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General Hospital: Brownstone murders 1985

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I'm reading some old stuff on SODs' and I have to admit that I am rather confused over the Brownstone murder mystery fall 1985 early 1986: can someone explain the storyline to me?

It's funny that both ATWT and GH had their probably most complex murder mysteries (Marie Kovac's murder and Doug Cummings as Kim's secret admirer on ATWT) at the same time.

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The Laurelton story got me back into GH in the mid-80s. It was a confusing story, but it was hot on the heels of David Groh's vile "D L Brock" (Bobbie's abusive husband) and introduced Lucy Coe to the show in one of the most fabulous reveals every (mousy librarian becomes sex pot before our eyes).

In reading the 1985/1986 material, I am struck by how much I enjoyed it! So many classic characters introduced (Robin! Sean!). Although GH was already in descent by this period, this time before Claire Labine's arrival was still pretty good in places. But I also see that by 1987 (when my life got pretty busy) I had lost interest, and no interest in the tale of Duke Lavery and all the nonsense that followed.

From this starting link, if you read forward, you'll get the story. I've extracted a few beats here:




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Well, the SECRET (which is what I found compelling) turned out to be a red herring, not really tied to the murders.

The secret was really only relevant from the small-town hyper-Christian (never called that) morality of Laurelton:

From this link:

So, that is what led people to think that crazy TERRY was the murderer...because she had been "crazy" all those years before.

In the end, though, Kevin was really just trying to frame others (Terry--whom he eventually married and wanted to kill; brother Patrick) for the murders. Why? Because it would make him heir apparent to the "Purity Water" fortune. It was this prospect for richness that was Lucy's attraction to Kevin (besides his smoking bod). I forget if the plan was to get Patrick sent to prison (so Kevin would inherit) or to get Terry to kill Patrick.

This was such a disconnect from Terry's introduction as the spoiled daughter of wife beater D L Brock. The small town stuff came much later.

SOD/SOW decried that story even then as too long lasting and too convoluted. I guess that was true, in retrospect, but I sure loved it. I had left GH after Laura Weber followed David Gray into the fog, and I stayed away (more or less) until the Laurelton murders. That held me for a year (I went back to daily taping), but as soon as the murder was over, I lost interest. I think when Blackie Parrish left and went to prison (that must have happened shortly after) I was gone too. I stopped taping it, and only kept track from a distance.

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I think I may have an episode of this storyline on tape. I found it a few years back at my grandmother's house.

I didn't watch GH back then, I was way too young, but I believe the episode has the characters Terry and Kevin getting married. There was a lot of location shoots and many PC residents were in Laurelton for the wedding (Frisco, Felicia, Bobbie, Anna, etc.) It was a pretty confusing episode and I didn't understand what was going on. I'm pretty sure it's related to this story, so if anyone wants the credits or any other info, let me know.

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Sure, the Laurelton mystery was a clunker that you had to have a degree in rocket science to figure out...but in hindsight most of the action/adventure storylines on GH post Laura's original departure in 1982 were also.

However, credit must be given to Gloria Monty and the talented ensemble cast of the early-late 80's. Even when the action stories seemed to make no sense and/or became convoluted, GH was still a great show to watch. This was due to three important elements: the superb production values that were hands down far above anything else in daytime; the fast-pace of the storytelling that made one have to watch daily so as not to miss any of the action that usually always resulted in a wallop of a climax; and most importantly characters who for the most part was strongly written with clear motivations and identities, heroes and heroines the audience could identify with and root for, characters played by capable and engaging actors able to make connections with the audience.

For example, the Laurelton mystery kept me guessing daily about what in the hell was going on, but it wasn't a feeling of frustration and despair and the urge to just turn the channel (as one feels watching the present-day version of GH). The various beats of the story were able to hook viewers, and sure enough at the tale's climax the show treated the audience to a gorgeous and action-packed location shoot that ended with Kevin taking a nasty plunge off a cliff on Catalina Island.

Even though the emphasis of the show at the time was on action and adventure, the hospital itself was always front and center, and it was Monty's golden rule the action was never to get in the way of what the audience truly wanted: romance.

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Here you go. I believe this episode aired on Tueday, February 18, 1986.

Created By

Frank and Doris Hursley

Executive Producer

Gloria Monty

Directed By

Marlena Laird

Remote Material Directed By

Gloria Monty & Marlena Laird

Written By

Pat Falken Smith

Norma Monty


James E. Reilly

Patrick Smith

Maralyn Thoma


Robert Guza, Jr. <_<

Doris Silverton

Robert Soderberg

Story Consultant

A.J. Russell

Coordinating Producers

Jerry Balme

Joe Willmore

Location Material Taped In

Charleston, So. Carolina



Copyright 1986 American Broadcasting Companies, Inc.

All Rights Reserved

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