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ATWT week of June 23

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Yup I agree. Too bad we couldnt get a better actor in the role.

I've noticed that too lately. At first when he came on the show his acting wasnt like that. Now that he has gotten all this attention I think it has gone to his head. I dont like his acting as of late. And it does come off as I am cute and look at me attitude.

Not a Nuke fan Ann?? It seems a lot of viewers laughed at Silberman's acting today. I was about to laugh but contained myself.

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I can't believe I just wasted seven minutes and forty-one seconds on that. And yes, I knew that's how long it was because I just kept staring at the timer to see how much more I had.

I was a Van fan. But lately, he's just been working my last nerve. And I've been against both Silbermann AND the character of Noah from the beginning. It's been just one botched attempt after another to force these two into some sort of relationship that SO MANY AUDIENCE MEMBERS so desperately want to see succeed - but mainly because of their own life stories, their own struggles, and to validate the existence of a homosexual story on daytime. But let's face it - they are horribly written and have been from the beginning, and acted by two very green young actors (Van is stronger than Jake, but I agree with the poster who said this has all gone to his head and now he's just resting on his laurels), both of whom are not strong enough to overcome the LOUSY material they've being given. (Maura West is probably the only actress on this show who could have sold the whole "Where is my home/Your home is with me" garbage) This seven minutes and forty-one second mind-numbingly horrible series of scenes speaks volumes about everything wrong with Oakdale these days. It really, really, REALLY breaks my heart. You want to talk about where my home is? I used to feel like when I watched ATWT. Not anymore.

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GREAT comparisons, JP. You're so right. This last year with Gwen was like a countdown to getting rid of her, and I couldn't wait. lOne of the freshest talents to come along on ATWT in a LOOOONG time. And they just killed it. Same with Julie, who was a WONDERFUL casting job as Luke and Laura's daughter, and now I can't wait until some mobster puts a bullet between her eyes.

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Collier was fine for Mike Kasnoff. Mike *should* be a down-home, meat-and-potatoes, non-animated, unlayered, salt-of-the-earth guy. Honestly, for Mike? Just have a good smile, broad chest, and look like you can hang with the boys swiggin' back beers. We're not exactly dealing with Roger Thorpe here. :)

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:o You thought W H A T ? ! *b!tchslap*


Okay, now on to my opinions.....

Nuke = fast forward what what?! LOL!

Bonnie = If they're only going to use her as a substitute lawyer every blue moon and not throw her into an actual story....then what, pray tell, were TPTB smoking to let Tunie walk?! Oh yeah....she had WAY more talent than they ever used.

Chris = Oh dear, what can I say about the wonderful Hughes doctor? I think Alison pretty much summed it up in her confrontation with him at the Lakeview bar. :D I was sooo proud of my girl! Hehehe!

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Holy CRAP! I feel so stupid now for not realizing a long time ago that Bonnie is basically a Jessica replacement. They tried to fool us by having her bail Holden's hay for a while, but yep, she's become just like dear old mom. Is she gonna jump Oakdale to be medical examiner for a bunch of pompous New York detectives too?

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But there was an annoying earnestness to Collier that made Mike into a wimp. Remember how he practically stalked Molly back to Oakdale? And it really annoyed me (back then) that TIIC totally glossed over the Carly/Mike/Ro history. Now, however, I'm completely grateful they didn't really open up that can of worms so much. Carly and Ro had obviously moved way beyond him. :)

That's what I could put in a post!!! My one point, my opinion was laced with so many expletives, it made sailors blush.

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