besides Ethan they do nothing for me.

About your axing thoughts:

Warren has to stay. He makes this show wholesome Oh u brought up Spencer. I forgot about him. I remember he was quit a good friend with the Valentines family. Didn’t he moved away with them during the 2010 revamp?

The only two people he murdered that I will never forgive Warren for are Louise and Bart! Even though I understand why he killed Bart. Weird that he didn’t killed his son for that too? I mean he was responsible too.

I still hope they would do a re-write and bring back Louise. She was the best! 

Sienna/Warren is dead. I agree on that. 

Maxine is my favorite. Grace too but I could love without Grace being gangster again tbh. She was so much better as that soft and vulnerable women

Ste is the  most overrated character of this entire show tbh. His character died for me when Amy was murdered and when he joined the rascist group back then. It didn’t made any sense. His best story’s were when he was with Amy and then with Brendan. The connection that Ste thought he was deserving the beating because of what he did to Amy showed a lot of character development and how he learned from it. 

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