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Y&R: Looking forward to the summer

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I see Y&R rivaling OLTL for "The Best Soap" come summer (pending on rumors). The one good thing about Y&R is that unlike OLTL there cast is more consistent, and let's face it, the production is a million times better over here (even without Scott and David).

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It's true that the production and lighting on Y&R lifts the bar in a way other soaps (except B&B) have yet to reach. However, I have noticed some wear-and-tear on the furniture in scenes. The Abbott mansion has a sofa which needs a spring clean and other furnishings look threadbare. At Jabot, some of the furniture needs a good clean! Scott or Shaughnessy would have spotted that.

:lol: On the other hand... I haven't seen LML's beloved Newman break room used in a while. And IA that Y&R could really do well this summer if it plays its storytelling cards right.

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^^^LOL, good point about the break room I totally forgot about that. I liked it at first, but the novelty wore out rather quickly. Besides I'd take having Jabot back, than that stupid place. I also agree that the furniture could use some updating, badly!

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I am no longer optimistic. Let me say I have seen scuffs on Kay's walls, especially by the dining room door. Maybe this was always there and my HD TV shows it better...but I see it.

I don't see how ANY revision this summer is going to fix things.

Let's say Sabrina and Cane's stories ramp up and become, shall we say, "OLTL Quality". Then you'll have viewers like Darn and others saying..."but this is not the unique brand of Y&R. This is not the meticulous, emotion-based storytelling that defined the show".

So, let's say Maria Arena Bell does a seance and channels the ghost of Bill Bell Sr., and he possesses her. And let's say Y&R returns PERFECTLY to its former style. Then we'll have viewers...loads of them...complaining how boring and slow the show is.


Hopelessness is the core of depression, they say. When it comes to Y&R, I honestly see little hope.

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^^^I see where you're coming from but the last couple of days have been good. Actually, you can argue that most of MAB Y&R has been "true to form." The slow, at times boring buildup has been a Y&R staple (I guess the stories were better though). It wasn't always all excitement. However, as times change I guess everyone just wants to be entertained, and move on to the next and the next....

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I'm sorry to hear how depressed you are about Y&R. IA the show is not the way it was 10 years ago, or 5. But compared to Out of Our Asses? Amber's porn mole on her breast? I am finding the last few days of episodes almost a joy to watch. Especially with the amount of screentime Nikki, Jill and Kay are getting.

And if Y&R got some "OLTL quality" -- which they managed to package with some Y&R sheen -- then you wouldn't hear me complaining. Nor if Bill Bell Sr took over MAB's writing soul! I don't mind shows that take their time to tell a story. As long as there is story to tell.

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OMG. The "mole on the breast" was one of the most absurd and funniest things EVER. Stupid "Extreme Catwalk" was such a dud too.

Question: What is Kathy Foster up to these days? I consider her to be Y&R's finest director.

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I agree the show is already better. I'm not bored to death anymore. I'm actaully enjoying every storyline somewhat. My only complaint so far for this week is that I wish we wouldn't have to have seen Victora and Sabrina's honeymoon. We could have used a break from them. The show seems to actually have storylines where a month ago it didn't.

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It definitely is. I just feel like (and I can't believe I'm saying this) they need just one big event to get people to tune back in again. I *HATE* all that plot-driven stuff, and I'm not saying it should be some long drawn-out disaster epic like Out of the Ashes (GOD NO!) But just something big story wise to make people tune back in again. I don't know what though. I'm not saying I have the answer. Well, I do. Khan had a great idea - Sabrina, David and Cane are all working together for Adam, who is planniung on taking over Jabot and Newman to prove he's a bigger titan than his father. They're all cons, and nothing they've said is true. (Adam is still Victor's son, but the rest is bull) They're behind Nick's plane crash,. Clear Springs, and Ji Min's death. You tag a Friday on Sabrina, Cane and David showing up in a warehouse (or whatever): What next, boss? And out steps Adam from the shadows with an evil grin.

BAM! Suddenly, I'm interested in EVERY storyline on that show, and much of LML's disasters are fixed. And there's no WAY I'm fast-forwarding anything.

Sure, it makes the show one big umbrella story, but SOMETHING HUGE needs to be done.

(He had more to the story, but he can post it if he wants. :D )

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Hey Everyone,

Wish I could spill the beans on some of the upcoming Y&R stories, but I've been sworn to secrecy and for the first time (in I think EVER, lol) (wow, that doesn't say much for me), I'm gonna keep my word. But I will say this: Believe what you've been hearing. Cause what I hear is down the pike for August is freaking on fire!!! It's really gonna be good GOOD stuff! :D


You're gonna get your wish, brimike... ;)

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