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SOD: B&B Revamp?

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Echoing everybody's comments on restoring heart and soul to the show.... I agree with whoever said that Brad Bell's ADD is killing B&B. The way he drops and zips through SLs in a rush to finish the week with a new story arc drives me crazy. I can't invest in anythng B&B related anymore. And when you cannot invest in a daily soap, that's when you've lost the viewer.

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I got really scared a few weeks back when we saw photos of Susan Flannery and Ellen Wheeler when Flannery was checking out GL's new production style. Why would a #2 show want to imitate the last place show who's ratings have dropped faster than the ball on New Year's Eve in Times Square? Be very afraid for B&B.

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Obviously CBS missed the memo on daytime audience getting older not younger. Making B&B appealing to a younger audience that is not coming back and revamp The Price Is Right for those similar reasons.

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I think B&B is the one soap that has potential to appeal to a younger audience over summer...it's only a half hour, there isnt a huge cast so its pretty easy to get to know all of the characters...let's not lie, it does have a slightly dated look to it and for a show about fashion that's not very good. If they really wanted to reach out to a younger audience they'd have someone like Lauren Conrad appear as herself and reach out to that The Hills demographic...maybe Phoebe and Steffy run into her at a LA nightclub or she produces a collection for Forrester that can then be sold in real life as well, B&B is the one soap that could do something like that without it being too gimmicky as it's actually about FASHION.

It has the potential to reach out to the younger viewers more than any of the other soaps, and if they were to build up the younger set into interesting storylines that arent just about Ridge and Brooke breaking up/getting together, it could really work. They could ackowledge their LA location and have a satirical approach to all things Hollywood...have them work with fictional celebrities or fashion personas, take the camp approach but play it totally straight. Ackowledge the fact that these people are, in their fictional universe, celebrities...have a tabloid reporter who tries to romance Thorne and get him to reveal all of the secrets about his family, only for her to fall in love with him and decide not to write her tell all book about the sordid lives of Forrester...only for Thorne to discover what she's up to and end the relationship. Have Jackie romanced by some old school movie star...have one of the Forrester twins seduced by the prospect of fame and fortune out of her family's shadow by appearing in a reality show or something...have storylines that actually last for more than a month...USE ALL OF YOUR CAST...Felicia hires a big shot photographer to launch a new Forrester campaign only to embark on an affair with him...or even HER.

And lastly, for a show about fashion, stop having the central fashion house produce things that look like they were borrowed from the Dynasty costume department, hire a wardrobe department with current fashion knowhow and team them with some of the existing people...do a major promotional campaign with billboards and the like...but dont do it gimmicky, do it smartly.

Viewers dont care about 'cool' camera angles and a rocky soundtrack...keep it crisp and simple, modern and clean...like Desperate Houswives...no telenovela style zoom ins or overly dramatic music...just simple, dramatic, modern yet timeless.

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I love the old-school dramatic music.


But I agree that they need to update their fashion aesthetic from 1991. Someone needs to crack open a Vogue and start name-dropping designers. Michael Kors, Ralph Lauren if they want to play it safe, but Felicia needs to start referencing Balenciaga and Nicolas Gesquière (because she has that sexy goth vibe about her) and so does Brigitt Muller, B&B's head of wardrobe.

And no gay men? Anywhere? In LA? In fashion? :lol: Unless B&B are going the bisexual route with Marcus and Owen...

But personally, I don't think Brad Bell is interested in fashion at all as much as he is in keeping the B&B money wheel spinning.

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LOL, no, and I'm sure you suspected that! But I do read it. Even though it's become very safe in recent years (she said, sniffily). If I were really pretentious, I'd suggest Muller subscribe to French or German Vogue (I think she's German) as both are a lot more trendy and avant garde. But I'm not. B)

That reminds me. A shame GH and Y&R have already stolen the idea, but B&B needs an Anna Wintour in its cast. Lesley-Anne Down would be perfect as that sort of character. But maybe Chloe could switch shows once Y&R had safely established that Lily is Miss Mary-Sue Perfect and Cane will wuv her foreverandeverandever.

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:lol: I knew you read it, you seem like an independent, I-can-do-it alone kind of woman. :P I would even go further to suggest that you have the glamour od Dietrich you mentioned in the smoking thread. :P:lol:

P. S. I wonder why you didn't mention Burda! :lol: That would be sacrilegious! With the "fashion" the show has nowadays, that would be a perfect fit. But I agree - French and German Vogue have much, much more refinement that the US version does. British, too.


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Goodness! Thank you for the compliment! I assure you, I don't have anything approaching Dietrich's allure. But I do admire that kind of true glamour.

As for Burda -- woah! The sewing patterns firm? :lol: B&B's "fashion shows" have almost become a parody of themselves with the outdated style, weird accessorizing and sole three models who walk up and down the catwalk showcasing the same outfit. B&B is definitely channelling Nolan Miller. Via Marshall's. And I think they are doing it on purpose.

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In honor of B&B's cutting-edge style over the past few years, I thought I would post some of these wonders.


Jackie looks like she's about to line-dance.


Shoulder pads. The 80s are back!


The f*ck?

And my personal fave... the Mayan Wedding.



And just because it's Sally:


It's not her, it's the headless outfit next to her I have a problem with.

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