Members NYC123 Posted June 24, 2008 Members Share Posted June 24, 2008 You know what I hope Pratt does not make anyone like Sonny. That would be soooo BAD! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Laurie Posted June 24, 2008 Members Share Posted June 24, 2008 Ugh I hope Pratt doesn't bring the mob to AMC. Major points off if he does Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members dragonflies Posted June 24, 2008 Author Members Share Posted June 24, 2008 Yeah I really doubt he will, unless he is trying to get AMC cancelled. Seriously though given all Richie did to Zach and JR, he got off really easy I'd say. I mean he almost killed Zach(and the bitch) and gave JR heptatis when he STOLE his bone marrow Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members R Sinclair Posted June 24, 2008 Members Share Posted June 24, 2008 Okay, the bitch is back and I make no apologies for it... There's no such thing as a Real Babe, Real Greenlee, Real Santa Claus. It's a fictional character. I mean, honestly... Why don't we make Frons work just a little bit harder before we flat out ask for seconds of his vomit inducing brainwashing Kool-Aid, shall we? Babe's being written as judgmental and sanctimonious as she's always been. I mean, a woman who justifies cheating on her husband all because he wouldn't show her attention because he thought his 16 year old sister was possibly killed in a yacht crash (an action performed by Real Babe) doesn't necessarily show a compassionate, humble young woman. It shows a self-centered woman who goes for the quick fix and doesn't think about the consequences of her actions until they come back to bite her on the ass and then asks for forgiveness with tinkly music playing in the background. At least this version of Babe is not so weepy and spineless, acting like a victim of her own actions. For me, I actually respect this version of Babe a hell of a lot more than I did with the previous version (actresses aside, I'm just going on the writing and the portrayls... not some blind, undying loyalty to Baker or Havins). I still don't like the character, but I know if I saw this version get attacked by the Satin Slayer, I wouldn't be as giddy and excited as I was when the previous version was jabbed with the needle. I think it's odd that anyone would even think Greenlee has the possibility of being that self aware to point of not accuse someone she doesn't like anyway of something she also did eight years ago. Ewww, are you serious? Zach has all the markers of being Sonny II. He's a dark, intense, brooding character. He has extraordinary daddy issues. He's a powerful man with questionable contacts to the underworld... Tad's a private investigator that's holier than thou and Ryan's, what...? Unemployed with amnesia? I swear. How can we scream "HACK!" and "character driven storylines" and "written out of character" if we don't even see the character standing there buck naked, staring us straight in the face with neon signs pointing out all of their character traits? If Ryan had a stronger, more suave presence, he could possibly be a Jax II. But I don't see nearly enough intensity for that, let alone a Sonny comparison. With this I can agree. Adam was "lying" when he said he could help Tad find Kate... and then when Adam tells Tad Kathy's Kate, he's the bad guy because he knew for two minutes before giving up the goods. He's damned if he does and damned if he doesn't... and the same thing with Annie. Now that she's "crazy" -- well, let me remove the quotes, because anybody who is pathetic enough to want Ryan back after they've been freed from him is just plain crazy. No ifs and or buts. But, anyway... now that she's crazy, Annie's damned if she does and damned if she doesn't. This is something I don't like... When writers point out the flaws they're clearly aware of in their stories via characters that can easily be dismissed. It's a subtle trick, but an insulting trick all the same. Nah, I think Kendall's Carly-ish. A girl who was put up for adoption, lived in Florida, came back north as a grown woman to seek revenge on the mother who gave her up. Has abandonment issues and always "does something crazy" whenever she feels her relationship is being threatened. Greenlee's Brenda-ish, IMO. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members DeeeDee Posted June 24, 2008 Members Share Posted June 24, 2008 Good points. But Richie was the one who wronged Zach. He didn't do anything to deserve what Richie did to him so it wasn't like he was a general in some mob war. That works too. lol Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members R Sinclair Posted June 24, 2008 Members Share Posted June 24, 2008 I'm speaking in general. What he did to Richie is extreme, but I'm speaking about the character as a whole. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members JackPeyton Posted June 24, 2008 Members Share Posted June 24, 2008 Give it time. At one time sonny wasnt like he is. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members DeeeDee Posted June 24, 2008 Members Share Posted June 24, 2008 Touche. At least he isn't eating Pine Valley as a whole. Yet. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members EricMontreal22 Posted June 24, 2008 Members Share Posted June 24, 2008 I actually agree with R on most of this--which is why I don't hope Pratt sees Zach as his Sonny type character and takes him even more in that direction. I agree about Greenlee--it would be SO out of character for her to think "Hey I stalked this woman's husband nearly a decade ago myself when she wasn't around so I'll just let her be crazy with me--no worries". That would be pretty unsoapoperalike anyway, but to complain a character like Greenlee isn't doing that seems bizarre to me. Besides Ryan did mention her axe incident Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Cheap21 Posted June 24, 2008 Members Share Posted June 24, 2008 Greenlee has been a big miss since she came back. I used to love her but now cant stand her. I want her gone Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members althea-davis Posted June 24, 2008 Members Share Posted June 24, 2008 The image of Richie all bloody and destroyed in his face sticks in my mind as a very Sonny thing to do. Next Zach will be hanging Richie on a hook ... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Cheap21 Posted June 24, 2008 Members Share Posted June 24, 2008 Ryan and Aidan already hung him with a noose Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members althea-davis Posted June 24, 2008 Members Share Posted June 24, 2008 You are right. Still seeing the man's voice all bloody and broken was NOT entertainment to me. It was disgusting and made me lose resepct for Zach who I was liking more until yesterday. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Skin Posted June 25, 2008 Members Share Posted June 25, 2008 This version of Babe is a valley girl bimbo. She is sanctimonious and judgemental and preachy. She is no where near as passionate or as deep as Alexa's Babe. Even when Babe did wrong things or when she made mistakes she always had the ability to internalize what she did, reflect and find the insight within herself to try and understand the other person. Havin's Babe was spineless? Really she had an entire town calling for her blood back in 2005 and 2007. She was routinely attacked by JR, Janet, Paul Cramer, Satin Slayer, ect. and still fought back and held her own. Babe was anything but spineless just look back during Janet's return, Miranda/Little Adam's birth scenes or even during the Zoe/Satin Slayer storyline and you will see Babe at her strongest. Alexa Havin's Babe is the strong one easily. Baker's Babe has done nothing to even show strength except her pompus attitude tirades or her shrill contemptive tones towards anyone who speaks a word against her (i.e. JR, Kendell, ect.) Havins Babe was easily the more heroic and stronger one. NuBabe has yet to prove anything of strength she is all talk and very little if any action. Oh I am sorry their was that time where she dressed up as a hooker, I am sorry that does show intense strength and courage certaintly just as much as going up against an insane psychopath who went after her family and blew up a Mardi Gras party. That's great. Kudos. I don't respect this incarnation of her. at. all. I find her to be dim witted, watered down, shrill, preachy version with all of Babe's softer, stronger and most dynamic sides decaying a way every single day Baker is in the role. She isn't nearly as complex as Havin's Babe. Alexa had the extrodinary ability to play a character who was inconsistently written with integrity and sincerity. She put her entire heart into the role and we saw her heart, her mindset and her motivations in every.single. scene and could understand and even sympathsize with her actions. I no longer care for the character of Babe Carey which is horriable since Havin's infused such energy and vitality into the role for four years. I know I easily sympathsize more with Babe as a mother. I know I felt more watching Havins' Babe in the hospital hooked up into machines then I ever will with Baker's Babe. Especially after seeing how vulnerable Babe was when she was terrified for herself and Bianca and thier children and how she desperately called Paul Cramer to help deliver her child. How she warred against the storm to David Hayward's cabin to find a phone for help. How she was struck with an infection after delivering her baby and how hard she worked to get her child back after JR paid off a judge to revoke her visitation rights, ect. I easily sympathsize with Havin's Babe more as a mother, she works it much more believably. I sympathsize more with Babe as a daughter especially with the deep chemistry that Eakes and Havin's have as mother and daughter. I know I sympathsize alot more with Havins' Babe as a wife and lover since she was always so love starved and we saw consistiently how much her relationship with JR hurt her and we saw how much she hurt after finding out that JR tried to kill her, ect. So I much easily sympathsize with the previous version. She was stronger, more dynamic and earnestly portrayed. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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